Can u suggest some fat losing tips...

@Divzs18 (441)
June 5, 2007 1:27pm CST
One of my friend is acing with some kind of problem with related to her fat. Though she is not at all overweight but still her thighs and biceps are hold lot of fat. She normally looks average. But she is worried about her fat in unwanted areas. The problem here is that she didn't afford to join any gym. or weight loosing clubs owing to her buzy schedule at work. So can anybody suggest some tips for her so that she can loose her fat from thighs and bieps.
1 response
@pzazzs (17)
• India
5 Jun 07
Consume food which involves some fiber in it,you should never have food which involves oil in it. Please see that you do some regular exercises especially yoga is good for health.