gay Animals

gay rats - gay rats in action
June 5, 2007 3:52pm CST
I saw this as a news some thime ago (a week or 2) that some sientists have done biological experiments and have prodused "GAY RATS". Yeah that's right.. gay animals. I think that the sientist are F*CKIN perverts. What are they trying to do? Make the gay a normal nature thing?What do you think about the whole thing?
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3 responses
• United States
6 Jun 07
Gay animals are actually rather common, so I do not understand your disgust. Gay is natural, it happens in nature quite a bit. A lot of animals are gay. You just don't hear about it that often, because it happens in the wild and people aren't around to document it. Humans aren't the only gay things that inhabit the earth. And I find your statement about making THE GAY a rather discriminating comment. Please choose your words more wisely.
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• Greece
15 Jun 07
it happens in nature when some sick scientist without a life decides to do it? Yeah I see your logic now. It's very "natural". What was I thinking... The animals are going gay as something's wrong were they live, not because it's of their species, atleast that's what I understand from the posts here. Now my english may be bad or something, but whatever. Also it was interesting for me when will the first post like your's come so... thanks for taking the time to post.
@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
Like everyone else says, gay animals have been around forever. I was just reading that even dust mites can be gay! When they mate, the males don´t enter the reproductive tract, they stab a hole in the female´s abdomen. Apparently, they discovered that some males had mating scars in their abdomens as well! If it happens naturally in animals (I´m pretty sure no one engineered those mites!), then what is the big deal?
• United States
9 Jun 07
Breeding tropical fishes , I find that many times female fish (especially a angelfish) will mate and produce eggs (although none of them will hatch) but sometimes these females will mate many times even though there are males in the tank. I have not witnessed it personally but I have heard of males doing the same thing but without eggs.