U ever felt afraid or scared for no specific reason ????

Fear - do you feel it ?
Saudi Arabia
June 5, 2007 6:40pm CST
U ever felt afraid for no specific reason known to you??? How did it feel like? how did you deal with it? did it come 2 u frequently or just once? would you share your experience with us here, (be descriptive if possible).
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3 responses
10 Jun 07
Damn!! I tottally missed this discussion! Yes, I have felt fear. I know it. I have worked with it and used it. I can even smell it. From my experience it never happens for no reason. There always has to be a reason. A bad dream, a crazy thought, the back of your mind, your subconscious. My personal experience was an evil presence. Calls my name while am asleep. Sends shivers down my spine, telling me he's there. Cold. as cold of space. The best way to deal with fear is to TOTTALLY ignore it. You show fear, you even think it. You WILL belong to them. DON'T ever DO THAT!
• Saudi Arabia
10 Jun 07
I am trying my best here believe me but things aren't as simple as they may seem to be. There's actually more into the topic. I agree with you it can't happen for no reason but sometimes we don't seem capable of knowing what the reason is. That's the main problem here. Thank you very much for your support and response.
• Saudi Arabia
13 Jun 07
To be honest it is too complicated 2 be described in a few words. I am doing my best. Thanx a lot my friend.
10 Jun 07
I would like to know what else is to the topic and I never said it was easy. Just do your best my friend. Good luck.
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
6 Jun 07
Deadraven it happened to me a couple of times, and I can never explain to people what a funny feeling it is. Sometimes when this feeling of being afraid comes over me I always phone my daughter to hear if she is ok. I think I'm a bit psychic, but I don't know how to open up to it, as to understand it better, and sometimes when I get that feeling I keep on imagining that someone is calling me. Wow! don't get me wrong I don't hear voices or anything, just my name being called. This happens quite often to such an extend that when I go to my husband and ask him if he called me, and he didn't, then he would ask me are you having that feeling again. Truly a scary business and unexplainable
• Saudi Arabia
7 Jun 07
Hi Annie, i kept re-reading ur response. True not easy to open up. I feel the case here is unexplainable. When that happens you feel you talk 2 a person you feel comfortable with, you feel as if noone can comfort you. The feeling is weird and strange. It is not hearing voices or somethin but i can call it insecurity, yes insecurity, i was about to start a thorough discussion on that regard but dunno something stopped me. It is a kind of thing you can't tell everybody coz people may misundersand u. This thing is associated with two problems; first: it is so difficult to describe what are things you feel precisely, second: It is not easy to find someone who could unerstand you. You know what i mean sometimes even the closest ppl, ur dearest friend or ur spouse, despite they love u but can't fully understand it. It's rare to find a person who has got three things: the will to help, understand the problem (and this very important, someone who could undersatnd it) then the third quality is to do his best to comfort u. Honestly not an easy topic here. I am glad you responded.
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
10 Jun 07
Thank you for the best response vote deadraven, and it is discussions like this, that separates you from the rest. Thanks again my friend:D
@jolamama (92)
• United States
5 Jun 07
In my opinion there is always a reason. It may be a negative energy you feel. Negative energy is strong. You just have to stay calm and it will pass.
• Saudi Arabia
7 Jun 07
I know my friend it is negative energy but the problem if you can't figure what the reason is. Thanx 4 the response...