The New Cold War: Some idiots never learn

United States
June 5, 2007 7:41pm CST
I dont know about the rest of the Mylot world but, I am once again disgusted by world events. After almost 15 years of repairing relationships, the head as*holes (Bush and Putin) are at it again. These two cowardly buffoons are engaged in yet another world wide pissing contest. These two men are responsible for the potential misery of millions everyday, yet no one cares. Now after breathing a sigh of "Maybe we won't die today in nuclear holocaust" relief, we'll all have to clench again. Lets see...Bush is still touting his costly and useless missle shield over Europe, and Putin has announced the next generation of nuclear warheads possibly being pointed at Europe. Is there anyone else thinking that removing these two from the playing field just may be the best course. First off, that missle shield is going to be payed for with my tax money against my wishes. I wouldn't piss on Bush if he was on fire, the man disgusts me. Second, the shield can never be battle-tested. I truly believe that the inventors of mutually assured destruction should be dug up and thrown in a landfill. Their rotting corpses are not good enough for Mother Earth. How many billions of dollars have we wasted already on weapons we should NEVER EVER use? They knew in the late 1940's that these da*n things were gonna idle and rust but they spent astronomical sums on them anyway. Now, the second as*hole(Putin) just built a NEW generation of these worthless things? With his people's tax money, Putin has put swords in front of bread. Millions of Russians are starving. Democracy has been replaced by thugocracy. Why do we as Earthlings allow these men to breathe? Nuclear war will destroy the planet. The Pleides are 4000 LIGHT YEARS away. We wont be able to get off this planet in time to get there. How do the rest of you feel?
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5 responses
@wolves69 (755)
• United States
7 Jun 07
The fact of the matter is that missile technology is spreading rapidly across the globe...thanks to Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea. The US didn't help matters much when we gave offensive missile and space technology to China 8-12 years ago (I'm not talking about the secrets they stole). So, the threat of a missile attack anywhere in the world has increased dramatically and exponentially. Fortunately, most of this missile technology is older and has a higher probability to be stopped using a defensive shield. Remember, this technology has been under development since the 1980s, so the technology is viable and "should" be able to prevent a detonation. The main problem is Russia views this as a threat. Why? Their missiles lacked upkeep, and are using even older technology (its expensive to maintain a working missile, and even more expensive to maintain a viable warhead). This shield has the potential to stop a preemptive attack anywhere in the vicinity...not just to the US. The defense shield hasn't even been employed and Russia now says they have developed a missile that can penetrate this defense...LOL, really? Yes, there is a certain amount of bravado, but the Russian weapons trade is only rivaled by the US. Also remember, that Russia is slowly sliding back to its totalitarian ways. This time under the guise of democracy. Same actors, just different flags. Also, Russia never did have great relations with the US...its been luke warm at best. Remember, that Russia was offered to share in this defense, but they refused. Instead, they are using fear to try to get their former block countries to capitulate using veiled threats of nuclear retaliation in hopes that the block countries would forget about the west and rejoin their side (think Poland). Remember, Putin hasn't forgotten the power that the USSR once had and he's been quoted as saying its a priority to have the block countries to return to Russia's protection. As an added bonus, Russia's diatribe disturbs many through unwanted fear; thus making undercutting the right the US has to protect its borders....not only from Russia's missiles, but from the other countries that would tend to do the US harm. Now, about the cost and effectiveness. I've heard many argue that spending money on defense, armies, and even police forces is a waste, because one hopes to never use them. Using that logic, we hope never to use a firetruck...but we have them. We hope never to use insurances (life and health), but we still use them. Any sovereign nation has a right to defend itself and to project their strength in the defense of their interests. The peace of mind knowing the country is safe is priceless. Comments from Putin only show his true allegiances to the old way. Let the missile shield be a thorn in the side of those who are "not quite" our allies. The world isn't a utopian place and the UN sure hasn't made the world safer by any means.
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• United States
7 Jun 07
I dont know where you get your information, but the borders of the United States aren't in Europe. Never were, never will be. We fought a war of Independence, issued the Monroe prove it. The whole point of my article was that both Bush and Putin should be removed from the playing field, and the nuclear albatross that the world has had now for 63 years needs to be cut. What part of Total Annihilation dont you get? Billions of dollars from both sides, sit rusting in the silos. All of it needs to be eradicated. The fact that you want to spend billions on "should" work, make me question your sanity. A fire truck is a whole long way from an ICBM. Bush will start the last war, and retreat to safety while billions of people die, as will Putin. Doesn't that bother all of you? All the peoples of the world will perish, but the government leaders will stay intact. Total HUBRIS!!!!!!
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@wolves69 (755)
• United States
10 Jun 07
Question my sanity? Good one. It better to be prepared for war and not use those instruments, then to go to war unprepared.
• United States
11 Jun 07
That's cool, just do it with your money. I want my money going for postive things like adequate housing for EVERYONE, think about how many houses billions of dollars can buy. Instead of destroying the planet, why not take care of it?
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Jun 07
In my personal opinion, ErasmusNova, this is all just politics. All of this chest-beating is being used as a red-herring to distract us from what is really happening. That is that China is the real threat to everyone. They are gaining in strength more with each passing day. They will sneak up on us while we are otherwise occupied.
• United States
7 Jun 07
Excellent point, worldwise1. I also think Putin may be using this distraction so we won't see what kind of side deals Russia's making in the Middle East and China!
@rsa101 (38240)
• Philippines
6 Jun 07
Its true its a disgusting thing that these two superpowers are at it again. They are so insecure with each other that they will start an arms race again and waste so much money and resources just to outdo each other. i wonder what they will gain if they start releasing those bombs will they gain the whole world? What can they gain from it a wasted planet full of corpse. i hope this two country would realized that there are many problems that we have to face like terrorist threat.
• United States
6 Jun 07
I completely agree with u 100%. But I don't know what we as people could do. Sometimes I wish the President would be impeached. He is by far the worst president in all of the U.S. history. He is making us as Americans seem like idiots to the rest of the world.
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• Canada
6 Jun 07
It is sad isn't it. I never thought i'd live to see the day that humanity possibly destroys itself. But the way i look at it is this, there will soon be a time when the powers fall and the people take control. When the government is weak and helpless is when it will be time to reclaim the Freedom. They can have their american dreams, wire taps, mind control, "freedom" and patriotism. I dont want that and as a citizen I have a right to not accept it, and I dont care if it's unpatriotic. that's all crap anyways, patriotism isn't gonna feed my family or fuel my car it just makes everyones head look bigger and everyone else in the world seems to see that but us. There are terrible things being done around the world by our country and the worst thing is it's all in our name and the blood is on everyones hands, and it will be until we say enough! How does it feel knowing that the rest of the world hates you all because your government is doing something you dont support and they wont even listen to you. Not in our name!