Chess variants - Progressive chess
By ViragElvtars
@ViragElvtars (21)
June 6, 2007 11:02am CST
Do you know this kind os game? This is very enjoyable.
The rules of the game:
White begins the game with one move. Black follows with two consecutive moves. White then plays three consecutive moves, and so on. A single collection of consecutive moves is called a SERIES.
If one side begins the series in check, that side must spend the first move of his series getting out of check. If he cannot do so, he is in checkmate, and the game is over.
If one side delivers check in the middle of a series, that side forfeits all of its remaining moves. For example, if white delivers check on the third move of five in his series, play would immediately shift to black, who would then be allowed six moves.
If a pawn moves forward two squares in a single move of a side's series BUT NO FURTHER, the opposing side may spend the first move of his series to capture that pawn en passant (assuming he has a pawn in position to do so, as per normal chess rules).
If the side to move has no legal moves, even in mid-series, and is not in check, a stalemate occurs (progressive stalemate).
All other rules are as per normal chess.
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