How to cheat at on-line poker
By ViragElvtars
@ViragElvtars (21)
June 6, 2007 11:44am CST
I collected here the main cheating methods at on-line poker.
First of all, I refuse any cheating and I will never try any cheating methods. And I also don't want to give cheating ideas. But if you play on-line poker, you must know this methods.
Collusion is the co-operation of two or more players at the same table to better their odds at winning. It is possible through telephones, or any other ways.
The colluders will be recognized sooner or later. The poker rooms check the playes who usually play at the same table.
When somebody plays at a table with more account using more computers. It's uncoftable a little, he must run from a computer to the other one.
Poker trackers, odds calculators
The poker tracker is a software which helps you to analyze your and the opponent's play. They usually collect the hand history generated by the poker client. They can recognize that your opponents are tight or loose, agressive or passive. And they can give advice in a game situation counting the possibilities.
I don't know wheter this is a real cheat. A professional player can collect these imformations using only his memory. But this is a very good tool for a beginner, and I think it is useful to improve his poker skills.
Some poker tracker softwares:
Poker Indicator, Holdem Pirate, Poker Spy, Pokerbility, Texas Calculatem, Sit and Go Shark, Holdem Genius, Poker Prophecy, Poker Office, Poker Tracker
On-line poker robots
A poker robot works like a poker tracker, but not only analyzes, it can play instead of you. You don't have to do anything, you can leave the computer alone.
This kind of software is for example the PokerBot Pro.
Changing the hole cards
There are 2 softwares (Pocket Aces and Card Swap Elite) that (supposedly) can change your hole cards to whatewer you want. I can't imagine that they are work, it seems totally impossible.
RNG softwares
The most famous one is the PokerRNG, this is quiet interesting.
When a poker client software is dealing the cards, he uses a so called RNG (random number generating) algorithm. Theoretically all of cards have the same chance to be dealt. But the random number generating with a computer is not absolutely random.
The PokerRNG (supposedly) can find the RNG algorithm of the poker room. For this it needs input data, you must enter into the PokerRNG software your hand histories manually (The 5.0 version can use autotracking). The software needs about 2000 hand history records to work properly. After that his RNG algorithm will be synchronized with the poker software's RNG. This way it can predict the common cards and find out the opponent's hole cards.
I don't know wheter it works, but I am curious. The poker rooms say that their RNG is absolutely safe, and they change it usually. The developers of the PokerRNG say that this software works. I have red some comments from the users of this product, the opinions are various. I hope that it is only a big scam, and everybody who buy this product will lose his money.
Summarized, there are several dangers for the players who plays on-line poker honestly. I hope the poker rooms can manage this kind of threats, and the speech remains true: the winners never cheat and the cheaters never win.
2 responses
@blackelvis64 (1)
11 Oct 07
hi every1
just posted a video of a poker bot in action at check it out just type in poker bot and you should find it.I have not tried it my self yet but it looks promising,question is do they win check it out
@sleets (7)
13 Jun 07
Poker office/tracker are not cheating devices as they simply calculate the odds for pots and hitting cards for u instead of having to learn them. If u play enough you will know ur outs and odds anyway. They also record the sessions u play and u can replay any hand u played to see how you played it. It also records your profit for each session and level also your BB/100. I know a few online pro's and they all use one of these programmes. I would recommend a beginner buy one of these before they start to bankroll and it is essential.