Paris Hilton--Health Problem?

United States
June 7, 2007 1:18pm CST
Ok, so Paris Hilton has just been moved to house arrest because of an undisclosed medical problem. Now, I will admit that I am paranoid, and suspicious. What medical problem could she possibly have to justify this maneuver? Don't their have doctors working at the jail? And how is being confined to your house considered punishment? (Ok, I am a writer, so I really don't get that one; I want to be home and not dealing with the rest of the world most days.) I feel like this is just them giving into the fact that she is famous.
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19 responses
• United States
7 Jun 07
Oh, of course this is them just giving her special treatment because she is famous. Come on- let it be any other Joe Smoe and Jane Doe and they would be right there in jail rotting. Its unfair and unjust, but hey that's our justice system.
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• United States
7 Jun 07
There seems to be very little justice in our justice system. If she had talent I might be able to see her getting special treatment, but her only talent is becoming famous while having no talent. Looking at the jail cell, my thought was that I had stayed in hotel rooms that were worse than that. What has she ever done to improve the world?
• United States
8 Jun 07
I wonder what type of muffins he would like. Or fruit. Or whiskey. Or wahtever. He definitely deserves a gift basket.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
8 Jun 07
Its called 'Spoilt Brat Syndrome' She does the wrong thing and goes to jail and yet still gets away with it. Where do you draw the line ?.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
8 Jun 07
Bulk Carrier on the beach. - Bulk Carrier on the beach.
I just think that if it was mental problems why didnt they send her to mental institute. Thats where they would send anyone else. Or maybe go with your idea.
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• United States
8 Jun 07
Yeah, that is a puzzlement. Why not a mental institution? Oh, yeah because that would splash mud on her family's reputation. Considering the judge's reaction, I am guessing that he didn't believe it was a real health problem.
• United States
8 Jun 07 there is a name for her medical condition. I was watching the news last night, and I just loved the song and dance routine. "We can't disclose the medical reason because of personal privacy reasons." More like, we were dumb and/or greedy; and do not want to admit to it. I would like to draw the line in the sand in Iraq, and chuck her over there to serve her term. Maybe after meeting Paris, the terrorists will leave us alone.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
8 Jun 07
they said it was a rash that couldnt be treated at the jail. I think its bullcrap though because if it were anyone else and they had a 'rash' then they would taken to the hospital and the returned to jail.
• United States
8 Jun 07
Now images of STD are running through my head. Yuck. I think it is all smoke and mirrors to cover-up a payoff. As you say, "If it was anyone else...."
• United States
7 Jun 07
The thing that gets me is that there are probably tons of people in jail that have the same health problem he has, whatever that is. They have medical facilities there and all health concerns are taken into account before incarceration, I believe. She agreed to go to this type of jail. She could have gone to a more comfortable private jail. She is very privileged to even have that choice. This really makes people like her look very bad and is an injustice to other people who have to stay in jail and serve their time.
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• United States
7 Jun 07
oops, I meant to say "she" and not "he" in the first line *giggle*.
• United States
8 Jun 07
Also, what gets me is that she didn't have to share her cell. That's pretty good as most jails are overcrowded. I think she would have been chopped liver if she had a roommate.
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• United States
7 Jun 07
And that is exactly my problem here--surely there are other people in jail with the exact same condition, and we don't send them home. The government requires that medical facilities be included in big jails, so unless you find yourself stuck in Sagebrush with its one cell jail, there should be no reason why you can't serve your time. I have never liked Parris Hilton; I think that she is a spoiled brat, and this makes me dislike her even more.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
8 Jun 07
The poor little thing had a nervous break down, don't you know!! She is just to tender and fragile to be put in such a position! How could we mere lower class citizens understand how much she has to deal with! She should be pampered and spoiled, not imprisined for her crimes!! Okay I tried to see her side of it, and I fell out of my chair laughing so I got no answer for you! Other than one... MONEY!!!MAN IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
8 Jun 07
Well she will be having one now have you heard, she has been sent back to jail:
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• United States
8 Jun 07
Don't ever get a judge angry at you. Yeah, this is real mental trauma--it might scar her for life.
• United States
8 Jun 07
Define nervous breakdown for the slow kids in the audience. It is such a weasel excuse. And yes, money has to be involved because no one buys into the nrevous breakdown excuse. And by the way, do not try to see things from her perspective; it might be catchy, this nervous breakdown stuff. ;)
@gasmas100 (585)
• India
8 Jun 07
im sure it may not be a rather serious issue mate. Besides, there are rumours floating that the Hiltons have been in touch with the cops to try and get something done about Pariss arreast as it may damage their image-- so the house arrest, also that there is no real health issue but just some kinda sympathetic act and too divert the focus on her health than her arrest...............but again, these are rumors spread by the media. I really am fond of Paris, but dunno what to say n believe...Just hope shes not too ill. Cheers !!
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• India
9 Jun 07
well, I like her for her music and crazy antics. she is quite pretty and her arrogance and charisma has a feel and look of its own. Even though, im am quite fond of her, i too agree that she always does things to get a bit of attention, this time it was....big time attention.
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• United States
9 Jun 07
I have never listened to any of her music.
• United States
8 Jun 07
And rumors that poor Paris was on the verge of a nervous breakdown does their image so much good. I can't imagine anything more damaging to one's image than being related to Paris. Ok, there are some of my relatives, but they don't make national news (they are just a small town scandal). I have never been fond of Paris. And her show "The Simple Life" proved to me that I never would be. I don't see what people see in her. But that is just me. If I thought this was a real illness, then I would be nicer about my comments. But I think it is all a scam.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
Hey...a fellow writer. I am right there with you on that. I am also suspicious of this whole thing. How long was she three days? I think it is ridiculous. Like you said...I am sure there are people there who could deal with whatever the medical issue is? It all smells fishy to me?
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• United States
8 Jun 07
Last night, I heard that it might have been because she wasn't eating. Does she eat in the "real world?" Maybe, she doesnt eat a lot in the first place; it is hardly a reason to release her. Ok, prison food sounds disguisting, but prison is not supposed to be nice. And if hunger strikes were such a bad thing, we would be awash with them. Let's face it, she is a spoiled princess.
• United States
7 Jun 07
How long did it take you to figure that one out? She might be allergic to being treated like everyone else. that is a very bad thing for a diva to have. There is rarely a cure for it either. I wonder if she is even actually staying under house arrest or going out.
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• United States
8 Jun 07
The instant I heard it I said that it was just that because she was a spoiled princess. An earlier reply here mentioned the possibility of sticking the monitoring bracelet on her dog. I can picture her doing it and then going out. I hope that some newspaper gets the photo of her at a club while her poor dog is under house arrest; it would be proof that she is dumber than I thought she was.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Yea, ya know I read that this morning and omg what an absolute JOKE! Crap like that makes me SO sick....and it just shows yet again how corrupt the justice system is AND its crap like this that IMO makes ppl not WANT to trust the system..why should they??
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• United States
8 Jun 07
Honestly, I don't think that anyone trusts the system any longer. I know that I don't. We have two justice systems in this country, one for people like us (you do the crime, you do the time); and one for the rich and famous (why yes, I can get away with anything because I am famous).
• United States
8 Jun 07
I think its a crock that she is getting house arrest: living in a Beverly Hills mansion with servants, a theater, a swimming pool? this is a punishment? I heard she got the original jail sentence for driving without a license which she says she did because her people didn't explain to her it had been suspended. Do you suppose her people will explain that house arrest means she can't leave the mansion grounds? or that Rodeo Drive is not part of her house? She is nothing but a spoiled witch and her Daddy's money bought her freedom.
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• United States
8 Jun 07
I find it had to believe that she needed it explained to her that her license was suspended. I didn't believe it when I first heard it, and I still don't believe it. Yeah, I can hear it already--"No one told me that house arrest meant I had to stay in the house. Not being able to come to the club was causing me mental distress." No, she is not a need an above room temperature to get into the coven. Ok, cheap joke. I prefer the term spoiled brat for her.
@kiwikidz (753)
• New Zealand
7 Jun 07
Oh the poor little thing 'NOT'. I see she is not very popular at the moment on tv stations, I really don't think she is going to be more popular by this little stunt. It certainly shows that having money and a famous name attached gets you out of a lot of things namely prison. In my eyes she did wrong and was supposed to be punished for that wrong like everybody else who have offended. What happens next time she is pulled up for an offence will she just get a smack on the hand and sent home with a 'braclet' attached to her leg. Here in NZ you do the crime, you do the time, with no exceptions.
• United States
8 Jun 07
This whole mess just underlines the fact that we seem to have two legal systems in the USA. One for the common man, where you do the crime, you do the time. The other is for the rich, where you do the crime and serve so little time that it is insulting. So NZ, doesn't have this problem. Is the USA the only country with this double standard? I suspect that it is.
@shestalou (293)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
I heard from TMZ that Paris was released early because she was about to have a nervous breakdown, who in prison hasnt had a nervous breakdown, give me a break, I guess it was to hard to live without her luxuries so now shes serving the rest of the time in the comfort of home.
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• United States
8 Jun 07
I am not even sure how they define "nervous breakdown." It is such a fuzzy term. Of course, her breakdown was caused by luxury withdrawal. I think the ideal house arrest for her would be sentenced to a trailer park, while the normal tenants get to use her home--let's see her deal with our lack of luxuries.
@natash121 (219)
• Australia
8 Jun 07
It s amazing what money can buy
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• United States
8 Jun 07
And while it can buy the justice system, money still can't buy you talent, respect or brains. (Someone had to say it.) Maybe that was the cause of the nervous breakdown, she was sitting in the cell alone, and that one solitary brain cell threatened to split because it was lonely. Maybe she realized what money couldn't buy her. Probably not, I suspect the money switched hands before she turned herself in.
@mandom (4)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Of course it's just her being famous. I read somewhere that she was going to have a nervous breakdown but whatever... *roll eyes* What a punishment - being locked in your multi-million dollar home. It's like kids who get sent to their room for punishment but in the room is a computer with internet access, a PS2, a phone, a TV and movies and all other forms of entertainment. Oh what punishment!
• United States
8 Jun 07
Yeah, being stuck in her house is such punishment. It is definitely a better place than I live in. Now if she got sent to my mother's house, that would be punishment. No air conditioning, no DVD player, small screen TV, no cable--it is like living in a cave. But no, she gets punished by having more toys than the rest of us. Oh the sorrow of being Hilton.
@starr4all (2863)
7 Jun 07
She probably just broke a nail and had to be rush to the hospital so she wouldn't get an infection! J/K. But still, what could she possibly have that she would need to leave early? Other than a bad case of the "richies"!
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• United States
7 Jun 07
It may turn out to a psychological condition--she was complaining that it was too bright and too cold in her cell. Let's call it the Goldilock Syndrome. "I am rich, and this jail cell is not to my liking." Of course, it is too bright and too cold--it is jail after all. You are supposed to be uncomfortable. That is why it is supposed to stop you from doing future crimes--you don't want to go back to those conditions.
@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I was SO looking forward to 3 weeks of NO Paris in the news and hearing about her everytime I turn on the tv. I think she is getting preferential treatment. If it was you or I, we'd still be sitting in jail!
• United States
7 Jun 07
Ahh, yes this is just a ploy to keep her on the news. Ok, that is just my paranoia speaking. I was looking forward to not hearing about her on the news too for awhile. Alas, that is not to be. You know that every station is going to have something to report about this. As will the late night talk show hosts. Yeah, if it was you or me, we would rotting in jail, no matter how cold it was or how much the lights were blinding us. Must be nice to be famous so that you can get away with c*** like this.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I doubt she has any health problems. The jail has medical and psychological facilities. What do they do with the poor sap off the street do the let them go home when they need medial care. Paris is out because of her money. I wont be suprised if someone was not paid off. It's disgusting.
• United States
7 Jun 07
I didn't even think of the possibility of a payoff occuring. But now that it has been mentioned, I wonder if there wasn't one. Maybe not money exchanging hands, but a possible future favor. Or something. Ok, maybe money was thrown at the problem. Of course, this brings up the whole why are the rich not fined more when they break the law. The whole idea of a fine is to punish. For me, a thousand dollar fine would cripple me (poor college kid--well, adult), but to Paris Hilton a thousand bucks is just lunch money. Fines should be bigger for the rich to make sure that they can feel it in their wallets.
@cowlady (270)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Hair extension withdrawl. oh i forgot she got to keep hers even though they are not allowed in jail.I wonder if she took the jumpsuit home with her. That will probably be the next fashion statement.
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• United States
7 Jun 07
Does she have hair extensions? I have never noticed. I have never understood how she is considered pretty, or desirable. She is a skinny blonde with a major attitude problem. I find her quite unattractive. Nor can I figure out why anyone would listen (or look) to her for fashion advice. Yeah, I do wonder if she was allowed to take the jumpsuit home with her. It should be hung in her trophy and award room--"...and the orange jumpsuit for most convincing celebrity illness goes to...." I have seen orange jumpsuits sold in the novelty store down on the 16th St Mall--it is not an attractive look. Though come to think of it, most of the red carpet pictures I have seen are people dressed in unattractive garb, so you may be right, it may be the lastest trend.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
yup, i have to agree with you, its because she has money and her parents have a well known last name.... hey i bet some of the other inmates are way worse off than her and i bet they don't get special treatment.... a crime is a crime is a crime and should be punished equally...
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