Removing Mylot Contacts

@Swtrose (3385)
June 7, 2007 1:47pm CST
I'm a bit confused. Since I have been here I have seen a lot of hypocrisy. People get offended when you remove them from your friend's list without an explanation and yet they remove people from their friend's list without an explanation. Do we really owe each other an explanation why we removed them. Some automatically assume that it is because they did not agree with you when in truth that may not be the case at all. I count four people on my list who have different beliefs than me, yet we respect one another. So, do you make a huge deal when someone removes you?
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17 responses
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I dont remove anyone unless they have been attacking people, or spamming people or doing 600 one line posts in 5 minutes. I dont give them explanations. Now if it were someone I talked to often I would, but that's different to me. Also, I havent always noticed when I was dumped. I have noticed a few times and wondered.
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
Did you get an explanation when Mr. Brown removed you? lol
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
UH, hu. You know I think it is time to weed my garden and remove a few contacts. :)
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
7 Jun 07
LOL "it was an accident" heheheh
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@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I don't make a big deal of it at all. It's the internet. Not many of us have met face to face. I'm not going to comment on someone removing me, and I don't expect to be hassled for removing someone from my list. But so far, no one has attacked me for removing them. Probably because most of the ones I delete are those who haven't logged in in two months. : )
@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I added you. : )
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
Thank you! Would you mind if I added you to my friend's list? :)
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• United States
8 Jun 07
It usually takes a lot to get me to remove a friend. At the same time, when someone sends me a friend request, I do have only certain reasons for accepting. The thing is, when I come to MyLot, & being that I don't log out from my home computer, I have /nr/friendsdiscussions.aspx bookmarked so that it takes me directly to Discussions My Firneds Started list. I started there, & found two discussions that I was going to reply to. I went & replied to one of them, & then when I got back to try to get to the other one, I ended up wasting hours trying to find it. I found the disussion a few days later. It turned out the reason I could not find that discussion was because he had removed me off my ffriends list. So I replied what I had intended to reply, & sarcastically thanked him for making me waste my time, being that many know my pattern. Then after finding one of his discussions was a guidelines violation, & went & reported it. I also reported a few of his other discussions & replies, & he has not been back to MyLot since then.
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• United States
11 Jun 07
Hi cemecheese. I added you because you asked for information in one of your discussions. I ended up giving someone else the information & had the person get it to you that way. Well - I guess that when you got the information you needed that was it.
• United States
11 Jun 07
Oops - forgot to add that I learned one thing. When MyLot friends are no longer MyLot friends, the private messages also vanish.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I don't make a huge deal at all- If someone removed me I might not even notice- Unless it was someone I looked forward to getting e-mail alerts from. Then I might message them and ask why-- I go through my friends every once in a while- cleaning it up- usually I just delete the ones that don't post anymore- Hey if someone gets rids of me- they must have a reason!
7 Jun 07
Hi, I started a thread about this a couple of months ago. Not about the same exact topic, but similar. Check it out. Back on track, NO I don't get offended or make a huge FUSS about it when someone removes me from the buddy list. Clearly they had their reasons. PLUS think of it this way, if that person meant so much to me, why would I remove him in the 1st place?
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@pallidyne (858)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I don't put a lot of stock in the whole friends list here anyways. I'm still working through the inital deluge of requests from starting here. Which is Ok, I take that as being friendly, but---- -- if someone really is a friend of mine, they've known me a good while and know me well. This whole friends thing here seems to be "Cool Aquaintances that I collect cause they had a cool post."
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@Stiletto (4579)
8 Jun 07
No I don't make a huge deal of it (in fact it would possibly take me a while to notice!) nor do I expect someone to get all upset if I remove them from my list. I don't do it often but from time to time I have a "clean up". I think some people just take everything on here way too seriously. It's just another forum for goodness sakes - why all the drama?
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Jun 07
No reason to be confused.It is your right without an explanation to remove whoever you want to from your friends list.Don't feel guilty:)
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
8 Jun 07
I wouldn't. I'm sure some people have removed me from their list, one time I saw my number of friends were down, but I'm not bothered with it. It's impossible to please everybody and I'm not the kind of person who is willing to do that anyway. I could go the extra mile for some people, but not for everybody, I'm sure they will do the same to me.
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• United States
8 Jun 07
Swtrose I am deleting you from my friends list. I see how you treat others and you expect them to treat you like a queen. Two wrongs never made a thing right. Till you change your ways and stop attacking everyone and so on, LATER.
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
8 Jun 07
You know I did not even realize I was on your friend's list. Bye Bye
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
8 Jun 07
No, I figure that if they do not want my friendship...then it is a their loss....I am a warm, caring, attentive person...but it is their goes on...I can not spend my valuable time with such things.....if I did, I think it would hurt my sense in setting myself up for that...
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@321633wy (1795)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Well...I don't really care so much the friend list deletion stuff like that. Somehow they must have their own reason not keep them as a friend.As long as both party won't invade others privacy i thing both side owe no explaination to do so .Because every one has the right to add or delete their friend list within ntheir own profile.
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
Well said!
@RESGuy (859)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Well, in my humble opinion the friends list does not mean much to me. I add people when I want to send them a message or if I liked their response or something. It is good to have a lot of friends so that they see your topics in the friends discussions area and respond. The more friends you have on myLot probably the more 'traffic' you will get in your topics. Now I don't want just anyone posting in my discussions I like to read quaility responses but I won't delete anyone unless I really have a reason such as they insulted me for some reason (shouldn't be one ...). But if someone removed me from theirs, I probably would not even notice they did! lol So yeah we have the rights to do what we please with OUR profile. That is why their is not a 'ask for your friends opinion' button before you remove them from your friends list XD Rated +.
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
8 Jun 07
I belong to a couple other network sites and my friend list does not have many contacts though I have been added to many of theirs. I'm thinking that I may keep my list here at mylot small. :) Thanks for replying to my discussion. I have been meaning to reply to one of yours I saw that interested me. lol
@Amit1975 (175)
• India
8 Jun 07
I am very friendly. I don't like removing list of friend from mylot. But If there is a problem, then I will think about it.
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@peaceful (3294)
• United States
7 Jun 07
You should always exercise the right to remove people without explanation, that's how mylot set it up... thankfully, I've never had to do that to anyone on my list, as you guys all ROCK! LOL! :)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
8 Jun 07
If someone removes me from their list chances of me even noticing are pretty much slim to none really...and I remove ppl from my list on a regular basis as well as denying ppl who request...I dont see what the big deal is really..
@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Personally, I am not offended if someone removes me from their friends list. I am a card-carrying member of the Golden Dawn, which if you are familiar with it tends towards bad internet conduct (mostly from two camps) and the occasional demit from a lodge. I have developed a thick skin there. Sooner or later, I will say something that you disagree with; my father used to say that if I would of been born in Russia, I would have been shot by the time I was twelve. As myself removing people from my contact list, I have only did that once here on my lot. In time, I might do more removals. I ended up removing my very first friend invite because I didn't like the low-brow conversations that he got involved in, and there seemed no evidence he would be involved in a conversation that I wanted to be involved in. The final straw was when another friend came out and subtlely asked me why I had him in my friends list which confirmed to me that removing him was the correct decision. Did I give him an explanation--no. Of course, as a card carrying lodge member from a group that allows its existing members decide on the suitablility of applicants, I am in the habit of not providing explainations. By tradition, you are not allowed to know who decided against your membership or why. You became more like the people you hang out with. Does anyone ever need more explaination than that?