By Swtrose
@Swtrose (3385)
June 7, 2007 2:34pm CST
What stereotype bothers you the most? I'm so sick and tired of people assuming that those who work from home are on welfare that stereotype always gets me or the stereotype that those that are on welfare are lazy and don't want to work or are just abusing the system.
I admit that there are those in the program that do abuse the help when they do not need it, but not everyone abuses the system. Not everyone who works from home is on welfare.
I know some people who are on the system and welfare supplements their earnings. I also know some who are on welfare because they had surgery and are unable to work.
Not everyone that shops at a thrift store is on welfare either. Heck a few nurses and teachers I know shop at thrift stores. Negative stereotypes are everywhere.
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13 responses
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Jun 07
So you are basically a "stay at home" mom? I think that is great! Running a household is a 24/7 job! Taking care of the house and children is a lot of work and it is a wonderful thing that you are there when your children get home from school. My mom had 6 kids and she stayed at home while we were all in school. She was definately not lazy! She worked hard and I am so glad that she was there for us.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
7 Jun 07
You are far from being lazy! You do work and you work from your home.
My boss' office is in his home. He is gone a lot, but he does his paperwork, etc here. It is nice.
Just because someone is home, does not mean they are lazy and are on foodstamps.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
8 Jun 07
I HATE the fact that when I mention I am a stay at home mom, everyone always comments how lucky I am because I get to stay at home and do nothing...... If you call taking care of a 14 month old, taking care of a dog and cat, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, gardening, cooking all the meals, doing all the shopping, and at nights trying to earn extra money by telecommuting nothing then I sure as heck wonder what people that have 9-5 jobs do??? And then I have those dumb people that tell me what I do isn't a "real job". Yeah, it isn't a real big money maker, let me tell you. But it is the BEST job with the BIGGEST rewards!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
7 Jun 07
My most hated one is: All blondes are stupid- I'm not stupid! I'm actually pretty smart- Stop stereotyping me people!
I agree- about the work from home thing- I don't think welfare- or lazy- I think fortunate to be able to stay home with kids! I also think- has alot of patience!
Heck my grandma is loaded with money - and she shops at the salvation army-- how do you think she got loaded-- by doing so! frugal- I don't shop there unless I need something for a costume or something- My reasoning- I can't get past the smell- I have terrible sinus and allergy problems- something about our local salvo- makes me flare right up-
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
Programs adn systems liek these are only as good as the peopel in them they do a lot of good for those who need them but we only see the ones that are scamming the system. If peopel are honest about it then they work great but if they aren't then it makes all who are in them look bad.
Personnally i do not think some people should be allowed to be on welfare or social assitance.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
8 Jun 07
OMG, the list goes on and on.....I am apposed to any negative connotation by another human being....
I shop at thrift stores, myself......often...LOL
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@jemjemjemperez (109)
• Philippines
8 Jun 07
i don't care what others say..! but i love bargain shopping..! it's not being cheap..! it's being practical..! :D
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Ughhh tell me about it..What erks me the worst though, is when people sterotype over weight people..Aww!! I just want to scream and slap em side there head! lol..I know soo many people like my size and its not liek al we do is eat all day long..or even eat alot..or portions,,.blah blah..its metebolism,genes,mediacal.. and more than people know ,we are just as healthy if not more than a thinner person.,and it just pulls my trigger when i hear the fat and lazy words..its crap..My problem is many things along side with medical..but im not lazy..well mostly i have my days tooo lol..So i have just learned to ignore those kind of people as much as I can..I dont need the negative energy;)
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@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
8 Jun 07
This is one subject that gets to me. I'm tired of negative stereotypes myself. Like their stuff don't stink?!? The way I see it is don't go pointing out the junk in everyone else's closet because I'm sure there's some in yours too. If people spent less time trying to analyze everyone else's life and more time improving their own, life would be more pleasant. I know someone who dogs everyone on Social Security, and the only reason she's doing it is because she was turned down for it. It really gets on my nerves because she's so clueless about other people's lives.
Welfare feels degrading for many people. I say kudos to them for lowering their morals to get the help they need, rather than ending up living on the streets.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Jun 07
Well I guess the stereotype that bothers me the most is the one that says any woman who doesn't want kids is somewhat weird or unnatural. As soon as you mention that you don't have kids, people always feel sorry for you and assume it was because you couldn't have them - but then when you say you were perfectly capable of having them but just didn't want them, they tend to change their tne and look at you like something that has crawled out from under a rock. Fact is - I just don't particularly like kids, I never ever wanted them, and they were never ever part of my master plan for life. Doesnt mean I'm Cruella de Ville, - just means I made a choice in the same way that all people make choices.
Oh - and on a lighter note, I get pretty p***** off at the blonde thing too. I am a natural blonde, who also happens to be - erm - well endowed, so put the two together and most people think I have no more brains than a Barbie doll!!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Jul 07
I work from home and I am not on welfare. I shop at thrift stores and am not on welfare. Many of my friends shop for their children's clothes at the thrift stores. You can get quite a few bargains and there is a benefit, savings. But perhaps you should have expanded on the title. There are other stereotypes that are just as dangerous, but are not listed.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
8 Jun 07
Years ago I use to think only poor people shopped at thrift stores. Boy did I learn a lesson in that. I would probably say now more people who can afford to shop else where actually dominate the thrift store industry. I have learn't to appreciate it myself from time to time. Mostly for old dishes. I like the old style serving bowls. LOL I will look for clothes but I am not good at finding things for me. Now my skinny rich,very rich friend has an eye for things and she will walk out with a couple of outfits, shoes, jewelry and a coat. LOL I get a kick out of her! Almost all of my friend shop there. I am the only one that really should be shopping there if we were to take finances into account. But they were the ones who had to get me into it. Now I love it with the rest of them. It is fun and you just don't know what delightful item you will bring home. I agree all about your stereotype's. Welfare is a sad one because it isn't fare to so many who don't deserve it. But let me tell you about the couple who lived near me that were on Welfare. They told Welfare they had split up and that the husband couldn't afford child support. The husband said he lived a few miles away and applied for single living Welfare while the wife applied for her and her 4 year old child and the baby she about to give birth too. So they both got Welfare and they both lived in the same house just hiding it from Welfare with the two addresses. Christmas time they went out to collect food hampers and money from two different projects like the salvation army and the community food bank. When they came home, there was a note on the door from the church to please come and pick up their hamper and christmas money or the church could come back if they like to drop it off. They were so excited they phoned me to tell me they had 3 turkeys this year for christmas and canned food to last a year and checks and gifts and what ever else. I was stunned. All I could say is but what about the people who wont' get turkeys because you have two too many? The wife went silent and said I didn't think of that. I was just so happy she said. I felt bad almost, a little for blurting that out. But I thought to myself this is why it looks bad for all welfare recipients. Should be but it is. Just like anything else in life our actions for good or bad affect others. Gee I rambled on! Sorry!
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@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
8 Jun 07
I have even found brand names like gap and tommy hill figure there. I just picked up a bunch of toys last week and the church thrift store. I provide respite care for a little girl and did not have any toys for her to play with. Now I have an entire toy box. lol
I know someone like you talk about. They were married, yet saying they had split up. This was oh about 16 years ago. We reported them both because it just was not right.
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@angelfantasy23 (561)
• United States
8 Jun 07
I so agree with you. Racial sterotypes really bother me. It bothers me when think I loud and ghetto and don't even know me just because I'm black. The sterotypes that asians are smarter than anyone else also bothers me. It bothers me when people talk about people who are on unemployent. Everyone on unemployent is not lazy it is just sometimes to find another job tht will pay your bills.
@wildnspeady (34)
• Canada
16 Jun 07
I have a good stereotype for you, but first I will tell you a little about me so you can get the I am a single mom of 2. I came from a bad marriage, but I managed to get life on track for myself and my kids. I train horses and shoe horses for a living, as well as repair farm equipment. for fun as well as a few extra dollars in our pockets (well on the good nights I race cars. I have been racing for 15 yrs, and its about the only thing I actually do that is for me, rest of the time its always the family. I race 2 nights sometimes 3 or 4 nights depending on if its a holiday weekend or not. My kids come with me most nights and enjoy watching, and telling the pit crew what to I have been told more than once that the business I have is a man's business and I need to find another job that would suit a woman, I have been told many times as well that I should grow up and stop racing cars, afterall I am a mother and I should be responsible for them. But what is even worse is being called to your 13 yr old's school cause they got into a problem, and have the principle tell you that your not a good mother, cause your single and your setting bad examples for your kids. I dont get that, to me I think I am showing them the right way to live. I know I am not perfect and I have made many mistakes allong the road. But the one thing I do not believe I have made a mistake on is, being who I want to be, showing them that its ok to do any job or own any business you want too as long as your happy at it. As for the racing, I will admit that I am the only woman in the class I race in my area, and I will admit that there isnt many women around here that take racing seriously as I do, and yes the men out there do think its there sport only, but I have 7 championships from 1 track and 9 from another that says To me I am shoing my kids that you can do anything and be anything you want to be if you try your hardest.
But too many people still seem to think women are best at being barefoot and in the kitchen, or taking dictations for a man.