Finally I've lost a clothes size!
By rainbow
@rainbow (6761)
June 8, 2007 8:15am CST
Just wanted to share the good news and keep the inspiration to keep trying going for us all!
As you know in the winter I was 5 foot 2 and 14 half stone, English size 18/20. I threw my scales away, because they make me feel sad and only wore charity shop clothes.
I cut out some of my treats, cut my serving size at teatime and ate less meat as I don't like it that much anyway. I tried to keep food as simple as possible but still had takeaway once a week. About 2 months ago I cut my teatime glass of wine as I don't really enjoy it now. So no hardships really!
Over the last couple of weeks I got 2 size 14 skirts that fit! I bought 4 new size 16 T-shirts and they're fine too.
Today I made a huge discovery, I no longer need my brazier on the largest hooks but the smallest! So I ordered a smaller one.
Keep going folks, even with the tiny changes I've made, over a few months I can tell a difference, far better than the diets that never worked for me!
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21 responses

@rainbow (6761)
10 Jun 07
I've ordered 3 tops, some new jeans size 14/16 and now I'm crossing my fingers they fit. I have some 16 t-shirts that are fine but I'm still holding my breath, daren't try 14 jeans yet, lol.
Shrek of course is still as much a big cuddly man as ever, "A fine figure of a man" with his 40" waist, but he's still convinced he looks good and weighs less than me bless him.
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@rainbow (6761)
9 Jun 07
Thanks darling, I hadn't realised how much difference there was until this last couple of days, it's made me feel a lot better about myself, but the better weather always does that anyway. This a long way to go but it's nice to suddenly realise that all those tiny changes are making a difference.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Congratulations, Sweetie! That's great! I'm trying to lose weight and get more fit, too. I'm doing it the old fashioned way - exercise and starvation! LOL No, not really, just cutting back like you have (no more Cheetos binges LOL) and taking some help from Lean Cuisine and those new low calorie/low fat snacks out there. So far I've lost 9 pounds! It's not a lot, but I feel a ton better than I used to! Keep us updated. Great going, Sweetie! :-)
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
8 Jun 07
9 pounds? wow... might not be huge for others, but for you, it is a good start. congratulations and keep it up!
gaining weight is so easy. but losing them just like what you did is a lot difficult! so, you're doing it right! go girl and lose some more!... anne
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Hi, Anne! Thanks a lot for the encouragement! I know I'm going to have to keep up the exercise to maintain the weight I get down to, but I've been feeling so much better, it's worth it! :-)
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
8 Jun 07
patience pays. though it does not work like magic and makes you thinner in a snap of a finger or a wink of an eye, you'll surely see the difference after sometime... better yet, not just SEE the difference but FEEL the benefits of it.
even if you had sacrificed some things to get to where you are and to where you are getting still... you're a lot happier and even proud to tell the world about it.
so, keep it up. it's always difficult to attain what we want in life. but everything's possible if we do our part... anen

@rainbow (6761)
11 Jun 07
You write such lovely inspiring things, thank-you so much for your care and support. I'm hoping that because they are such little changes and cutbacks that I will not slip back into old habits. The fact that I feel much better too really helps. Haven't taken my asthma meds for weeks and fingers crossed the extra weight was the cause of most of the problems.
@rainbow (6761)
9 Jun 07
Thank-you for those lovely encouraging words, yes I am really pleased and my asthma is far better already too.
I hadn't really realised until I adjusted the bra that I got at Easter hat hardly went round me to the inside hooks. I'd thought the smaller skirs Id risked were just a big fit, but then I started to look and I'm ready to make a little more conscious effort now.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
10 Jun 07
glad to know that asthma is saying bye bye to you. hope it will forever be gone.
and isn't it great that a little sacrifice a day can pay off a lot after sometime? and you are doing really great with it. keep the healthy habit, exercise but don't forget to enjoy life. treat yourself sometimes, too. and unlike others... never starve yourself! - anne

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
8 Jun 07
oh rainbow, that's great. congratulations!!
i really appreciate your motivation and hardwork and actually compromised a lot and that has to pay off. i am glad that you could wear a lesser size now. i need to motivate myself aswell. i am pretty short and bit plump and chubby. i want to reduce 3-4 kilos to look good in fitting tops. i have no problem with wearing Ts but the onlookers surely do have. LOL..
you motivate me a lot, i think i will start it now.
let's keep our fingers crossed.
great going..keep it up.
hugs and love..
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@rainbow (6761)
8 Jun 07
Hi sweetie, just emailed you you must have been writing this at the time, lol!
Thank-you so much for your support! It's not been too hard just a little at a time. I'm making small changes that seem to be working really well if slowly. If something is too hard to do I don't do it as if it makes me feel sad it won't work, so it's things I find easier that I change.
I'm sure you are not or plump or chubby and do not believe for one second that the sight of you in a t-shirt could upset anyone! You don't sound to have a lot to loose so I wouldn't worry too much, just have a few little cut backs and it'll happen without you noticing, strange but true.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
9 Jun 07
oh you are such a sweet heart!! i need to reduce a lot, just check out phto in my profile (the new one). i hope to resume gym soon. actually i am not getting much time of late..let's see.
thanx for your support..
love and hugs..
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Congrats hope you can keep up the great work. I cant diet if my life depended on it so good for you.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
8 Jun 07
awwww your too sweet. Thanks. I do have to exercise to keep this shape. So no getting mad im not one of those girls you know the type eat all day and never gain a pound.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
8 Jun 07
GRATS going your way. It's hard to do I'm sure. Keep up the good work and losing the weight also. I hopwe you also have an exercise regime you use. That also helps a lot for weight loss.
@rainbow (6761)
8 Jun 07
Thanks Grandpa Bob, I do try to exercise, when I can but mostly it's walking my newty-dog who is getting less interested in walks and slowing down bless her or running around after the kids.
I am trying and realising that my clothes are smaller even if no-one comments as I've been wearing baggy things for such a long time makes me feel better about myself - fitted clothes here I come, lol!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
8 Jun 07
That's the mopst important thing that YOU feel better not if anyone notices or says anything.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
10 Jun 07
Wow-- see you are proof that little things work- Keep it up! I'm starting to eat healthier also- I could stand to lose about 15-20 pounds again- They have slowly crept up on me in the last few years- I have never been overweight before- so it will be something new to me- I'm glad though that I see people can do it without really changing to much of their eating habits- I'm going to cut out mylate night snacks-- and eating when I'm bored- I also have gotten out and started walking more with the nicer weather!
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@rainbow (6761)
11 Jun 07
Thank-you, I can't pretend that some of the little changes are easy to maintain, like, sugar in my coffee or even like this week trying to avoid coffee almost altogether, I was down to 3 mugs yesterday and am aiming to only have 2 today. My weight came with the kids and my youngest is 3 so it's past time it started to vanish.
A lot of my problem was boredm and comfort eating so I swapped for slightly less bad things and then swapped again, gradually I weaned myself off all the fat and sugar that I loved so much and now I don't really miss it.
I still have crisps, chocolate, pudding etc but not as much, just a taste usually works.
I wish you all the best, if I can do it anyone can!
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I am so proud of you. I had been walking everyday for 3 weeks - Power Walking - until my legs started hurting so I bought a mini trampoline and I can get the same results in just a few mins. per day; actually, I get on it several times a day for a few mins. and it works great! I don't use a scale either and know by how my clothes start to feel if I'm doing well or not; and I am! I haven't bought any new clothes as of yet but will once I lose several more inches. Don't really care much about the weight part of it as as the inches go so do the pounds...
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@rainbow (6761)
20 Jun 07
Well done - keep bouncing! We have a mini tramopline too, I love a quick bounce when the kids aren't looking, it's better than the trampet used to have as it gives more so is easier on my joints. We got ours for Bongs ADHD as it stimulates someting in the back of the brain and helps apparently.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Congratulations rainbow. I know how hard it is to shed the kilos, from personal experience. My latest gizmo is a pedometer. It's just another toy to help me make exercise fun and interesting. They are cheap and easy. I'd learned that we are supposed to take 10,000 steps per day, which is around 6 kilometers. For me that's two walks a day. But even if it is not achievable it is still fun to keep some stats of steps and distance and calories burned per day.
My next thing is to reduce my meal portions which is not easy during winter! But I'll do it.
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@rainbow (6761)
20 Jun 07
Well done, I've got one of those somewhere, but I walk my dog most days for about an hour so that's probaly enough. I like to get new toys to try and encourage myself, it adds to the fun somehow as I get bored easily. It is difficult during winter but as soon as it gets nicer start adding more lighter foods, just not enough to feel cold or hungry and you'll hardly notice the changes suntil like me your clothes have grown.
@cabergren (1181)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Congratulations on the weight loss. I know what you mean about losing the weight. I slowly put on a pound here and there and the next thing I know I feel so fat. But I like you have changed my eating habits and have started exercising more. I have lost a few pounds and need to lose a lot more. Good to hear that is working for someone else. Good Luck.
@rainbow (6761)
11 Jun 07
Thanks elisa! I cant say it's always easy but it's worth the effort and once I get used to going without something as often or the healthier thing I've swapped it with, I'm usually ok.
It is hard to stay motivated but this way has beeen far better and easier than a sudden change in the way I eat.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Yippeeee!!!!! Congratulations. I know how hard weight loss is. You have every right to be proud.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
8 Jun 07
Congradulations!! On loosing your weight. I am another that standard diets don't work on. It doesn't help I am not allow to eat alot of stuff to begin with. But coodles to you for finding a way to loose weight. Even small changes can help out in the long run.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
8 Jun 07
This is truly good news and commend you. Slow and steady wins the race we were taught as children and somehow we lost that knowledge. You seemed to have relearned and are a shining example of what can be done and it is indeed valuable. Keep up the good work and I hope to hear of more advancements.
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@rainbow (6761)
8 Jun 07
Thank-you for your support, I've done a lot of thinking and made a lot of small changes which have been healthier choices more for my boys than anything. I won't get weighed but I'm happy with what I'm eating and forgive myself a treat or 2 a day, which makes them less tempting. If I have a bingey day I just let it go and start again next morning. I still have changes to make but 1 at a time.
The most important thing to me is that I'm not hungry, sometimes I get a hungry feeling which means my body is starting to work properly.
Yep, definately a tortoise, but it seems to work better for me!
@bananamanuk (835)
8 Jun 07
It is incredibly uplifting to achieve the look that you desire because so often it involves some sacrafice, be that in terms of what you eat or the need to maintain a physical exercise routine and because of both of those things, it proves that there is an element of difficulty and therefore to overcome that is hugely satisfying not only for you but it offers inspiration and hope to others. Never say something is impossible.
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@rainbow (6761)
8 Jun 07
Thanks Bananaman! I used to think I'd never do it. I put on so much weight having my kids, even tho' I tried not too and had given up on ever loosing it. I tried every diet and keep fit video etc but would burn out as it was too much effort for my beachball type body.
Now by doing it in baby steps and changing tiny things like how long I walk the dog, playing with the boys more actively, gardening with a spade etc. really just moving about a bit more and replacing treats and food with more natural options I don't really have to sacrifice much. I justforgive myself and get on with things. It's really nice to feel that finally my body might be hiding under all that chocolate biscuit and is thinking about peeking out.
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
1 Aug 07
Wow- congratulations to you! Isn't it nice to see results? And what a great idea to throw out your scales. The scale depresses me too. I try to go months without weighing myself. Keep up the good work!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Congratulations to you rainbow. I have heard that you shouldn't weigh yourself every day becauses some days you will have water weight gain and it usually makes us upset, so we get back into the bad habits we are trying to break. Keep up your good work. You are an inspiration to all.
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@rainbow (6761)
8 Jun 07
You're right about that, some days I can really tell with my skirts that I'm bigger than others but I've not been weighed for ages, I don't really see the point, it's the size that matters to me really. I used to get weighed several times a day and console myself in the fridge or treat cupboard as I wasn't loosing anything and I'd tried so hard. Once I forgave myself for a treat I didn't feel so bad and need another one. I probably haven't lost a lot of actual weight but if my clothes are smaller then it's not all bad, lol!
I shall contnueto make small changes to keep my family healthy, but not outlaw any foods as that makes them more tempting.
I'm not sure I'm an inspiration but thank-you so much and I wish you all the best too!
@soulkeeper16 (1814)
• India
28 Dec 07
Walking is indeed a good thing to do and it is a start of a healthier lifestyle. I hope you can do this and be totally safe about it at the same time. I hope you have fund and it never wears dull for you. Thanks for sharing it with all of us here. I walk 10 laps every day from Monday to Thursday. Instead of laps at a track though, I bought a pedometer. They say that 10,000 steps a day is a good way to go, and so I've been using that.