The Next Newton Will Realize the Next Revolution in Science
By ready2earn
@ready2earn (435)
June 8, 2007 5:18pm CST
A revolution in science is always rejected by recent scientists in its initial step because this revolution always resist to the knowledge of these recent scientists; however, scientists would accepted this revolution when it explodes all of its power.
According to Erasmus00 and Qfwfq,, “Einstein did believe that quantum theory was fundamentally flawed. There is a very famous series of letters between Einstein and Bohr on this subject. Also, the EPR "paradox" was issued as a sort of formal challenge (Erasmus00). Specifically, Einstein strongly disagreed with Bohr and the "Copenhagen School" (Born interpretation) and held that the Quantum formalism was valid but that it should be possible to find so-called hidden variables (Qfwfq).” The letters between Einstein and Bohr, which is exchanged in 1920-1923, displayed a prediction of Einstein for the future revolutions in science that recent scientists could not reach anything of his prediction.
The time of 1920 was the time that Einstein had begun to study for unified field theory, which is a theory that almost scientists rejected it. In his unified field theory, Einstein always wished to know a single secret of the universe that he could not find out until his last life. A single secret of the universe should be detected by the next Newton, who knows how to develop the Newton’s first law is known as the “principle of inertia;” therefore, the next revolution would be realized by a next Newton who would not reject quantum theory and relativity theory, such as these theories rejected classical mechanics.
The next Newton will use quantum theory and relativity theory as a way to help scientists understand the structure of our universe. Although scientists around the earth can do so far in the future with a lot of theories that they believed, but these scientists should know about a single secret of the universe that all matter must obey it! The next revolution in science will help scientists discover gravitational waves on the earth that these scientists still study for these waves. And then this revolution will help human solve some problems such as disease, weapon and energy that recent scientists can not completely solve.
1 response
@opinione (749)
• Italy
8 Jun 07
Yes, we need someone able to overcome the scolium of the great unification of forces, the cold/tokamak controlled fusion, the limits of the universe and the problems of expansive growth of it and the lacking mass.
These are just some of the most renown problems, so that mass media have posed them many times to everyone.
good luck.
I think that nowadays research is the result of an extensive and methodical work done by equips of interrelated specialists.
No more time for a lone theoretical genius, but something more akin to a project work based on supercomputers and extensive experimental verifications, possibly mixed with a good dose of serendipity.
Something like the developmental work which was necessary to build the spitfire planes or the radar devices during the IIWW.
If we knew what we were looking for we could not call it research any more.
(A. Einstein)
I don't want those very well prepared, I want lucky generals.
(N. Bonaparte)