why do unwanted pregnancies end up with abortion?
By Bujoyseth
@Bujoyseth (1684)
June 8, 2007 6:08pm CST
i can't understand most of the women who commits abortion.. don't they realized that it's a sin to kill the unborn? they're just being selfish, they only think of theirselves.. but how about the right of the baby to be born, have they thought of that? poor baby.. i can't imagine tis is happening now..
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22 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
9 Jun 07
Saying a woman is selfish for having an abortion, is like saying she selfish for killing her attacker. It's self defense. We all have a right to say what shall and shall not grow in our bodies, whether it be for physical or mental reasons.
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Its still immoral, and wrong to kill someone. You made the choice to "mess around" so you should have to deal with the concequences, if you get an abortion your just to scared to take responsibility for your dumb actions.
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
9 Jun 07
This is not a baby, this is embryon. And what if this woman has been raped? And from this act done without her desire she is pregnant? What do you recomend? To have a totally undesired child what will remind her all the time about this act of abuse? Excuse me...
The things are never so simple and we can never judge...
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
9 Jun 07
The "embryon" you talk of actually does turn into a human, remember that.
And if a woman were raped, then she does have other choices. And it is highly unlikely that a child will "remind" her all the time about the act of abuse she endured. For heavensakes it is a child, not a demon, not a monster.
And besides that, the percentage of rape and incest abortion cases are like 1%... what about the other 99%?
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Why would it be highly unlikely? Because first of all, most rape cases do not turn out a pregnancy. Second, you never know the outcome once a woman finds out she is pregnant how they will react. I am not saying it can't happen, I am just saying it's not likely. People can heal emotionally from a rape and not all woman let it destroy their life.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
9 Jun 07
"And it is highly unlikely that a child will "remind" her all the time about the act of abuse she endured. For heavensakes it is a child, not a demon, not a monster."
Why would it be unlikely the pregnancy would remind her of the rape that caused it? I know the day my daughter was conceived. My daughter is almost 14 years old, I still look back on that moment with a feeling of love & tenderness.
Rape is perhaps the most vile of abuse. It can destroy a woman's life. She may never feel safe in her body again. She may spend years in an unreachable depression. It can shatter her soul. It seems to me that it's unlikely to be a nurturing, and healthy state to grow a child through. A woman who has been violated has the right to heal however she sees fit, to take as much time as she needs, and to not have her body further used against her will to incubate a pregnancy.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I do agree that not everyone thinks it is a sin but I also am not one of those people. I do believe it is a sin but I am not the one to judge anyone for their sins. Sadly no, women who agree with abortions do not think of the unborn. They believe their rights and their life is more important then the unborn which is just a fetus to them and they think that it isn't "viable" life till birth.
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@Galena (9110)
9 Jun 07
if they're selfish, they shouldn't be having children.
the way I see it, if you're not prepared to give everything you have and always put a child first, then you shouldn't be a parent.
I honestly beleive that ending a potential life before it can suffer is better than a child suffering through bad parenting.
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@Bujoyseth (1684)
• Philippines
10 Jun 07
In my opinion, they should've prevented pregnancy in the first place if they feel they are not ready parenting a child. there are lots of ways to prevent pregnancy.
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I think that most people that get an abortion for one reason or another, they are looking for a way past the concequences. People use the excuse or the problem of it not being a good time in they're life for them to have a child. However its just an excuse. I got pregnant as a 17 year old girl, and I was in highschool at the time. I found if very hard to go through highschool my senior year, being pregnant and losing all my friends because of it. I did it though, I graduated and I walked across the stage at 8 and a half months of pregnancy. I made it as a mother without the real father, i found a wonderful man and got married. I've been married for a year, and my son is about to turn two. I've found a wonderful life, and most likely wouldn't have found it if I was not to have had my son. children bring wonderful things to your life, they can make you find yourself when you don't know where you are. I think that the people who get abortions are not only cowards, but they should go to jail. Killing another person is punishable in life, so should be the killing of an innocent child. I don't care if its in the first stages or if its in the further stages, its wrong in all ways. If you get an abortion you are not making a good decision any way you look at it, you are a coward and are too immature to take the concequences of your unintellegent actions. I'm sorry for venting, it just upsets me that children die everday without even knowing of life or anything.
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@Bujoyseth (1684)
• Philippines
9 Jun 07
i agree with that.. i think you really are a good mother to your kids. God bless!
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Thank you for the compliment, its truly appreciated. I believe that my son saved my life, if i'd have given him up i'd never have been the same. I find myself thanking god every day that he gave me my two angels, my son and my wonderful husband; because without them i'd be lost.
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@metalduster (30)
• Mauritius
9 Jun 07
abortion is unplanned pregnancies.THose to be blamed are surely males!why the hell do they do it without safe means man!
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Maybe not a sin, but definately a crime or immmoral act.
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@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I don't understand this either, especially when there are so many couples that would do anything to have a baby and can't. I wish that instead of immediately thinking to abortions, these girls would think about having it and putting it up for adoption. It's so easy nowadays, parents that can't have a child are willing to practically paying for everything - food for the mother, hospital bills, they can provide transportation.. they really would have to do nothing but just have the baby and sign the papers. No life has to be thrown away, I believe there's always a way around it.
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@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Please don't put words in my mouth. I have said absolutely nothing against people who prefer to not have children. I only said that I don't understand why life has to be literally thrown out when so many other options are available where the baby can live.
If your mom disliked babies, would you like to be aborted or given to a family that wants you? I'm not entirely sure, but I'm thinking the latter.
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@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Well then! If everyone was as responsible as you the world would be quite...unpopulated. Lol.
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@Galena (9110)
11 Jun 07
it's not a lack of maturity, it's a genuine fear.
horror, panic and revulsion at the thought of being pregnant.
as I said, I freaked out, when someone tried to get me to feel her bump when I was a child. I feel jittery around pregnant women.
if it happened to me I just don't think my mental stability could take it.
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@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I would never ever have an abortion. I think its wrong (in most cases) and i dont see how some people can just do it without feeling any guily what so ever. I havent seen anyone look at this angle so i will mention it. What if a woman is raped? Should she have to carry the baby for 9 months? I think in a case like this she should have every right to do what she feels is best. Going through that is horrible enough. But then to find out your pregnant because of the fact?
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@myoubi (4)
• Brazil
10 Jun 07
as the name says - unwanted.
we can´t judge, we don´t know the girl´s situation.
imagine your life, full of dreams, plans... one day you find out you´re pregnant, the boyfriend leaves you, your family doesn´t support you, you have no financial conditions, no support, no hopes, you´re just starting yout life and don´t want to raise a kid..
in this kind of situation, we just want to get rid of the pregnancy and go on with our lives .
i dont think it selfish, the woman needs to think of herself, so that she can than think of the baby and what to do with it...
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@angelfantasy23 (561)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I don't agree with abortion unless the mothers lif is in danger. I think if you don't want the baby then piut it up for adoption. alot of people want kids and can't have any. That baby could grow up to find the cure for a serious disease or could encourage somebody to never give and change the world or just one persons world. I say choose life.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I've heard this argument before, I'm sorry & I mean no disrespect; but it's a silly argument. The child could just as easily be the next Hitler or the next Bin Laden. That's just not a factor when a woman wishes to not be pregnant.
As for placing the child for adoption, that's a valid option & one that should be explored. However, many women do not feel that's something they could do. Pregnancy is a huge commitment. To undergo that for another family is a wonderful act of selflessness for the woman who feels she can; but not every woman could.
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@alevazevedo (37)
9 Jun 07
sometimes pregnancy is not planned and the family doest have financial or maturity to raise a child
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
9 Jun 07
or perhaps they realize they don't want a baby and their husband won't let them give it up for adoption so they're forced to live a miserable life all they while beating on their child. Would you rather have that?
I don't agree with abortion either, but when I see situations like that...the baby might be better off.
@abednego7 (1060)
• Philippines
9 Jun 07
Its definitely wrong, cause whatever the pro-abortion says, I still believe it just another way of killing person though yet to be born. I can understand those who were victims of rape, well who can blame them if they really don't want the child that is a fruit of such tragic event in their lives. But to those who enjoyed it when love making then now will abort because of afraid in the consequences it would bring, I don't know what words I could describe you.
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
I am absolutely agree what you say. And like what you say, unborn child have a right to be born. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I know there are many reasons that women have to have an abortion. Even if I am against abortion, I don't think you can tell these women that do have them not to. I feel they have the choice, whatever their reason for making that choice. Yes, I do wish that more of the women who just don't feel they can care for the child would choose adoption, there are so many people out in the world who are unable to have children themselves and would love to adopt, but the waiting for a newborn is so long. This world that we live in is not a perfect place, and we ourselves can not right the wrongs or the things that we believe are wrong. I am sorry, but I don't believe that we can.
@apricotrains (456)
• Melbourne, Australia
20 Jul 07
Let me tell you a story, it is true & is my OWN personal story.
I was 16 & wanted a baby very much. I was in a great relationship that had been there for 2 years. I got pregnant ON a decision made by both me & my partner when I was 16. I hid it till I started getting morning sickness at 8 weeks.
I was still living with my mother. When she found out that was the end of it being MY CHOICE. I was left by my partner to face it alone, I was bullied by friends, teachers at school & my family. I was TOLD that I would NOT be allowed to have this child, NOT allowed to marry the father ( could not since he had left me anyways ) & would NOT be a member of the family anymore if I kept it.
I was a shy 16yo with NO ONE to turn to at all. I was bullied into killing my child, a decision that SHOULD have been MY choice. My child was stripped of it's umbilical cord & I gave birth to it 2 days later ( although my mother said it was not it & to flush it down the toilet....eyes dont count as a baby then? )
I had to endure the teachers & friends telling EVERYONE at school what happened & I was bullied worse then. I was NEVER given councelling for it & now 16 years later I still cry.
When I got pregnant with my now 13yo son 2 years after that ( to the same father mind you ) I once again found myself alone...yep he left again. his time I hid my baby till I was 5 months pregnant & 18yo. That wasy it WAS MY CHOICE. I also made sure that I could not be bullied into it again. I was bullied into adoption but REFUSED. I finally grew up & stood up for my baby.
Don't YOU dare tell me that abortion is an easy way out. For me it ws the most devistating thing I ever had to endure.
Guess what? I find out this week...16 years later that abortion is actually NOT legal in my state. So Not only did I get bullied into abortion, but bullied into breaking the law.
@jb_vete (323)
• Philippines
10 Jun 07
Because there are many things in their minds that freighten them. Since it is unwanted, the mother to be is basically not ready. For them, they cannot handle the situation that they are in. Minding the right of the unborn would be the least priority for them because what they are afraid of is to what will happen to their own lives with the baby inside the womb. They just want to escape from the situation. And for them, though NOT A GOOD IDEA, they settle to abortion as a solution to it.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
9 Jun 07
In the US, abortion is still safe & legal (thank whatever Higher Being is listening). In the physical sense, a legal termination is by far less risky & less dangerous than carrying a pregnancy to term.
There are many reasons women choose to terminate, fear may very well be some women's reasons. Is fear not a valid emotion? Not something we all experience over something? If a woman for whatever reason is fearful of continuing a pregnancy, imo that's as valid of a reason as any other. It's her body, her life, her future and her choice.
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