Moparscape... a cheap imitation
By bobbyjoe143
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
June 9, 2007 6:34pm CST
Ok, most people here that play on runescape will have at one time or another heard of moparscape, some people don't know what it is and i have had many people ask me what it is and if it has any connection to runescape in anyway, so i will write an explanation of what it is, how it works and ultimately whether it is worth trying it out.
Mopearscape is a cheap imitation of runescape2, it has all the features of runescape, but none of the content. there are many servers as such and you can log into it at anytime, but the major difference is that you are there in moparscape all alone. there are no other player, just you.
You begin there as a level 126... all stats are maxed out, you bigin with no items or gp (that's right you bigin with zero!).
Anything you want to have is there at your fingertips though, only if you know the game codes... you can "spawn" yourself 1 million d chains if you so wish, have an abyssal demon in varrok... place the KBD in lumbridge castle lol. but they aren't of any use.
There are no quests to complete, as there aren't any NPCs unless you creat them, and even then you can't talk to them.
Anything you do in moparscape has no bearings in the real runescape, nothing you do there can affect your real runescape character, any items you "place" on a mopar character will not go onto your actual runescape character (not even if you use your real account name and password).
Moparscape has no affilliation with runescape, it was created by someone who liked runescape, but didn't like the fact that the game has rules, they wanted a totally lawless runescape that they could do as they pleased in.
Jagex do not approve of people playing on mopar, this is not just because it is a cheap imitation, but also because it can be dangerous to peoples accouts.
The majority of mopar servers are riddled with viruses, trojans and key loggers, this can be both bad for your pc and your real runescape account. Also with the fact that mopar looks so much like runescape, some people may believe it ok to put in their real username and password and Jagex strongly disagree with such websites and avidly tell every player each time they log in to only use their username and password on
Is it ultimately worth playing moparscape? well personally i would say no. Even if you cannot afford membership, the free to play version is still better on runescape than mopar will ever be, the idea that you may get you account stolen or you computer hacked into should help you make the dicision not to play it (though ultimately it's your choice, don't think i am preaching lol).
i hope this has explained mopar to those that were unsure, and for those wondering, yes once i went on a mopar server, and i found it deathly boring and went straigt onto runescape to p[lay the "real" thing! :)
14 responses
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
10 Jun 07
i did not know that mopar was used to aid scams, but i can certainly see how it can be done i use (and mod) a site that is about runescape, and we have a pictures "part" of the forum, people have posted pics from mopar on there, but most of the time our members do say they are fakes and do not try to scam others using them.
thnx for the comment uath :D
@ddwarrior9 (118)
• United States
9 Jul 07
I have also used moparscape before and it is very fun to goof around with but its not the real thing so i always go back to real runescape and love every minute of it.
@kodymerlin (1)
• United States
31 Mar 09
well for one moparscape does suck but there are some sites out ther that do not have viruses like and but runekeep has a mains server and a pickup server these are good runescpae priveate servers zzscape i think is the best but runekeep has the most players on i play zzscape my self and i perfer that then runescape and i have an account on runescpae that is lvl 124 its just i dont like all the new stuff runescape is bringing in and i like the old runescape better so yes i would only play the server that dont take a download most donloadable servers are scams and have tojans on them but i have been playing zzscape sence decemebr and i have goten no viruses.
@Chippeh (1)
• Canada
14 Dec 09
You forgot to mention hydrascape, it's a quick growing community. Moparscape doesn't give any viruses unless you download a messed up file, I have been a member there for over a year, where's my virus? :)
If you're so concerned about viruses, I suggest you get nod32 virus protection, or something high class, not that free avg program ;)
Most people retreat to private servers because they don't agree with Jagex's decision of real world trading, if you can't trade/give stuff to your friends what's the point, and if you can't kill someone and get the weapon they had, what is the point there as well? =\
@Flamechampboom (222)
• United States
10 Jun 07
I have heard of Moparscape many times. I even have a friend that owns his own server. I haven't played it yet because I think it is pretty dumb to cheat and can be dangerous being on the servers.
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
10 Jun 07
playing on moparscape tecnically isn't cheating, as it has nothing to do with runescape, it just looks like runescape.
but yes the servers can be dangerous for your pc and your real account on runescape.

@grogfrog (1)
• Australia
26 Feb 09
lmfao ive been on moparscape for 3 yrs nowand to see you speak from an amature point of veiw is dispicable why post if all you think is your all alone?. If you knew anything at all about moparscape there are hundreds of servers with the rs content on them all the difference is there are rules to each different server where you start is to give you a basic knowledge of what your future on moparscape can hold. By going into the moparscape client and going to file change server ip you can go onto any server you want to play aslong as you change the port aswell for example: port number: 43594 server ip: .Ok ive basically just explained how moparscape works there are thousands of different server ip's but ive played on that one personally and am currently working on my own i feel petty someone like you that people read the post from would atleast have self respect enough to try moparscape out properly before posting that it is basically a complete waste of time to the world some people have a different opinion to you some people might not like rs or ms at all thats their decision but next to you want to post about a game or a client atleast do some proper research and explore on your topic so you dont look stupid
@Abysia (27)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Moparscape is just a private server of Runescape, which IS illegal based on Jagex's terms of use. It also is very poorly made and not fun at all. I recommend to stay away from Moparscape unless you are really bored and have security on your computer.
@sugar21 (227)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Yeah just a dumb imitation... Like everyone is rich there... BORING!
@whitesoldier (13)
• United States
26 Jul 07
Moparscape offline is boring but its good for writing scar scripts =p
However the online pk sever are very fun. wearing a p ring aka perfect ring you can have a 10k str bonus and 1 hit people its hilurios!!! lol btw moparscape is not illegal it change the game just enough so its not that why they have number next the items and characters... so stop talking about thing you dont know
@ke7fxb (65)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Mopar servers are not illegal for one, for two, you can do quests I play servers all the time where the owner creates quests, three, you can talk to the characters if you code it, and all this can be done but it all has to do with how much work the owner puts into it. You don't get any viruses or anything with most servers(if your smart you wouldn't in the first place because you would have anti-virus, firewall, spybot protecter) Also, the owner makes rules and most owners follow the same rules as jagex uses, except isnt so brutul about them. You are protected becuase if a player is bad first time they are kicked off, second they are banned, 3rd they are ip banned. I am making my own right now so I know.