Why do we talk of God as if it is a man?

June 10, 2007 6:56pm CST
I always wondered why God is referred to with he, Father, his...etc. It's as if God is male, considering that Jesus is his son and Marry was the mother he qualifies for being a man I guess. In my opinion it just reflects the paternalistic views of the middle east where all Abrahamic religions started. If a culture is male dominated the God will be a man. But if the culture has high regard for women the God will be referred to as a she.
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10 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Jun 07
We call God father because Jesus refered to him as father. as in the Lords prayer. Also God is the male form. If he was called Godess he would be a she.
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• Belgium
11 Jun 07
I would think God would be sexless. The fact that "he" is seen as a man just makes me believe God is a creation of men, and the idea that God could be female just didn't even enter their minds as women were considered inferiour beings
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Fact is I would rather deal with him as a man than as a woman anyway. Think he is moe stable that way.
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• Philippines
11 Jun 07
the problem with religious discussions is the fact that we can never have ever any reference other than the Bible, once we swerve away from this, we will be lost from the Biblical path of understanding things. if indeed we wish to learn Biblical facts, we have to stick to the Bible alone and nothing else. so, it is true that even Jesus Christ has attested to the fact that the Almighty God is a Father who lives in heaven. thus God can never be a woman. women should better recognize this because this is not a gender issue anyway and, i am a woman, too.
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Because the patriarchs wasnted to keep the power with the men. remember that in the middle east the Goddess was once worshipped. The Queen of heaven as she was refeered to in the bible. But the men who didn't want their women telling them what to do took control and pushed their agenda. Read "When God Was A Woman" by Merlin Stone for more info.
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• Belgium
11 Jun 07
Thanks for the info. I'm a man but I think women deserve better than the way they are treated in most cultures
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Jun 07
God has always been He, it says so in the Bible. There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If a culture is male dominated, does not mean they do not regard women as important. In the beginning, male and female were equal, and a woman was a helper to her husband because she loved him. So had Adam and Eve not sinned, Eve would have helped Adam by getting the tools ready, and making sure he had some fruit and veggies when he came home because she wanted to, not because Adam snapped a whip and said, "come here woman, I want food." You know you feminists should look through history and see what female dominated cultures succeeded and advanced economically and also look at how the women worked in Russia under Communism. I doubt sweeping the streets, and carryng heavy loads is that nice.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Jun 07
If that was the case why didn't God make her from his foot bone so he could walk all over her. He made her from his rib from his side so she could be equal. Man has made her less not god.
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• Belgium
11 Jun 07
Equality is not about doing the same type of work. Women and men are different very different biologically and in the way they approach things but that's no excuse to treat women with less respect. Now the whole adam eve story is as sexist as can be. Man was created first women from the man. That's just B*sh*t we all know that this isn't the way it happened, and the authors of the bible of course didn't have the scientific knowledge we have now, so the made up a story from a man's perspective.
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• Belgium
12 Jun 07
Really don't tell me you believe the whole rib story.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
God is referred to as male because he says he's male. Now, if you don't believe in the Bible, then that's a completely different issue. But if you believe in the Bible as truth, God is very clear about who he is. He describes himself very specifically, down to his personality traits. According to the Bible, God fashioned Adam after his own likeness. Meaning that it's not us that decided that God is male, but God who decided that he would make humans in his own likeness. Woman was created as a companion and helpmate to man after he complained of being lonely. Woman was specifically fashioned to "fit" the man.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
14 Jun 07
I would say one of the main differences between humans and chimps is religion, but Harry Poter and Star Wars are not good examples lol. Take better my example.
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• Belgium
14 Jun 07
Well if you think of it it's not so strange. Back in the days only a handful of people could read and write. Nowadays everyone reads and writes, there are more books and magazines available than ever in history. For illiterate people a book was a holy object and highly regarded. Now we throw away paper, books, magazines. If you wanted to preserve a religion the best thing to do was make a book out of it. If you would do that nowadays and start your own religion the impact would be far less. The story of Adam and Eve just shows you how little people back them knew about the origion of life.
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• Belgium
12 Jun 07
Unless the whole story of God making Adam is manmade fiction. Some people think that Harry Potter is real or Star Wars. We all know we have more than 90% of our DNA in common with chimps. This means humans and chimps are more related than chimps and gorilla's. That's genetics, it can be proven time after time. Isn't it more likely humans an chimps had a common ancestor which was apelike? That makes more sense to me.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
11 Jun 07
I rather believe in a feminine Godess. I have an old discussion about this, please check it: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/952822.aspx Then I'll explain it further if you want.
@missak (3311)
• Spain
13 Jun 07
Thank you for coming to my discussion! I saw you have the same idea as me. This is interesting. The next to discuss should be, if this idea is logic, why the most extended religions are contrary to this? Is it just a human manipulation?
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• Belgium
13 Jun 07
I'm not religious so are ideas differ but if I would be religious I would follow your reasoning. I think it's also why we call the earth, Mother Earth and not father earth.
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• Belgium
12 Jun 07
I think I understand why you say this
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@yemberzal (301)
• India
11 Jun 07
God, in islam is liasa kamsli shia means nothing like Him, that simply means you can not make imagination about Him, neither you can personify Him.He has no son,no father,He is only one.When some call Him as father ,it implies He is sustainer, providing all of us worldly things.It is simple to understand , God has kept everything beneath, even He dropped iron from above ,it is not terrestrial material, it could have never formed under the core because it needed energy of sun to make a atom of iron. He kept petrol beneath, only then we ply cars and fly aeroplanes.
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• Belgium
11 Jun 07
So he is sexless do you agree on that?
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• Philippines
11 Jun 07
this is because God is really a man. if you believe that what is written in the Bible is all truth, then you can read there that God has always been referred to as a man. He and the Father are all male words and these are the words which have been used to refer unto God. then you can also see that God made a male first and only created a female when He noticed that the male was not happy alone and must have needed a companion. this means that the idea of womanhood came even so much later than when man came to be.
• United States
12 Jun 07
The whole religion issue comes down to faith. You have faith that the Bible's not true, and I have faith that it is. We certainly cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the other is wrong. Basically what you're doing in this thread is asking people "why", and when they tell you what they believe and why they believe it, you're then telling them that you don't subscribe to their belief system, so that makes their answer inacceptable. It might be to you, but that doesn't make their reasoning wrong. Let's keep in mind that: 1. You are certainly not the first person to ask such a question, and if it could be answered in a way that could satisfy you, it would have been done by now. 2. To everything else in life, there is a truth. Not believing in the truth doesn't make it not the absolute truth, it just makes you a non-believer. 3. You may be standing more firm on your beliefs now than ever because you feel you have to defend your viewpoint rather than be open to others' perspectives. In the end, such thinking would only hurt YOU, not the people you're aiming barbs at. 4. No one will ever be able to convince you that God is male, or that the Bible is true, or any of the other faith-based beliefs they hold. But you do owe it to yourself to seek out the truth and research what you're taking a stand on. You should have reasons for what you believe in and what you don't believe in. Saying that you don't believe in something because you think it's hooey is fine unless you actually have to stand before God someday and justify that to HIM.
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• Belgium
12 Jun 07
That is my whole point, I don't believe the Bible is all truth. Anyway since women are the ones that give birth, I think female species were the first on earth. With primitive species you can see sexless reproduction. The bible is nothing but a book from schizofrenic people who heared voices and wrote it down from their views at that period in time. Hardly worth it to base your life on.
• Belgium
12 Jun 07
I think you (not personal, I mean "you" in general meaning) have a serious problem when you let faith come before reason. If you have faith that God is a fridge circling behind the moon, I can't say you are lying, coz I can't see behind the moon, but you agree that this is rather unlikely. Now the bible is full of contradictions and if you know how it is what it is now there is little doubt on my mind it's a man made book.
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• United States
13 Jun 07
Here's a separate post for something you brought up earlier; what is it about the Bible that you've found that's full of holes or discrepancies after you've researched it?
• United States
14 Jun 07
I'm not sure that it matters what exact word was used in the text (virgin vs. young girl) since the rest of the story reveals that Mary was in fact both a virgin and a young woman. It seems that you're missing the forest through the trees.
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• Belgium
14 Jun 07
Since Mary no woman has ever given birth as a virgin. It would all be clear when we could study Jesus DNA somehow. It would probably be just normal DNA and nothing Godlike. It can't be from Mary alone because in that case Jesus would have been female as to be male you require a Y chromosome. Without male intervention that is not possible.
• Belgium
14 Jun 07
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_consistency_and_the_Bible I just posted this page for quick reference, but of course this isn't the only reason. There are first of all the origins of how the bible was formed, some scriptures where left out on purpose. Let's just say that was a correct decision, than there are still different versions of the same bible. Protestants threw out 7 books from the original printed version published in Rheims in 1582. Resulting in the Authorized King James version. Many misconceptions arise with wrong translation: 1. "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a VIRGIN shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14 - AV) The indispensable "VIRGIN" in the above verse has now been replaced in the RSV with the phrase "a young woman," which is the correct translation of the Hebrew word almah. Almah is the word which has occurred all along in the Hebrew text and NOT bethulah which means VIRGIN. Still this correction is not used in many languages. And you can go on an compile a whole book of errors, mistakes. There is also a lot of cruelty in the book especially in the old testament. Which has also doubtfull origins. It's too long to discuss it all here but I'm willing to post you a few links
@missak (3311)
• Spain
16 Jun 07
By the way, there is a passage in the bible where the place of god is represented by a woman. Ok, you will complain I am promoting my discussions more than I should... it is not my fault you have touched my preferred topic lol. Have a look at: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1062639.aspx . It is a wonderful mistery... Saint John viewing a woman in the skies above... what do you think of this? It is much more interesting than the Genesis lol.
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• Belgium
30 Sep 07
Hey thanks for this reference
@shemah (840)
• Malaysia
12 Jun 07
yes i believe God is sexless. God simply exists. Not in a certain form.. just exists.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
I always wonder about this sort of reasoning; about the "God just exists" thinking. I God exists, it/he/she must actually have some qualities, right? After all, it's GOD we're talking about here, and that being must have some preferred form (even if it is body-less, or in spirit form) along with qualities. This goes back to what I was saying in an earlier posting; that there must be a truth behind it all. We in this culture have a way of thinking that God will be whatever we'd like to think of him as. Or even not exist if we think he doesn't. None of which makes God who he is.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
I'm not understanding the question - could you ask it in a different way?
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• Belgium
12 Jun 07
Depending on your culture God will already be different sexless or not. You can also ask yourself the question why didn't God manifest 'him'self to other cultures before Christianity and Islam became the dominating religions in most parts of the world. Isn't it said that all those people didn't had the chance to know God???