Grandparents spanking grandchildren
By Ellie
@ellie26 (4139)
June 11, 2007 2:55am CST
As parents, we like to bring our children to see their grandparents for a visit or just to let your children bond with their grandparents. Children can be naughty and it can upset their grandparents when they misbehaved. Sometimes, grandparents spank their grandchildren if they misbehaved. What is your reaction if this happen to you? Will you take it positively or will you defense your children.?
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19 responses
@samson1967 (7413)
• India
11 Jun 07
Grand parents always leave a grand impression on their grand children. Some times it is inevitable for the grand parents to spank on their G.Children, in order to bring them up in right path. To increase the bondage and not to hurt the children the grand parents need to combine the spanking and their Love.
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@muscare (3068)
• Australia
11 Jun 07
As parents who don't spank, I would be really cross if the grandparents spanked my son, and I would be standing by him when he said he didn't want to go back there, as I'm sure that is what he would say if he was ever smacked. Especially seeing as my son responds well to talking about something he did wrong.
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@Stiletto (4579)
11 Jun 07
I am a grandparent and I would NEVER dream of spanking my grandaughter - first of all I think it's wrong for anyone to hit a child anyway but secondly my daughter would go absolutely nuts because she doesn't agree with spanking either! As for when my own daughter was a child I would have gone crazy if my parents (or anyone for that matter) had raised their hand to her.
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@rapolu_cs (1184)
• India
11 Jun 07
Till now i never expierenced tis type of situation and moreover if at all this happens i just ask my children to say sorry to the grand parents that they made them to beat,because the older they become the patience in them decreases and they dont tolerate the noise and love to be in quite atmosphere and want to play with the grand children in a polite and cal manner.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
11 Jun 07
If my son was under their care while I was at work or somewhere and he misbehaved, I would expect the grandparents to discipline him accordingly. There are other alternatives to consider before even spanking, so I would hope that they would consider those options before even laying a hand on my son. My husband has actually spoken to his parents about disciplining so they understand our boundaries. My parents on the other hand have not had a chance to babysit him so its not really an issue with us.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
11 Jun 07
Hello,ellie,i do not have children but i do not think spanking to children will work,it will only create adverse effect.The hearts of children are fragile,if you punish and spank them hard, they may have a scar(both physical and psychological).If you really want to stop your children from doing someone,it is better to turn your volume down and not to make them scare. The way to teach children should be rewarding them for the right thing not punishing them for the wrong doings.
I do not have children, my view may be different from other parents.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
11 Jun 07
Well, that depends on which grandparents are doing the spanking. Don't get me wrong. I am not showing favorites here. But I was abused growing up. So that set of parents would not touch my child at all. If I found out they spanke done of them. There would be some heavy words said. As I don't tolerate abuse. To prevent it, I don't allow it but the ones who caused it years ago. Now my mother doesn't bother me. As I know when she spanks it probably hurts her more than the child that is getting spanked.
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@pramodthakur (2365)
• India
12 Jun 07
Generally it is seen that children love grandparents and vice versa. In very few cases, grandparents spank children. As the children are naughty one, sometime G-parenst have to spank. We should not mind this case. We must take it in positive way. Negative way will harm the feeling of grandparents. As they always love the children really. If I face such problem, I will not defend the children. I will leave the matter at both's understanding. As children do not remember the misbehave they have done with grandparents.
@livewyre (2450)
13 Jun 07
I would be very unhappy if I thought that anybody had hit my child. We do not use physical punishment at home and would expect everybody else whether family or authority figure (ie.teacher) to respect that.
I was punished this way as a child and it did not teach me respect only fear.
To answer you question specifically, I would explain that my child was NOT to be hit, and then decide on a more suitable punishment such as sending to bed or removal of privilages.
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I have three grandchildren 9, 11 and 12. They have lived with us along with mom and dad for a piece of time. They live in their own house now but I still see them on a regular basis. At no time since they have come into this world have I spanked them. That is not my place. If something happens than I go and discuss it with my son or daughter-in-law or both of them together and they decide what the consequences should be. They do discipline them for getting out of hand around granny and grandpa. That is as it should be. No grandparents should be spanking their grandchildren.
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
11 Jun 07
But with if your son or daughter-in-law are not around. Should you just let your grandchildren get away with what they have done? "it takes a village to raise a chid..."
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@anonymili (3138)
13 Jun 07
I don't have children (even though my parents have been longing to be grandparents for absolutely years). My brother was spanked a lot growing up by my dad as he was a little tearaway and often he was spanked to stop him from doing things which could injure himself, although my dad was far too quick to hit him. I was never hit myself. I remember years ago my brother said if he ever had kids he would never hit them and would not even let my dad touch his kids if and when he had them. My dad is a lot older now and I doubt he would hit his grandchildren if and when he has any but if you think of it this way... Why wait so long to have grandchildren and then hit them when you do have them? The very next thing that will happen will be that your kids don't want to visit their grandparents and then it will only be the parents who are missing out on seeing their own grandchildren. x
@abroji (3247)
• India
11 Jun 07
I am getting ready to become a grandfather soon. Both my daughters are expecting. I swear never to even pinch my grandchildren. I haven't beat or pinch my daughters when they were children for that matter. I am totally aginst punishing children physically.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
12 Jun 07
I am a grandmother. I don't really believe in spanking accept as a last resort. I didn't like my parents to spank my kids I perferred they handled the problem with a time out. Mind you if I felt my kids needed a spanking they got one. So now I am a grandma, I do all the babysitting for my kids right now. I have one granddaugher full time because her mom goes to school everyday to be a nurse. I have talked to my daughters to say how do you want me to handle things. what if things got out of hand and I felt my grandchild needed a spanky. God forbid! Both girls have said mom we trust your judgement with that so we will leave it up to you; if you say they need a spanking then they probably do. But honestly I cringe at the thought of it. So far so good! I did feel the need to spank my grand daughter's hand the other day. She like to go into this one drawer that she know she is not allowed in. I tell her no and the little squirt laughs and does it anyway. Saying no and removing her hand and redirecting her attention is not working and her well is getting strong. She looks at me as if you say you will not tell me what to do. At lest then two years old I think we need to curb that attitude. Do you? So a tap on the hand just makes her laugh even more. So I had to resort to a spank on the hand. She was shocked let out a cry got mad and went the other way. We will see what happens next time. Hopefully she will not even go there. If anyone is quick to give a spanking instead of disciplining through teaching I am not in favor off and would tell them to please not discipline my children just as I did for my children when they were young. A time out is good enough for the grand parents or who ever the babysitter is and you can deal with it when you get home too if need be by talking with your kids. Then there is the side though that the children need to learn to behave no matter where they are; even at the grandparents house. LOL
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@autwogussy (23)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
I believe that grandparents should know that their moral support and guidance will definitely help us parents in raising responsible children. But on issues of spanking, they need to know up to what level you could tolerate their
style of discipline towards your children. I'm open to the idea of grandparents helping out their son or daughter but there should be no spanking. If possible, I usually advise my parents to talk to the child and tell him that what he did is not appropriate.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
12 Jun 07
No spanking given by grandparents for us. I would ask that all discipline issues be discussed with my husband and I first and we would all decide together what the appropriate action would be.
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@ToriaT (102)
• Canada
12 Jun 07
My own parents didnt believe in spanking...they had punishments of course...My mother now in her Late sixties would never strike a child...if we as children misbehaved we would get the talk first...She would let us know what we had done was not acceptable and why...then came consequence ...she was inventive in that reguard...the chore you hated worst was now yours for a week...being of Irish ancestory She was a great story teller...we would sit in rapt attention most nights...but if we had been extra mischievious on a given would be a school lesson on the times tables or some boring science lesson...instead of a ghost story...I asked her once about spanking because lots of kids i knew got spanked...She just smiled and said " i taught you to make cookies by showing you how to mix batter ,how to form the dough to heat the oven ...its my job to teach you how to behave...if i beat you i teach you how to use power and strength to harm someone less so ...that is not what i want to teach you...She did not bash other parents for their ways ...she just explained her ways simply...all my siblings have children not one of them spank ...if anyone struck a child in my presence ...i would speak out... not in a berating way...but i would ask them what they were trying to teach the child? sometimes when asked a simple question people come to the right answer on their own...
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
12 Jun 07
If my daughters grandparents smacked my child my first reaction would be to find out why... I know that she would have to do something pretty bad for them to even consider doing it! As far as I am concerned if she is in their house then she has to live by their rules. I know that my daughters grandma smacked her grandson when he came to visit a while back as he was eye gouging his cousin (not my daughter) and grandma couldnt get him to stop so she lightly tapped him on the bum (I wouldnt even really call it a smack it was that light) and when his mother found out she went off and banned her son from going to grandmas house, I think this was unfair especially considering what he was doing, the way he was going he was going to take his cousins eye out and she was screaming and he wouldnt stop
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@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Jun 07
It's a very complicated situation. We cannot show our fury to our parents because they spanked the kids while at the same time we have to comfort the child. The best thing is to ask children what they did and why and then if they are wrong try to explain the kids that whatever they did is wrong and ask them to go and apologize to grandparents. This way children learns what is right and the grandparents get a chance to make up with the kid. If they love you, they love your children as well. They will never spank their grandchildren just like that. So, tackle the situation carefully.
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I would actually be rather upset if my sons grandparents did not punish him for doing something wrong. My son, who is only 10 months old right now, needs to know that if something is bad that it is bad everywhere - not just for mom and dad or at home. He needs to know his grandparents deserve respect. I can't have my son running around his grandparents house doing whatever he wants because they won't punishment him.
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