Readers Digest---How Many Read This Magazine?

United States
June 11, 2007 2:00pm CST
I love to read this magazine. It has so many good stories in it but the best thing I like about it is the section called Word Power. It is a nice way to learn new words. They put words and than they give you multiple choice to pick which answer is the meaning to the word. I really like this part of Readers Digest and a person can expand their vocabulary by answering the word power quiz. I always do. What about you? Do you answer the word power quiz?
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16 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I used to read it all the time but to be honest haven't in several years. They used to have a lot of helpful information though and I always loved reading the stories. I can't say I remember the word power quiz - it may have been new since I have read in so long or I just don't remember - blame it on the age :)
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Hey sunshine I leave for a couple weeks and you got a new avatar :) I know my ex-mother-in-law used to get RD faithfully and she would send me all the ones she thought I would enjoy the stories in. She also got the books - they had 3 stories in each I read a lot of those too.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
Hello Dear Friend-- That is one of my favorite magazines to read. I always can't wait until the new issue comes out. The first thing I do when I get my hands on it is the word power. It is a section that lists words and than it gives you a multiple choice of which is the definition of the word. I have learned new words this way. I like the magazine a lot.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
I was going to wait until July to put this avatar up since my anniversary is in August. But me and my impatience decided to go ahead and put it up. That was one handsome hombre that I hooked up with. I am glad that you are back. How are things with you? I keep you in my prayers everyday.
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@msvenzon (424)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
Hi Sunshinelady! I do read Reader's Digest, I had subscription since I was in college and we at home enjoy it so much. I do word power with my brothers and sisters. I like the new facts I learn, the jokes and quotations and all the true inspirational story. I even gave 2 of my friends a gift subscription last christmas.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
That is a thoughtful gift to give. Everytime they receive the magazine they will think about you and how thoughtful you are. This is a good magazine for your brothers and sisters to read. It has a lot of good stories and the word power is excellent to teach them new words. I have always classified it as a great magazine and it just gets better every time I receive a copy.
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• United States
12 Jun 07
msvenzon Another thing is you can start up discussions with some of the stories. They make for interesting talking. I have done that myself at work and get some pretty interesting thinking on some of the stories and how people have looked at them. Getting their opinion of the story.
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@msvenzon (424)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
Yes it is, that's why I gave it my friends. They always see me bring these magazines at work and during our practice. They got really interested but can't subscribe, I thought it would be great to just send them a year's subsciption. At least I got to share the great stories and knowledge I get from Reader's Digest.
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
11 Jun 07
yes we read it actually we have a subscription it's a great magazine with tons of useful information ... you can learn a lot I also enjoy the jokes!
• United States
12 Jun 07
I like all the articles but especially the humor in uniform. That might be because I was in the service for four years. But I get a chuckle out of that area. I do like all the articles though. I like to read things that are true life stories.
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@ibsnet (1268)
• India
11 Jun 07
Reader's Digest is a very good magazine. I am a member for last 2 years. The articles are all taken from real life and their collection is really good. Each and every section gives some good knowledge also. i like the magazine.
• United States
12 Jun 07
I love the magazine and it is such good reading. I like all the areas and read it from cover to cover on most issues.
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@mizrae (587)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I have subscribed to Readers Digest for years. I even tried to sell it once. No matter what the subject, the articles are current to the times. I have to say I have two favorites, the real life stories and the humor in uniform. Yes, this is one of those must of magazines.
• United States
12 Jun 07
I have read this magazine for years and love it when each new issue comes out. The real life stories I enjoy reading and the humor in uniform is especially close to my heart because I was in the service myself for four years so I get a kick out of some of the humor in uniforms.
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• United States
11 Jun 07
I love readers digest. I discovered it when I was quite young and going through some old stuff inside a big cabinet. I just devoured stacks and stacks of these magazine. I like their word power section, humor in uniform, laughter is the best medicine, quotable quotes, etc. I love reading and readers digest just poured more fuel in that fire.
• United States
12 Jun 07
I like the whole magazine but there are certain areas that I like to read more than others. Humor in uniform is one and I really like the word power section. I like to try to learn a new word everyday and that is perfect for this. It is just something I like to do.
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@gberlin (3836)
14 Jun 07
I like Reader's Digest. Of course my favorite part of the magazine are the jokes. I do like the word power section also. And I like reading some of the stories. Very good magazine.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 07
I don't read it I have never liked it but I am not a Magazine lover at all I prefer my Books lol as I can loose myself into another World and forget about this one for a bit lol
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• United States
14 Jun 07
We each have different interests. That is what makes the world so wonderful. It would be so dull if everyone liked the same thing and did the same thing. Readers Digest is about the only magazine I do read the others don't interest me very much. I love to read and when I sit down with a book I always try to make sure every thing is done because I lose track of time reading a good book as I do when I come here to mylot. I am going to try my hand at a blog. Don't know how it will turn out because I have never done one before. I used the same site you used to do your blog. So I am working on that right now. I like to do new things so I figured I'd try this and see what happens.
• United States
12 Jun 07
Sorry...I do not like or read any magazines. The big glossy ones are too full of adds and the Readers Digest type have items that may interest me but they are always in a condensed form and I dont care for that. I want to read the whole thing.
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@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
11 Jul 07
I also love to read the magazine.....Word Power is my fav too.....Have you ever read the hard covered books they have out?They are the stories that you read from the mag but in more indepth
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
I used to read this magazine in my high school to college days because my dad buys it regularly. It's very compact yet full of information inside. I also answer the Word Power section and it's hard to get a perfect score there. They always have challenging words that confuse me. It's fun though, and I really miss reading that magazine.
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• Singapore
13 Jun 07
I used to subscribe to Reader's Digest long ago. They still send me that weird lucky draw thingy from time to time though lol. :P Anyway I stopped after I realised that every issue seems the same. It is always the same category of stories that look no different from one another. It's like only the names are changed but the stories remain the same. So I got to a point when I was only reading one page - laughter the best medicine - out of the whole issue. That is a sinful waste since it is not that cheap a magazine. Hence I canceled the subscription and never looked back.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I've loved RD since I was a child. My mother used to get the RD Condensed Books, it helped her keep current on her reading in less time. As an adult, I almost always have a few month's worth of issues on a rack in the powder room, there's alway something to look at even after I've read every article! I am very disappointed in myself if I don't score a 16 or better on Word Power. I've worked hard for this vocabulary, darn it!
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• United States
13 Jun 07
A person after my own heart. I always do the word power and try to score as high as I can. I love the magazine and always look forward to the new issues comeing out.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
1 Nov 07
I seldom read Reader's Digest. Only if I saw available issues somewhere else. I don't buy new editions because it is expensive here in our place. usually, when I saw back issues from magazine stores, that is the only time I buy it. Or if I saw a friend with it, I borrow.
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
i used to read this magazine before.. one of my favorite parts is the word power. its here i came to be familiar with new words.. then i also love the reader-submitted jokes and anecdotes..
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• India
12 Jun 07
Well i have read this readers digest a lot and i find it very interesting as there isit provides valuable information.....well i do give a try in word power quiz.