Having only one child
By Cassy1976
@Cassy1976 (796)
June 12, 2007 4:18am CST
I have one child and that is all that we want, financially we are comfortable with the one child and we can send her to the private schools that we want and give her what she needs, now why do so many people think I am so bad for only wanting one child and they keep telling me that in a few years I will change my mind... it really annoys me, I had a terrible pregnancy with my daughter and I just dont want to have any more children... is that really so bad? am I just being selfish? I take my daughter to play groups and mothers groups and all of that (she is 8 months old) I will make sure that she is not lonely.
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16 responses
@sabsta2006 (241)
12 Jun 07
You are not a bad person for wanting only one child! How can you be called selfish, some people choose not to have any children at all! Surely that is down to personal preference.
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@sabsta2006 (241)
12 Jun 07
I am not suggest that you are selfish for not wanting, I actually said that it was down to personal preference on whether people what children or not, or whether they want just 1 or 6.
I am sorry if my comment was taken the wrong way and somewhat offended you.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
13 Jun 07
SAC,,HUNNY,..Sab was only stating that YOu NOT a bad person for only wanting one..that people also choose NOT to have aNY.....they were just agreeing with you dear..just wanted to let ya know..take care!
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
Thanks for the responses yes I do agree it is all down to personal choice, I dont have anything against people who want no children at all, obviously that is what suits them, I think that is all it is, what suits one couple doesnt necessarily suit another, but each couple should be able to make up their own mind and not feel bad about it
@susiq445 (13)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I feel it's a personal choice and people have good reasons for only having one child. I have 4 (Thought I was having a 3rd and ended up with twins)and somedays I wonder what it would be like to have just one. HOWEVER...I wouldn't change it for the world. Even though they all hate to share at times they also know it's not an option. Many only children are stereotyped as being selfish and I personally know many who fit the bill. I also know a couple kids who are very well rounded and don't have a selfish bone in their body and they grew up alone. I really feel it's all in the way they are raised. Our kids also go to private schools but they know it is a privilege. My neice who is an only child is extremely close to my children. We include her in a lot of things we do and always have. Hopefully she will always feel she has a special part in our family too :)
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
My daughter also has cousins that she does alot with, I am hoping to continue with that as she gets older thank you so much for your response
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
13 Jun 07
there's absolutely nothing wrong with only having 1 child. i used to want a second child, but that was before my son's father brought up the issue of traveling to visit family (our families don't live near us), going to theme parks, sporting events, etc. not to mention having more money to provide for education if we only had one.
i'm glad we opted for just one, since our son is autistic and is occasionally not very easy to handle.
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
Thank you for your response, I know exactly what you are saying here
@djbizmonkey34 (633)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with only having one child. My sister only has one and she is very content with that
@aamiryousuf (5)
• India
13 Jun 07
You are a little bit selfish,, You want only 1 child coz u had a lot of pain and problems during pregnancy,,if it would have not been so then u would have not had such intensions of only having 1 child,, Children r gifts of god and my personal opinion is that 1 is on enough,,atleast 2 is sufficient,, Just think over it
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@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
My first baby is through Caesarian operation, and told mysel this is it. After 15 months i got another child and still caesarian operation. Well, without my SSS it will drive me crasy. And we both finally said enough for two girls.
After 8 years, I have a baby boy...and thank God it was a normal delivery.
Now they grown up 14, 12, and 5. Happy and contented.
They are studying in public schools and they're all consistent honor students.
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
It is nice to hear your children are doing well thank you for your response
@Theresam (1177)
• United States
18 Jun 07
It is no one else decisions besides you and your spouse on whether you want 1 or more children. People think that they need to butt into other's business.
I don't think you are being selfish at all. Make sure you and your daughter have a good social circle.
@selina0625 (1379)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
No I don't think that choosing to have one child only makes you a selfish at all. In fact it is a sign of being a responsible parent. When you have fewer children the more you can raise your children in a more comfortable life. You can give them the attention they need and take of yourself and your husband as well.
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@rapolu_cs (1184)
• India
12 Jun 07
OH! thats bad of others those who blame you,i dont think that your are selfish in mateer of children and i agree with your problem its your life and your dicision and if it is ok with your partner then no problem and need not to care for others,and moreover if are so confident with your parenting you can proceed iam with you at difficulties and can help you in giving suggestions. All the best,be brave and be strong with your decisions.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Jun 07
My mom had only one, and that is all she wanted,. being an only child, I always wanted a big family. I am now on my third kid.
The way I look at it is this...Every family is different, and whatever works best for that family is the way it is best.
Spend a lot of time with her, and play with her, =)
As an only child, I was pretty bored a lot! I saw other people with their brothers and/or sister and I was jealous. I think that I wished my mom would've spent more time, just playing with me, so I was not bored. I had a lot of friends, but at night when I had to come in I was alone! (cue the violins Lol!)
No, but you can make it work, if you only want one, and everyone else agrees, wonderful! Dont listen to everyone else, do what is best for you!
Oh and to answer your question, NO WAy are you being selfish, if you think that you only want one, then you only want one, that is not selfish, it is you and your families life no one else's and sometimes what is good for others isnt good for us! =)
sorry for writing a book! =)
@john19762 (66)
• China
12 Jun 07
Just Like one coin has two sides.One child may feel lonely but she will get more love from parents.So if you can deal with this thing carefully.I think she become a happy and good girl.and hope you will happy too.Thanks.
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
Thank you for your response, I hope that she will be happy in the future
@vorbro (83)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Hey. We get this same crap from people to. We have only the one child and intend to keep it that way. reason number 1. finacially we feel we can better provide for just the one child. 2. The wife had some serious health problems during her pregnancy with our son and the doctors told us it would be very risky to try again. 3. Its our choice and our business. I, like you am sick and tired of people thinking they have some kind of say in how we build our family. IM sure they wouldnt appreciate me telling them how many children they can have. so in short you need to tell these busybodies to mind there own business and i wouldnt be non to friendly about it either.
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
You sound just like us!!! thank you for your response
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I know how you feel. I have one little boy and that is enough for me. Just like you I had a very diffcult pregancy and we are able to let him live comfortly and send him to the best schools if we do not home school. People now days think they have the right to put their two cents in when ever they please. Tell them it is your life and you are the one who has to care for this children and support them finacially.
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
I have been know to say this from time to time, thank you for your response
@pandagirl (71)
• United States
3 Jul 07
If thats what you feel comfy with it don't matter what other people think. I have only one son, and i'm fine with that he has plenty of cousins and lil friends, so that he will not be lonely.
@tsnadeer (88)
• India
13 Jun 07
that is not favour keep one child in the family, there is chance to feel more lonelyness for the baby and it will be effect the personality of the children as we know that we are in society and should mingle with different characters, Even if you are taking her to play group and mothers groups that is not enough to feel blood relationship feeling like brothers and sisters love
@bestgirl2008 (183)
• Germany
12 Jun 07
i don't think have only 1 child is bad because i better than having no children