what household chore do you hate doing most?

@avelnrm (239)
June 12, 2007 4:51am CST
Doing household chores is not really a big problem for me since it really is necessary. But there's really one household chore that i really hate doing -- it's getting rid of dusts (e.g. sweeping, dusting off). Dusts really trigger my allergic rhinitis, even when i wear a mask, so i really hate this chore. How about you? what's a big no no household chore for you?
10 responses
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
12 Jun 07
I hate cleaning the oven. It is grease, sticky and dirty. When I have to clean it, I feel it is the most difficult task I am facing. And I don't want to leave it to someone else to do the work, as I worry the cleaning substance contains chemical elements that may stay inside the oven without cleaning properly and we may suffer the consequence.
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
12 Jun 07
Thanks, do you remember the make of spray? At the moment I am using the spary of Mr. Muscle.
• Germany
12 Jun 07
If you are using a the spray on oven cleaners, just don't use as much and if you are the one cleaning it out after the spray has done it's job, I am sure that you will make sure it is done well. I worked in a Greek restaurant for years and we used the same spray on oven cleaner for the oven and the burners on the stove top as you would use at home and we never had any problems.
@Ashgun (472)
12 Jun 07
I really like to do household koz i love cleanliness; i can give you some tips on shortcuts for Household Chores :Dusting Try dusting cloth lampshades with a lint roller. It works quick and effectively without the hassle of a vacuum. :Windows and Mirrors Use old newspapers to clean mirrors and windows. You'll have a great disposable cleaning rag and be recycling at the same time. Vinegar is an inexpensive easy cleaner that can be used on windows and mirrors. :Cleaning Out the Microwave Bring a cup of water to boil in the microwave, the steam will help loosen dried on particles making them easily wiped away. :Scrubbing the Toilet Put toilet cleaner in the toilet to soak while you wipe down the outside. The inside dirt and stains will be loosened and more easily cleaned. Buy a drop-in toilet cleaner dispenser, to increase the time between needed cleanings. :Cleaning out the Refrigerator Use baking soda to wipe down the inside of the refrigerator.
@avelnrm (239)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
thank you very much for sharing those tips to us.
• Germany
12 Jun 07
Thank you for the tip about the microwave!! I think that is the chore that is most neglected in our house. The microwave sits on top of the fridge so it is kind of "out sight out of mind" for me. Of course that is until I want some popcorn and I see the mess my dear, loving husband has made!! LOL
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
12 Jun 07
I clean everyday because I have three kids to pick up after, I think the chore I hate the most is cleaning the restroom. I really don't know how it happens but everytime my kids use the restroom, they always manage to leave the floor soaking wet & I hate it!...lol....But it's a chore that has to be done.....
@avelnrm (239)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
yes, you're right, we can't do anything else but do our chores.
• United States
12 Jun 07
I really really hate sweeping the floor. :P
@avelnrm (239)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
we're the same. thanks for the response.
• India
12 Jun 07
well i hate putting thngs to places the most1 my mom is alwyz sitting on my head to clean my room and put all thngs in their right places and i jus cringe and the thought of it.
@avelnrm (239)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
thanks for sharing. good day.
• India
12 Jun 07
i hate cleaning my room..coz i always make it a mess and hate cleasning it..so i exchange my job wid my mom..like if she cleans my room then i help her in her kitchen works...
@avelnrm (239)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
that's a nice idea. thanks for the response.
@teleios (737)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
organizing. i hate to organize, although its something i have to do a lot since i live with the biggest packrats in the world LOL! (lovable packrats, but packrats still!)
@nielcdg (709)
• Philippines
14 Jun 07
We are in the same boat my friend, It really aggravates my nose to dust in the house. Another chore I hate is washing my clothes by hand, I type all day sometimes at work and I also write with pen and paper so my hands are already tired as it is and when I wash my clothes by hand I feel that they ache and I cant finish the whole lot. Not that I'm lazy in the house no, Im incharge with the cooking and the arrangements of house hold furniture provided that it was already dusted and hour before. I also water the plants outside and sweep away the dirt, It doesnt make me sneeze since the dust doesnt stay in a closed area and I stay upwind. Im also incharge of feeding and cleaning the pets but other than that I cant wash and dust I hope that's fair enough :)
• China
12 Jun 07
I hate doing the washing most,especially the socks!We live in the dorm and the sink is not big enough for us to wash clothes.What's more,I always get a terrible ache in my waste.I t's painful!
• United States
12 Jun 07
Ugh I just hate housework in general. Dusting I said is the most pain with all the little nooks and crannies you have to get around.