Illegals the TRUTH at last!
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
June 12, 2007 1:50pm CST
This is a clear conside article just where they are in our society and what is being done about it. Perhaps this will convince the over forgiving liberals to think again!!! You think???
The must-win battle over illegals in U. S.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- For the moment at least, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act has stalled thanks to the outrage of a large segment of Americans who can't understand why those who have invaded our country illegally should be rewarded by being catapulted onto the fast track to citizenship.
The battle is far from over, however, as the unlikely political coalition that put the measure together is vowing to try once again to ram it down our throats.
Sen. Edward Kennedy, for example, has extolled what would be the most radical change in America's immigration laws in 80 years as a way to "bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America."
Similarly, President Bush declared over the weekend that the bill would "resolve the status of the estimated 12 million people who are here illegally" while not according them amnesty, a term he conveniently defines as "forgiveness with no penalty for people who have broken our laws to get here."
The immigration mess in this country has gotten so bad that, according to a Time magazine report, the number of people who are coming here illegally is now three times greater than those who play by the rules as generations of lawful immigrants have done.
Contrary to Kennedy's ridiculous rhetoric, the millions of illegal immigrants in this country today are not lurking in the shadows. Indeed, they are brazen, open, and notorious. Make an appointment with an established contractor to have home repairs done and you're almost certain to be greeted on work day by a crew of illegal immigrants.
Visit a hospital emergency room and you'll see them there too, using our precious medical resources as walk-in clinics and sticking hard-working Americans with the bill for their treatment and prescription drugs.
Visit schools, particularly in the inner cities, and they're there too, sapping educational resources and undermining the quality education to which American children are entitled.
Pick up the daily newspaper and you'll read about their nauseating succession of violent crimes that are taxing law enforcement's ongoing efforts to keep law-abiding Americans safe. Part and parcel of that, of course, is providing them with lawyers free of charge both at trial and appellate levels with American citizens picking up the tab once again.
Illegal aliens haven't become the fastest growing segment in American prisons by staying on the straight and narrow and merely trying to eke out a living in the penumbra of society.
The more radical among them have engaged in infuriating desecrations such as inverting the American flag or taking it down completely in order to hoist the Mexican flag in its stead.
Rest of the article.
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12 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Well, as you already know I am against criminals and that includes ILLEGAL immigrants.
Whether they wish to call it "amnesty" (which tecnically it is not according to a strict definition of the word) or "selling American citizenship" (which it really is); this is a bad bill.
We need to fight it AND state our reasons WHY. I read a comment by one of our elected officials who is against it and she has a good idea (so it will never be adopted). Her statement was that we should seal the borders; give all illegal immigrants 90 days to leave voluntarily; and at the end of the 90 days mobilize ALL law enforcement, active and reserve military, and national guard units and make a nationwide sweep to round up the rest for arrest and/or deportation. Any one that does not leave during the 90 days voluntarily and is deported should NEVER be allowed entrance to the US again.
Like I said; this is a "good idea" because the cost of rounding them up and deporting them would be less than the cost of them staying here and running the US "into the ground" by stealing our resouces from our legal citizens.
But, lately our government ignores "good ideas".
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Now that is a GREAT idea. Seems one of your politicians has an idea that shoud be heard.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Quick question - how long will this "nationwide sweep" take? Another - what do you suppose the rest of America's criminals will be doing while "ALL law enforcement, active and reserve military, and National Guard units" are busy somewhere else? Last one - is it really such a good idea to leave every American citizen without any protection from plain old, day to day criminal activities, murder, rape, burglary, child molestation, armed robbery, all that, to chase down these people?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Check out the link on response # 7
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
12 Jun 07
and here I thought a Kennedy would be on our side . of getting rid of them. We cant go to MExico and get the same benifits that they do here .it is time for us to send a message to some one in the White house but I dont know how to do it.
This just makes me sick. ANd I know all the ones that did it legal are having fits too.
I beleive they are really dishonoring our foefathers! That had to come here and go thru Ellis Island!Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Lakota I am aware of your background and family ties so your response speaks loud and clear. Thank you!
@fuzzEbluebathrobe (378)
• United States
13 Jun 07
While I don't think the plan will work those who apply will not get away with anything .They will need to pay a fine and go back to their own country to await being issued a guest worker permit only not a green card or citizenship.
I just do not believe anyone is going to come forward.
We need to employ the technology we have to watch the border and dispatch personnel where and when needed. We will also have to let local law enforcement begin sting operations and give states the right to deport the more criminals amongst this population. (yes I know technically they are all criminals- don't be a weisenheimer!)
The problem is too big to throw them all in jail or deport them. We do not have the resouces. We will have to move to a guest worker program eventually. It is like bitter medicine you know it is going to be awful but in the long run you will be better off.
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@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Excellent article....and it is possible it might open some eyes, but I don't count on it. Especially Kennedy, he takes great pride in seeing hie own point of view and none other. He is the ultimate politician with his head up his butt, and actually that is a good place for it so we don't have to look at him. People scream cruelty to immigrants and I scream justice to American citizens. Being tolerant is one thing, but giving away our country's resources to people that are no better than animals and bite the hand that feeds them is wrong.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Kennedy and Bush share the same source of pride I think. There has been some good ideas here already in the response how I wish some politicians would read them.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Rsponse # 6 rated his link a +
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
13 Jun 07
#6 can't rate his own comment, he was saying he rated your discussion a +, I think.
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@herrbaggs (1308)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Anything Ted Kennedy wants to do should be an automatic no. Where is Oswald when we really need him?
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@RESGuy (859)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Wow, I really can't believe how you guys are against illegal aliens. The illegal reform is exactly what we need. To kick all of the illegal aliens who are NOT helping, working, paying taxes, etc. But keep those who really want to work and live the American dream in. Not all immigrants are how you see them. They are not all here to USE the benefits of the US government but here to escape the bad economic problems in their home countries and are willing to work for the benefits of an American citizen. I have been in the US for 12 years now and I have seen the good and the bad immigrants. That is what illegal reform is all about! The US wants all of the people who are willing to work and pay taxes and be an all around loyal American. After all aren't Americans really immigrants to the once land of the Native Americans? And why did they come here in the first place? To escape cruel English government, the same reason many immigrants are coming to this great country today. If you want to give the GOOD immigrants a chance to show the US they really are loyal then please visit the following website:
Rated +. Thank you for listening.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
BTW your link does not change my mind one little bit. More sickening propoganda that is all it is. You must be the only one here who would rate it +
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I am not against immigrants I am against illegals the word speaks for itself they hav broken the law. It the one you quote want wrk and live the American dream do it the legal way just as I did. You say you have been in the US for 12 years now and You do NOT say ifyou are a citizen, a legal resident or an illegal. Judging by your defense of the illegals I get the impression you may be one of them. Most of the people who came here legally are even more outraged than US born citizens because we had to earn the privilege of citizenship.
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@RESGuy (859)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I am a Catholic legal immigrant who believe that all people should be treated equally. Those that come here illegally do so because they have no other choice not because they want to break the law. If there is no legal way to come in then they must break the law no? And the US is benefiting from those that pay their taxes and work hard so why not keep them? That is all I have to say. Rated +.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
13 Jun 07
The entire thing is amazing in itself. Makes you wonder what will come next?
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@Eskimo (2315)
13 Jun 07
Its not just in the U.S. that this is happening. In the U.K. the second most popular boys name is now Mohammad. A prominant Muslim leader only last week stated that Islam has no need to attack Europe, because in less than 50 years all over Europe will be ruled by Muslims, and will become Islamic states.
Every year a few more rules are relaxed for minorities, and brought out against the majority. How long before the majority becomes the minority.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
That is a scary thought. I can remember when I was a child it seemed that every driver or conductor on the local transport in Glasgow was an immigrant. Does seem like anything has changed except to increase in numbers.
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I have responded to several of these type of discussions and my stand on this has not changed.I'm totally against the impossed imigration law and I do hope it will not make it through the second time around either.
I've had some time to think about why they are trying to do this and I could only come up with one thing....TAXES.
Most of the illegals do not pay taxes for working in this country....don't ask me how they manage to do this....but they do.So that is a lot of money the goverment is not getting and maybe that is why they want to do this.
All I can say far they have not said anything that would change my mind about this and I just don't think they ever will.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I commented to one of the response say the same as you. I have not heard anything that will change my opinion or stand oon this subject.
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I think this is a outrage that this reform would even be considered. Let them do what every citizen has done and that has earned the right to live in this country. These people are infringing on us and I would say in the privacy of their home they are laughing at us because they are getting away with this nonsense by the simple fact that they are still here. They don't care about this country! They want to be here just for what they can get free which is a whole lot right now. I along with thousands of other Americans have a right to be up in arms. I hope I never see one of them treat the flag with anything but reverance. I am very proud of the Flag and stand by it and hold all that it stands for in reverance.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Your response is EXACTLY reflecting my feelings, thank you so much.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Ah, heather, the immigration issue can't be solved by extremeists on either side of it. This piece is not a news article, it is one conservative columnist blathering the same old tired B.S. that represents only one aspect of the issue. The military solution is abhorent, our Army doesn't belong on the streets of the USA unless we're honoring them or welcoming them home.
This is a complex, multifaceted, HUMAN issue that needs real leadership and practical solutions that encompass the very real impact on the lives and pocketbooks of every American citizen this will have. Until people stop beating their particular drum and screaming their narrow viewpoints in each other's faces, and sit down and talk about ALL OF THE IMPACT that undocumented workers have here, good AND bad. we'll never arrive at a sensible and constructive solution.
Folks, please don't start yelling about criminals, at one time the laws of this land allowed men to own women and children, required labor without pay, prohibited educating black people. Laws change and evolve in response to the evolution of society, and of humanity. Our current immigration laws are a total clusterf**k and fly directly in the face of the message on the bottom of the Statue of Liberty. The horse is not only out of the barn, but far, far down the road. Perhaps we should first focus on regaining the service of the horse before we go buy another, bigger, badder lock!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Canjo I agree wholeheartedly with your response.
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
13 Jun 07
As much as I hate to have to say this I will. Americans will never actually be told the truth about everything. Our politicians assume that as long as they make it look like they are making some kind of effort to do what the American citizens want then they can go ahead an blame another political party for why something wasn't made in to a law or why the laws are not being enforced. We have laws on the books that would help with the illegal immigration problem if only our border patrol guards were allowed to enforce the laws. We should allow our police officers to arrest the illegal immigrants instead of accusing them of harassment. One of the main problems we have is that our government officials are afraid to grow some balls and tell the Mexican government and its people that this is OUR country and that they need to respect OUR laws. Quit kissing their damn A.. and stand up to them. Illegal immigrants didn't respect out laws in the first damn place to come here so they shouldn't be allowed to claim that their rights are being violated. But their own damn actions they have no rights.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Jun 07
So very true, great response thank you. BTW your ID and avatar stickles the hell out of me!!