Scariest Animal Encounter......
By Calais
@Calais (10893)
June 12, 2007 3:42pm CST
What is the scariest moment that you have had with an animal ? Did you think that you were going to die ? What happened ?
I remember when I was young, me and my friends were playing in a paddock, we were teasing a Bull (as you, we knew he was going to charge but didnt know when. We hid behind a bush to have a ciggie, then we heard this massive big thud noise. There was that awkard silence when you look at each other to annalise whats going on. But before we knew it we were running so fast. This Bull was on a mission and I was preying that I could fly. We could get out of the paddock. My friends ended up jumping in blackberry bushes and getting ripped to shreds and I found a hole in the fence where I just dived and ripped myself with the barbed wire. It was only about 5 minutes but it felt like 5 hours of horror in slow motion.
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17 responses
@mummymo (23706)
12 Jun 07
Well Calais that makes a nice change from cowboys and Indians! lol It sounds so scary and I am glad you escaped with only cuts from barbed wire - it could've been much worse - cue references about the horn! Nothing like that has ever happened to me before sweety, the scariest animal encounters I have had involved a trouser snake that had only one eye! xxxx
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@canjo13317 (396)
• United States
13 Jun 07
believe it or not, it was with a rooster. i was delivering fuel to a farm. it was an outside tank and i easily made it to the tank. the hens and one rooster just watched as i went by. when the tank was full, i started back to the truck and the damn think jumped at me claw first, pecked my leg just below my knee cap. he drew blood with both claw and beak. it hurt like h3ll. after the attack, he stood there watching me. i went to take a step and he leaped at me again. stopping just short of getting me. now he was less than a foot away from me with his feathers all ruffled. i wanted to kick him, squirt fuel on him, something to get him away. but my fear of a lawsuit (my prize chicken, blah, blah) kept me from doing anything. i stood there in one spot, bloody and bruised for like half an hour before he finally decided to leave me alone. everybody got a good laugh out of it, including me once i got away from that crazy bird. haven't been near any roosters since.
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@canjo13317 (396)
• United States
13 Jun 07
ah yes, dinner. that would be sweet revenge.
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@dbeast (1495)
• India
13 Jun 07
wow that is some experience you must have been really scary.the worst i had was when i was a kid.i went to a snake park and was looking at the one particular cage i went past the cage and was looking where the snakes was green all over and i was not able to see it.i though why there were only leaves dad came rushing and pulled me from out there.i was staring straight into the eyes of a green snake that was camouflaged so well that i didnt know.i still shiver when i think about it and snakes really freak me out.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
13 Jun 07
The scariest moment I have had with an animl was when I ws about 8 years old. Of all things it was on Christmas Day. My mother and I walked down the street to visit a neighbor of ours This was an elderly couple and they had some relatives out of town visiting them also. We were all sitting around chatting. I noticed when we first went in that the people visiting from out of town had brought their dog with them, it was a bull dog. I saw the dog just sitting there. He wasn't growling or anything. That was before the time people taught kids that if a dog isn't wagging it's tail to not attempt to pet them. If I had known that I wouldn't have attempted to pet the dog. When I reached over the dog suddenly jumped up and scratched me on the shoulder. For a good while we thought it had just scratched the surface but later on when we got home I kept complaining to my mother that my shoulder was hurting. She pulled my blouse back and saw that the dog had put a big gash in my shoulder. She had to take me to Emergency Room to get a tetanus shot. Needless to say I learned my lesson, never attempt to pet a dog who isn't wagging its tail and acting friendly. That isn't to say that one can't suddenly turn on you anyway because I have heard of stories of this happening too. But that is the rule of thumb I follow now.
@simona1987 (201)
• India
13 Jun 07
this happened when i was around 4 yrs old i think. n i'm to be blamed for it as well. haha.. i was playing with my aunts dog one afternoon n suddenly i got this idea to make the dog stand on its hind legs. so i pulled its fore legs up n along with the legs, i yanked its fur also... n the dog jumped on me n bit my neck. it was horrible... luckily the dog was vaccinated. :D
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
I used to raise Purebred Aberdeen Angus Cattle. These are black with no horns and are usually gentle. I had often sold Heifers and young Bulls for breeding stock.
On this day I had a customer for a young Bull. He picked out the animal he liked, we made the Deal and he backed his Pickup to the loading dock, The Bull weighed about 800 lb. and was halter trained so I led him up the loading shute into the truck. As I was tieing the rope in the truck, something spooked the Bull, and he went berserk.He began to pummel me with his head. I couldn't get past him,I was caught off balance as he kept butting his head into my ribs.Then I grabbed the top of the rack and was able to pull myself up, and over the top, and get clear. My customer was too scared to want the Bull, and I was too proud to have sold him, after such an exibition. So The bull went to the Meat Market, The customer went elsewhere, and my ribs soon returned to normal.
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I used to run a dog shelter, rehabilitating pittbulls was my speciality, rehabilitating what people had put into them to do, people are the culprit.So, I've got too many stories to pick from.My scariest moment ever was probably with an irish setter, it ran while i was walking it, I was on gravel so,I fell, it thought I was attacking it, so it turned and tore my leg open.
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
17 Jun 07
oh gee i bet it felt like 5 hours.
i have had plenty of horror moments, but really its been with the one ram, i rared him up on a bottle because he was abdoned on the side of the road in middle no where.
he is huge now and oh gee cant he bunt,
he doesnt just bunt me but everyone as well.
but this one time i was outside and my partner and his brother walked inside to carry something out to put on the ute, and the ram come up behind me and i screamed and he smashed my leg into the side of the house and jumped up and bunting harder and harder and i was just screaming trying to hit him. and i just about fell to the ground and luckily my partner came and hit him and he turned around and ran off, so now when im home my partner makes sure that the ram is well and truely away from the house. but also i had other moments with him when i was driving to meet my partner who was working away and i had my pup in my arms and some clothes and he barged me and i dropped all the bag clothes and i quickly got me and the pup into the car and we sat there until he went on the other side and i got out got clothes and jumped in. its scarey sometimes i think oh gee im gonna die here and my bf wont be there for days.
if it was my option i know where the ram would be right now lol

@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
18 Jun 07
yeah always on my guard, actually last weekend when i went up there, he come racing over to me, and my partner brother was walking with me and i grabbed him and spun him around and screamed lol so he held the ram so i could go inside.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
17 Jun 07
OMG !!! That must have been so scarey, and i bet your on your guard everytime he is around. What a little bugger because you raised him too. I remember as a child I got butted by a ram, I remember it hurt like hell he got me from behind and I thought that my head was going to snap off my neck.

@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
That must have been very scary. Bulls are so huge & frightening.
I remember one scary incident with an animal when I was young.
I think I was about 7 years & my brother was 4.
We had gone on a picnic to Mambbray Creek. This is a wild, nature reserve near the Flinders Ranges.
Ther have always been emus living at Mambray Creek, but usually we only saw them from a distance.
This time, however, the emus decided they wanted our food.
They came right up to our hot bbq & pinched all the sausages & rissoles straight off the hot plate. They swallowed them whole.
I was so scared that I ran to the car & hid inside, whilst watching from the window.
Emus are very large, & very fast, & they have beagley eyes!
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
The scariest encounter I had was when I was a teenager and a friend and I walked to the shore not far from where we lived . We were sitting on a log talking when my friend told me not to move . I wasn't sure what he meant and asked him what he was talking about when I noticed a fox sitting literally right beside me , how I didn't notice it as I could have hit it with my elbow it was so close . I was terrified and jumped up and started running and of course it chased me . My friend started throwing rocks at it and screaming for it to leave me alone . He finally hit it with one of the rocks and it took off but I was scared . I never had much thought about what was going to happen other then getting away from it .
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
13 Jun 07
That is scary. I guess the closest i came to a dangerous animal was when i was about three. My mom had told me to be careful I was in this little creek and she said to watch for snakes. LOL Now i have no idea why she would let me in a creek with snakes unless she was just joking. Who knows/? Anyways i was throwing sticks in the water and saying "there goes a snake" Well a little while later a real snake came swimming by and i started yelling "A Snake a snake" and of course they didn't believe me. Like the boy who cried wolf. Finally my older brother looked and saw it and he grabbed me out of the water and scared the snake a way. it was scary but since i was three i didn't realize the danger i was in.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
13 Jun 07
I've never had any terribly scary animal encounters. The worst has probably been when a Rottweiler that was untrained was left off a leash at the beach and she tee-d up against my dog, who is a big fluffy baby and wouldn't hurt a fly. Here owner couldn't get her o come back and the hackles were up and it looked like she was going to lunge. I stood right beside my dog, and was tryng to figure out where to grab this dog if she did attack because hse had no tail and her collar was all spiked and barbed. Her owner intervened by finally accepting she wasn't going to come, and walked over and put the leash on her. You could see he was a little freaked out, too, like he didn't realise he had no control and she was in fact a bit dangerous.
@REMNANTscrapbook (124)
• United States
13 Jun 07
scary but kinda funny. haha. my scariest moment with an animal was with my friineds dog, i was at his party, and the dog got all CRAZY. he was chasing everyone arouund.. i know he was playing but i got so scared. it bit my friends feet. then all of a sudden it chased me until i gave it my jacket to tear it apart so i could run into the house and close the door
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@migenKC (792)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
wow... scary!!! how old are you on that time? i wish i also had an experience like that... i love it after the scary feeling... coz it makes me proud that i have gone through on that situation..
by the way, i havent yet have an experience like that... all i have is a very simple boring life... duh!!!
@fawcey (926)
• Australia
19 Jun 07
I have to say my encounter is more funny than scary now but at the time I was very scared. I was about 9 or 10 and I was staying at one of my friends house and they lived out of town on a farm. Anyway she was showing me her geese they were in a fenced area, and we were just standing around outside the gate. They kept runnig at us and making a hoorible noise and trying to attack us through the gate. I went to walk of and my so called friend opened the gate, and the geese of course started chasing me. I screamed for my life and ran, I knew that they would bite me and I kept lookin around to see how close they were getting to me as I ran, then all of a sudden "whack" I ran into of all things a stobie pole that was in the middle of no where! Why they had a pole right there I will never know.My friends mum had come out to see what all the noise was and rounded up the geese before they could attack me as I lay helpless and emmbarresed on the ground. My 'friend' was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. I have never forgotten that and don't think I will, i still shudder when ever I see a large goose, even a swan scares me!!!
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
About 8 years ago I was riding my horse down an old ATV trail, when I heard this loud grunt from behind me. It was a big grizzly bear less than 20 feet away in the shrubs.
My horse freaked. Starting hopping and bucking, and the bear snorts again, rears up and starts scenting the air.
I honestly think we just interrupted his berry dinner, because he didn't chase us as far as he could and not with as much enthusiasm as he could have.. he wasn't hungry, he just wanted us to go away. My horse was absolutely petrified, and I'm not sure I've ever seen him run as fast as he did that. He did chase us a good kilometre though.
I'm terrified of bears now as a result.
@tredale (1309)
• Australia
19 Jun 07
hi calais my daughter was bitten between the eyes when she was four by a rottweiler. It was the scariest thing I have ever been through. Now she is fine she recieved 120 stitches but you would hardly notice. She also still loves dogs and so do I but I will never again fill safe around a rotty. I also have been attacked by a funny grown roo and this was a little scarey.