What bad car "habits" do you have?

@AmbiePam (96741)
United States
June 12, 2007 6:57pm CST
We see it all the time, someone on the cell phone and not looking at the road. Or someone with a child in the back seat and they turn around to scold them. Maybe some of you have been them, but I don't know. I don't own a cell phone, and I don't have children. But I do have a bad car habit: I change the radio stations. The best thing about driving to me is listening to the radio. I have a CD player, but I prefer the radio. And commercials are annoying on the radio, not just the TV. So I look at the road while I look at the dial. Back and forth, I assure myself I'm not doing anything dangerous. But if we really think about, we shouldn't have those car habits. Do you get distracted by what you see outside of your side window? Do you carry on a conversation with your passenger no differently than if you were sitting in a living room? No judgments here, this is just all for fun. We all know how we should drive. Let's discuss on how we actually drive. : )
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29 responses
15 Jun 07
i listen to the radio while driving and often i get to my destination and realise that i have got there on "auto pilot" - i am so busy listening to the radio that i am not paying attention to the road.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
16 Jun 07
Oh yeah. I have done that. It's pretty scary when you think about it.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
I tend to have a heavy foot and I dont know why but I tend to tail gate when I am in my 4WD, I think it might be a dominance thing as to say get out of my way....lol.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I can understand the temptation. LOL
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• United States
13 Jun 07
I drive EXTERMELY too fast,use the shoulder to pass,smoke cigs',play music like a Rock concert,have no-respect for my fellow drivers,and park on the lawn. he,he,he
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Well as long as you park on the lawn, and not the side walk. : )
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
13 Jun 07
Many people change lanes to overtake. I try not to overtake unless absolutely necessary. However, I enjoy changing lanes when I am on the road when the traffic is clear. It is one weird habit, I know, but I just cannot bring myself to travel in one lane all the time, I like to speed especially when the traffic is clear. I do not see it as being dangerous because I am not endangering myself nor anyone else because the road is clear. lol.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
People must find it fun to drive with you. : )
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Good Morning! I'll "fess" up and give you my two bad habits, Ha! Ha! I don't always buckle my seat belt if I'm just driving for about a mile or so. I'll have to admit too that sometimes I talk on my cell phone when driving. I try not to but sometimes I can't avoid it. I'm bad to change the radio channel or try to open up something too while driving. I'm a bad girl LOL. Shelia
@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
You and my dad have that bad seat belt habit! I'm going to have to fly to your house just to talk you into wearing it like you should. : ) But then I'd be a hypocrite because when I drive in the back seat of anyone's car, I rarely use my seat belt for various reasons. So shame on me too!
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@kynni204 (2031)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I probably possess every "bad habit that there is concerning driving. But I am pretty experienced and it is never caused any problems
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Yeah, my dad has terrible driving habits but he has never been in or caused a car accident.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
My main bad car habit would be spedding, just a little. Some time back they changed the speed limit from 60 kms to 50 kms in streets where there are mostly homes. Many of us had trouble adjusting to that, as it is so slow. I refuse to use a mobile phone when driving, it is very unsafe & against the law here. I rarely listen to music when driving as I find it too distracting. I do talk when driving, except if on a very busy or difficult road.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
13 Jun 07
I'm always fairly attentive when I'm driving but Ive always been a people watcher. So if i see someone interesting walk past I'll just stare at them, and sometimes i think 'If that person saw me staring at them they'd think I'm a weirdo'. I'm careful when changing radio stations because my mum warned me about how dangerous it is when I first got my car. She knows i'm a music fan so she knew she should tell me. I never use my phone in the car but if i get a message I'll sometimes check it at the lights when I'm stopped. I won't write back though. I think talking on the phone whilst driving is equivalent to driving 3 times over the limit? Maybe not that much, but it's pretty dangerous
@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
It is dangerous. Worse than that is when a person is actually texting on their phone when they are driving. I've seen that twice!
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
Hi ambie. I've been driving for a decade now. One thing that I really detested is talking on the mobile while driving. If my mobile is ringing, I leave it like that. I had informed my family and friends that I will return their calls after I had safely parked my car. I don't like to listen to radio nor DJs talking either. I will tuned in to some soft melodious music as this helps me better focus on the road. When someone is with me, I do strike a conversation but my eyes stayed glued on the road still.
• Canada
13 Jun 07
I don't have any dangerous habits, but I always drive exactly 9 km/h above the speed limit and in the summer, my left arm is on the window sill.
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
13 Jun 07
My worst car habit is looking for something, usually a tissue, while I am driving. Sometimes I will get carried away looking at something on the side of the road--especially if it is a yardsale! Most of the time, though, I'm really pretty careful and pay attention to the road.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I can identify. I look for something in my purse, sometimes a tissue, and I dig and dig with no luck, so I turn to actually look at my purse...
@bruxedo (773)
• France
13 Jun 07
I know I drive too fast most of the times.. but I love it. I know I shouldn't but I think I need the adrenaline..
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I just hope you don't get tickets to raise your insurance premiums!
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@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I have at least a couple I'm not real proud of, #1. I fix my hair in the car on the way to work. I Hairspray it and all. #2. I bite my fingernails. On my way home from work, I comb the hairspray out, and unfix my hair.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
2 Jul 07
Hey, at least you multi-task!
• United States
2 Jul 07
Yes, I do alot of multi tasking. lol
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• United States
13 Jun 07
Talking on my cell and fiddling with the radio are distracting habbits, but when im tired i tend to daydream....no accidents yet....
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
13 Jul 07
I was told by my hubby that I always like to speed in the highway. Sometime I’m also doing some things like drinking water, eating snacks and fixing the toll card to the transmitter which could endanger driving. Though I realize the risk I still do it unconsciously sometimes.
@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
13 Jul 07
Yeah, sometimes we don't eve know we are doing it.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I dont really have any bad habbits when it comes to driving. I hardly ever drive anymore. I just hate to see people using cell phones while they are driving. I dont think it is possible to talk on the cell phone and be an attentive driver at the same time.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
10 Jul 07
Yeah, I know people say they drive fine while using their cell phone. Well, OK, but think of how much even better a driver you'd be without the cell phone talking.
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Ok, I confess, I have a bad habit of eating and drinking while driving, especially if I'm on a long trip. It's just no fun unless I can eat and drink. Anytime I have to do something early in the morning, I'll grab a breakfast bar and a mug of coffee and jump in the car. I also comb my hair while driving, change cd's, talk on the cell phone, peek at my shopping list,and pet my dog. I don't do them all at once, but I do them all a lot. I do watch out for other drivers though. I also watch my speed limit.
@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Oh no! So far you sound the worst of us all! But to be honest, you sound the most normal. Those are every day things that we just 'have' to do. And we might not cop to them all. So I think you have been the most honest. I have eaten fast food in a car before where you are supposed to 'dip' a part of your food - well it is most definitely NOT safe to be dipping food while I'm driving! LOL
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• Malaysia
15 Jun 07
Owh, that is SO me too!! I always eat and drink while driving too! It's like I can't wait to reach home. LOL.. But I guess women are just better than multi-tasking so we can get away with it.. :P
• Canada
11 Jul 07
Excellent topic! You mention the radio and those annoying commercials and that is why you change the channel. I have been with a few people now that have satellite radio; this cuts the commercials out of the picture. Well almost, next to none so no need to change the channel. I put the radio to the station I want in my car and suffer through the commercials. I do drink coffee but rarely take a zip unless I am at a stop sign. I guess this is still bad. I sometimes put my seat belt on a min or two after leaving the house. Yup bad! I sometimes catch myself people watching! I eat sometimes to. I always think I am safe safe safe to drive on the roads but I guess when one stops to think about it one can find things here and there that can be improved upon to keep our roads safer!
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Yes, even the best drivers have something they can approve upon.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Hm I probably do alot of no no's! I occasionally go thru a stop sign if there is no one around. I just almost stop but go instead of stopping fully. I'm not a big car talker though. I dont do the cell phone while driving. I mess with the radio big time. That's bad..lol I look at the little banner to see who's playing on what station too. Now that I have a GPS I look at that too! ahhhhh. Luckily no crashes yet!
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Maybe it is a good thing I don't have GPS - I'd be way too fascinated with it!
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
15 Jun 07
thats the problem! lol!! i keep looking when i come up on a street to see if the map recognizes it and shows it, and it sits sort of further back and my eyes aren't the best, so I'm like squinting at it instead of paying attention! bad!! *slaps her own hand* lol
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@fyrechsr (293)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Well I am one with NO BAD habits at all....Yeah right lol. Ok lets see...I have a thing when trying to light my smoke...I drive with my knee instead of putting the window up lol. I love the radio but I pretty much have all the stations I listen to programed in and have memorized where the buttons on the radio are so thats not really a problem. I do talk with the passenger as if sitting in the living room...My biggest is complaining about whoever is in front of me. lol Sorry but thats me.
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@AmbiePam (96741)
• United States
14 Jul 07
I'm afraid of you. Not FOR you, but OF you. : )