I love my dog but...not the mess!

Cleaning up after your dog! - The patent pending Pooper Scooper Bag.
June 13, 2007 6:22am CST
Do people in your area pick up after their dogs? Do you? Does your local authority have or enforce any law related to dogs pooping all over common areas? Every morning when we walk to school it is like navigating a dog doody mine field. Despite the fines for not picking it up, most people still don't bother. Even now that Dog Pooper Scooper bags are available everywhere, and there are garbage cans everywhere, people still can't be bothered. What about you? Are you knee deep in it from other people's dogs? Do you develop a sudden case of blindness when your dog goes? Or do you have a dog like mine who is a 'stealth pooper': he never stops walking and shoots torpedos rather than lays mines?
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21 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Jun 07
hi sweetie! its indeed a job to go past those dog deeds!! in our place there is no law as such and ppl are equally careless and thick. they just would not listen and would do it more when told!! i donot have a pet but i just love them. so, i donot have any grudge against them but i would like to have a more responsible owners who would have more civic sense!! they could be a victim anyday or who knows, they already are!!
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• Ireland
13 Jun 07
It sure is messy, isn't it? I spent the morning cleaning up the patio and garden after the dogs. Since they are boys and lift their legs, I have to bleach and scrub down the patio which is a big pain. Maybe people like taking their dogs out and letting them go anywhere so they don't have to deal with it at home. It seems like my dogs don't really go much when they are out, they save it for the pricacy of their own houses!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Jun 07
oh you are responsible sweetie, i really appreciate. cleaning must be a difficult regime and its desirable to litter inside the premises than outside. you can clean it up and the dogs get trained not to spoil roads. i guess we had more ppl like you!!!
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
Well, the family complains about the urine and they complain about the smell of bleach, but I'll take the bleach smell over urine any day! I think I might have been better off with female dogs though, at least the pee is only on the ground with them!
• United States
13 Jun 07
I have a 6lb papillion and his land mines are small. We live in a city with a back yard so it is contained. I do not clean up after him. I let nature take care of it. I do not like it when I get huge land mines in my front yard. I feel people should not let their dogs out at night to do their business in other peoples years, I also feel when you walk your dog clean up after him or her. In the USA it is common prectice to scoop the poop. A few weeks ago a lady on a bicycle was walking ther dog, I did not see the dogs discresion, what I noticed was the lady get off her bicycle and clean up after her dog. I told her thank you because it was in my yard. She was a responsible dog owner.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
13 Jun 07
The laws here are such that no dogs are allowed out unleashed, period. If you see a stray dog you are to report it and the pound will come and pick it up. We had one wondering around here for a couple of days. I know dogs aren't usually harmful but when you don't know the dog you have to be careful. It was a black lab who was obviously in search of water. I was afraid of it and actually demanded that a neighbour let me into the back seat of his car so it wouldn't come near me. LOL! I called animal control as this was going on for several days. Eventually we never saw the dog again. I know some dogs can get out of their yards but if that is the case then something should be done to ensure that doesn't happen.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
That cyclist was very considerate! I wish my dogs' landmines were small but alas they are monuments of potential destruction. They like to go where we walk, so it is a daily job that is way too big for mother nature. The next dog I get should be a female papillion!!!
@lisado (1227)
• United States
13 Jun 07
We have laws about not picking it up here, as well, but I don't know anyone that has actually been fined. The local park can be really bad. Some people do actually pick it up, especially when those little baggies are provided for them, but heck, I've seen people let their dogs "go" in PetSmart and not clean it up, and they provide paper towels, cleaner and such on every blasted isle! Some people are just to lazy to care. They are also usually the first ones to complain about the messes they have to walk around, which I find ironic. I'm not above making a comment to someone who doesn't clean up after their dog, either. I don't want to step in it and I for sure don't want my kids to.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
They let them take a eh hem IN the shop aisle and ignore it? That takes the biscuit! I feel a best response coming on!
@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 07
I don't have a dog but I love the description of yours! lol I have the same problem here and it really annoys me that we cannot go to or from school (which is just around the corner) without at least one of us stepping in it! The kids have also only recently been able to start using the playing fields again as they were out of bounds due to the amount of doggy doodoos left there! There are laws and fines for not cleaning up after your dog here but too many people just ignore it , as do the Council unless you make a huge fuss! I just wish these owners would consider the health of our kids before they walk away leaving this waste in their wake! xxxx
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@mummymo (23706)
14 Jun 07
so lets get this straight, you manage to get past the doggy dooddoos, survive the bird bombings and get to school only to have to pass a language test to get into school to receive a reprimand for an inoffensive, offensive t-shirt! lol xxx
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
No wonder I am such a stressed out little pigeon! When you put it that way, it makes one pause, doesn't it?!
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
Yeah, between them and the seagulls getting to school can be a hazardous affair. Last week we were walking close together and three of us got hit by the same bird. Thank god the dog wasn't with us firing his torpedos!
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
13 Jun 07
For a moment there you sounded like my fiancee. During the school year she likes to walk the children to and from school. Or during the summer months the walk across town to the park. She has complained on several occasions how people allow their dogs to go bathroom all over but don't bother to clean the mess up. We now have four dogs. One Brittany Spaniel, one Irish Setter (we think), and two German Shepards mix, believe me these dogs can make a mess. While my fiancee is walking the dogs she carries a couple of grocery sacks with her to clean up their messes. We pay the children to clean the messes up in our back yard daily.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
I believe you, that sounds like a lot of dog doody! Whew! How do you deal with the pee? Mine are males so they do the leg lift. I've been using a bleach spray mix and then hose it down, which really gets rid of the smell.
@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
13 Jun 07
I live in a clean neighborhood, all just one family houses. Everybody runs around with a dog and a plastic bag. So do I. No problem cleaning up after my dogs. I use the plastic bags I buy vegetables in. A form of recycling. These bags are free and work nicely. There would be a fine from the local community if there were leftovers from the dogs in the streets but where I live the community doesn`t make money on this law.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
I love your avatar, by the way! Do the little brown bags like in the phot exist where you are? They are supposed to be easier but I have a devil of a time with them. I'm grateful my fellas tend to be modest and go at home where I can use a little spade and then toss it. I don't think they actually ever fine anyone here, despite the law. They tend to concentrate on parking violations.
@calvin222 (1606)
• India
14 Jun 07
I live in an area where there is no such laws. so the dog can happily doody anywhere without my picking up. luckily there is lot of rough ground around it doesnt affect the pedestrians.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
If people aren't going to step in it, I wouldn't worry about it either.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
13 Jun 07
I don't have a dog, simply for that reason. I would hate having to pick up after him. We have an above ground pool in the backyard that the kids like to chase each other around sometimes. If we happened to miss some doggy doo-doo it would be awful. Yuck! People around our town are pretty good at picking up after their dogs. We see them walking their dogs and they are carrying plastic bags with them so you know they are picking up. The worse is spring thaw. Those who did not pick up after their dogs in the winter we find out about after the snow melts. And yeah, sometimes we have to navigate the poop because the owner won't stop to let the dog poop in one place so they leave a trail. Some people don't deserve to have pets.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
Oh, I never thought about it being stuck in the snow and melting all at once. Dear dear dear, that is awful!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Jun 07
In Minnesota USA the cities I take my dog to have oprdinances for cleaning up. It can be up to $250 fine for not cleaning up after your dog. So I have started to carry the baggie for his droppings when we go on our walks. I also have to clean up my backyard at least 2 times a week due to the fact I am out in the yard doing garden work and don't want to step in it nor smell it. HAHAHA!!! Due to this law here I have yet to find any doggie doo doo in my front yard to this day. So it does work as I see many people walk past my house with their dogs. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• Ireland
14 Jun 07
I'm not sure what the fine is here but I know it is a tiered system: you pay x on the spot, or if you refuse and get taken to court it's a lot more. I'll have to look at the signs. I love my garden, too, and have the same problem as you. I have two womping big boys who are good eaters, so I don't get away with only twice a week though!
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
14 Jun 07
I hate it, people are so rude. I think that it is disgusting, why do they think that they dont have to pick up after their dogs. Here in Australia you can get fined for it. Sometimes I feel like just going out and picking it up and following them home and dumping it on their doorstep (or rubbing it in their face).
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
I can very well see you doing that! LOL!
• United States
15 Jun 07
we always had scooper when we had our snoopy. in our last apartment complex we lived,we had a real bad problem with that til our apartment manager started a new rule. if a person got caught leaveing their dog doody,they got one warning and if caught again,they would either have to get rid of the dog or move. what a difference that made
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• Ireland
15 Jun 07
That would be the way to really put a stop to it, wuoldn't it. Your appartment manager was very brave to institute such a tough rule.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
14 Jun 07
The area we used to live in has a law that says you have 24 hours to clean up after your pet, not that many people pay much attention to it, but we got in the habit of cleaning up after our dogs everyday. It really benefits us, because I hate stepping in dog doo doo when I am in my yard. Years ago, I lived in a home with a huge yard, on the other side of my house was a trailer that my landlord owned and the tenant used to let her two big dogs come in my yard and do their duty, and then I would have to clean it up. It was so aggravating, I finally complained to the landlord.
• Ireland
15 Jun 07
Do you mean 24 hours in your own garden, or when you are out walking? If it is at home I know what you mean, it can really pile up if you don't deal with it everday, and having kids, it is much easier to just clean it than risk them tracking it everywhere. The urine really reaks on a hot day, too, so you just can't let it go on too long or it is like being in a public latrine!
• United States
15 Jun 07
they're supposed to pick it up,but a lot still don't. i can't tell you how much i just love stepping in poop in my yard,when i don't own a dog. we have a lady somewhere on the street that does pick it up,but deposits it in MY trash cans,rather than bringing it to her home,where it belongs. i'm getting sick of rinsing out the cans because of her-not to mention she's trespassing to do so.
• Ireland
15 Jun 07
I would be hiding in the bushes ready to jump out and yell boo the next time she makes a 'deposit'. It is bad enough to have dogs and hit a land mine, but to have to step in it in your yard when you don't even have a dog, that is really far too much!
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I've got a couple of acres and woods across the street, and my dog likes to go in places where I let the grass grow tall, in between the trees. I rarely see any poop in my yard,but I'll still go around and pick up the occasional mess after it gets hard. Whenever we go somewhere to visit, I do pick up after my dog. When my brother and sister in law were living in Chicago, they had their dog trained to go on the landscaping rocks, so as not to mess up their lawn. It was easier to pick up there.
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• Ireland
14 Jun 07
That sounds ideal, really. I used to think I would rather the dogs go in the grass, but it is so much harder to get it all picked up than if they go on the cement. It's not a fun job so the quicker I get it over with the better!
• India
14 Jun 07
ya man ....sum one has to lokk after tht.....but a dog is a very faithful animal to human kind .
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• Canada
13 Jun 07
I love dogs but do not own one at the moment. I used to work long hours and keeping a pet indoors for long stretches did not seem humane at all. I agree with you that with dog ownership should come responsibility, and that includes picking up after your doggie doodoos! There is actually a guy here in Toronto who does just that for a living! He says business has really picked up (haha! punny!) and he has had to hire three more guys. I guess some people like to enjoy the company of their pooches but do not like to clean up the mess. :-0
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• Netherlands
26 Jun 07
Gosh woodpigeon !!! I got a goosebump when I think about it. I don't even dare to let myself and my daughter walk on the grass again which is quite a shame since my daughter love playing on the grass. So many people that has dogs here and I have to watch where I walk everytime as I don't want to step on those boobytrap. I've seen finger count people that picking them up, but mostly just didn't care. I've heard somewhere that they even has a dog tags/chips that will tell who the owner from the dog poo dna. And they will send the fine for the owner that didn't pick up and throw it in a garbage...
@UAkshay (72)
14 Jun 07
Hey its the same with my dogs also... Its not only for a single day but every morning and night they only do it when i take them for a walk, and you know how well they are trained, they don't even go for lu on the roads... Hey after all they are MY DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
19 Jun 07
I don't really like dogs, and I don't have one as a pet. But I have to live with the "mess" of other people's pets, unfortunately. I live in Brazil, and we do have laws about it, but almost no-one is actually punished. So, not everyone respects. And I'm shocked to know you have the same problems in Ireland!
• Philippines
26 Jun 07
taking care of dogs is just like taking care of babies... i mean, human babies. They are cute and cuddly that is why we love them, bu the mess.. ahh... we cant take it but we dont have a choice.. taking care of their mess is our way of telling them that we love them... so go.. clean up your dog's mess and tell them how much you care for them!