Guys help me with this...Does he like/ love me or not...

June 13, 2007 12:25pm CST
There's a question that keep hanging on the back of my head eversince this happened.... I have a classmate during high school days that my friends used to teased first i dont even like him for me his just an ordinary male in the school...but lots of girl likes him... I dont know how it happened but one day i started liking him and even loving him... I even heard him talking to his friends about of his female friend which is also my friend told me that he likes me...but then i could hear him saying bad things when he was with his female classmates... Were kindda have the situation or relationship(if you can call it one)as MU. But a really not clear situation... He's uncle saw me infront of school and told me that i was his nephew's girlfriend...i was suprise... how did his uncle could tell me that even it isn't true... even in his placed i was known as his girlfriend... but the real thing is that i am NOT.... I want to ask him this question but im afraid to do so... Until now i dont know the real answer to this questions... Does he likes me or he loves me? Was he just playing or fooling around?
1 response
@babostwick (2036)
• United States
13 Jun 07
The best way to find out is actually talking to the person and getting an honest answer. That way you know for sure. You don't want to sit around wondering what could have been if he actually liked you. I don't know if I can give you a yes or no but I can direct on what I think would be the best apporach. I think finding out directly is the best way to find out. Good luck if it works out. If it turns out he doesn't, I guess just try to find someone else that you can be with.
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
thanks for the post... i really like to do that 'coz it really puzzled me for a long time now... its not that i still want him to be with me but then i just want to find the answers to my question... but if you were the guy...what do you think? hehehe....just asking...
• United States
13 Jun 07
Well, I'd be honest about it and not hide it but that's just me. I'd want her to know if I liked her directly. It's better that way than playing mind games with someone making them think one thing and it's the opposite.