People On Mylot Who Advocate Beating Their Children??
By seinfeld
@seinfeld (184)
June 13, 2007 1:32pm CST
yesterday i read this discussion amoung top discussions where the lady has explained a situation wherin the children of her sister-in-law called 911 after their mother spanked them for this lady was advocating spanking thier children for doing such an act and said that such kids should be punished....i responded to the discussion in disagreement and somehow she selected my response as best response and then later replies telling me that she didnt mean to and di it by much of my horror most of the people have suggested that they would beat up their children if they did so and advocate for her act...i was surprised to see how many such people exist who hate children...i guess the y just want to pull off their own insecurities on to children....wat do you people think about this...please give an honest opinion...and also do see the post youself and tell me wat u think about it...thanks...
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14 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Jun 07
Sorry to bust your little bubble, but spanking your kids is NOT "beating them up" or "hating them"!Anyone who calls 9-11 because a parent is spanking their child IS abusing the 9-11 system and should be punished accordingly.
There is a difference between corporal punishment and spanking.
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@seinfeld (184)
• India
13 Jun 07
even i agree that spanking is not child abuse and that such kids shud be punished... but people saying they would beat the hell outta them or punish them hard just shows wats in their minds and how much hatredness is their for could be unreasonable...i dont say they necessarily have to be or they have right to be...but parents have a duty...just read the responses of dat discussion and u will know wat i mean....thanks neways for replyin./.
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
13 Jun 07
Beating the hell out of them sure is abuse. Spanking isn't. Was the lady spanking them or beating them very hard?
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I don't think that spanking your child is beating them! There is a big difference between the two. I don't usually spank my children, but there have been occasions where they continue to misbehave after the time out and after the talking to that the only thing that works is a smack on the butt. I wouldn't say that I beat my child because I spanked her.
I personally think that it is rediculous that children know that they can report their parents for a spank and say it is abuse. It is very sad to me that these kids would actually report their parents~ maybe in this instance it was more than just a spank.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
13 Jun 07
You should put the link up so we can see what the discussion was.
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@seinfeld (184)
• India
13 Jun 07
i think everyone here is getting a misrepresentation of the topic....i know the difference between spanking and beating and as about the discussion i am talking about she mentioned it was spanking but i was horrified by the replies of people to the discussion which were filled with anger for i brought up this topic....neways thanks for replyin...have a nice day...bye
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
13 Jun 07
They probably got nice kids who will listen and make up their own minds. Not every kid is that way. There are kids that will want to beat up their teacher when they are in grade 2. I personally have seen one kid do that when I was in school. I don't exactly remember how it went but I remember her throwing stuff at the teacher and wanting to punch and kick her.
There are kids where non spanking form of punishment doesn't make them bat their eyelids.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
13 Jun 07
There are other ways to handle a situation with your kids other than spanking. Myself personally I try giving options, and if they dont choose and continue to mess arround that I will choose and if that dosnt work I will go to time out. As a last resort when all else fails then I will spank on the bottom. The thing is People forget that there are other options and resort to the spanking right away without givingthere kids a chance to explain or make a decission.
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@seinfeld (184)
• India
14 Jun 07
hi there...really nice to see that someone understands that intelligent talking can work and spanking is not the only way...yes it is right people have forgotton that there are other ways to deal with would make a gr8 parent or maybe u are already...thanks for replyin...take care...bye
@inallduetime (741)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I agree with these people, there is a difference b/w spanking a child and beating or beating up a child. I read some of the responses from the post you are referencing to as well, and I understand what those people are saying. It doesn't appear to me as if they are advocating beating kids. It appears to me as if they are supporting the parent.
Parents can't win in any situation anymore. If parents don't discipline their kids, they are criticized by society for raising some serial killer…..If they do discipline their kids, they get accused of beating them.
Before people throw stones at another, they should try being in a parent’s shoes and dealing with the child.....
My advice to any parent(s) is, never loose control of your home to a child......
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@seinfeld (184)
• India
13 Jun 07
well read the post carefully...i am not asking u to differentiate between spanking and beating...and as far as that discussion goes such questions on parents arise out of some context and evidence...just b'coz parenting is a difficult thing to do doesnt mean u bail out of it in easy way...i.e. by putting it on the children...parents tend to pull out their own anger and insecurities on to their children which they might have faced in thier own childhood...which i believe is cowards way of handling situation...i might not be a parent but i have been a kid at a time and my parents never beat or spanked me but explained me about my mistakes and i can tell u for sure that i wasnt an easy kid but i this proves your point wrong that spanking or beating is necessary...just b'coz u dont have enough mind to handle your kids doesnt mean u beat or spank them....if parents cannot handle kids in a decent way they shud not be giving birth to them....they are a gift of god and we must not hurt them unnecessarily....i hope i made my point relevent....thanks for replyin...take care bye...
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
13 Jun 07
I needed spanking to get me to listen. Talking won't make me listen. I only start listening when I was in my teens. Before that, if I could get away with things, I will do. I know stuff I did was wrong but I will still do it because I wanted to.
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@alpine_007 (1469)
• Pakistan
13 Jun 07
i have also replied to that discussion, i have not seen that what did the other people say, i have written that i think that she shouldn't have done this with the child and i also personaaly think that there is no advantage of spanking the kids, because they are also human's and feel bad when you spank them, just try to stop them by making them understand, otherwise the problem will flare up
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@gaminemadcap (160)
• United States
13 Jun 07
First of all, there is a difference between 'beating' and 'spanking' your child. I was raised in a family where we were spanked when we were younger. We were never "beaten". My parents never hit us hard enough to leave marks. The hickory stick that they used would sting your legs and tailbone, but that was about it. To be honest, I believe in spanking--in appropriate moderation. My parents started us young, so that we only remember and needed a couple of spankings as we got older. Once a child is six or seven, they're usually too old for spankings, as they're reaching the age where they understand that the pain will last for a shorter period of time than if something is taken away from them. But please do not mistake spanking and beating to be the same thing--they are totally different.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I agree with this post although I would say they could be spanked to as old as nine or so.
But yes, there is a difference between beatings and spankings. The fanny is the only place where a child should be hit and then only in such a way as to instill discipline rather then actually hurting the child beyond a little temporary pain. The idea is to offer negative reinforcement for bad behavior when other disciplinary methods fail.
I have seen some kids who need this kind of discipline as they are seen totally disregarding adults and just do as they please even if the activity if totally inappropriate.
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@fellowlife (988)
• Nigeria
14 Jun 07
beating children unjustly is one thing i am not keen on. Though it is true there's a saying that says "spare the rod and spoil the child" i still believe there should be a moderation when it comes to beating children.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
14 Jun 07
I responded to that discussion but did not take it to mean that she was beating on her children , just that she gave them a spanking . I don't agree with spankings myself but don't judge those that do this as a method for myself . I have never found this an effective method of getting my children to listen and have always felt that if you hit your child when they are not listening to you that it only teaches them that hitting is what we do when we are not happy with a situation .
I admit that I did not read all the responses but that is horrible if others thought that beating a child was alright . How anyone could consider this as a way to teach a child the difference between what was right and what was wrong is sadly mistaken . All this teaches a child is that when someone bigger can hurt you when they feel like it and that you can do the same to someone smaller then you . It becomes a vicious cycle tears families apart not help them .
@derek_a (10873)
14 Jun 07
I looked at the discussion and it didn't seem that the kids were getting beat up, but spanked. I think things are a lot different today than when I grew up in the 60s. I was spanked, but not very often by my father - I think only twice and that was for telling him lies. My mother spanked me a little now and again, not hard, just to show me she meant business and that was because I gave her some cheek. I know my parents loved me and I love them too. And I think that corporal punishment did me more good than hurt.
These modern days, it isn't acceptable and I think only time will tell if this is a good thing or bad thing. I do think that children are individuals and respond differently to their parents. :-)
@Danielle11 (103)
• Australia
14 Jun 07
I don't think BEATING children is acceptable ever. But can I ask you, did you have disipline growing up? I have 4 sisters and one brother, and my dad was the boss. If we did something wrong, we "got it" when dad got home from work. But I don't see my dad either grounding us or giving us a couple of cuts with his belt as child abuse. My parents never crossed any lines, disipline was just that, it wasn't child abuse. I have the up most respect for my parents. I think the line is extremely wobbly in this day and age. Kids growing up in single parent homes, stress, and lack of parenting skills are the main cause of child abuse.
I can say this from experience, my partner and I split up when al of our children were young and I found it extremely hard to discipline the kids. I know I crossed the line a couple of times, which I regret to no end. But the pressures of parenting alone can unfortunately be detrimental to the children. I have long since stopped spanking my children. However, in saying that, had my children had a stable up bringing such as I had. I would be lying to say that i wouldn't allow spanking in a safe controlled environment
@sweetcutiepie42 (180)
• Australia
14 Jun 07
I responded to that discussion aswell.I was also stunned by how many said what they said.
Kids SHOULD NOT be smaked,hit,pushed etc in any way " Smaking on the hand" still hurts and is still violence!
Sure the kids learn quickly but its because they are scared of being hit again by the shouldnt be scared of their parents.
There are other ways.
@ateiris (53)
• New Zealand
14 Jun 07
Your right!. Here in my country that will be illegalize soon...smacking kids is not acceptable in our country, Smacking/Hitting is for those that's are desperate parents i have read a lot of books of parenting and i suggest that instead of smacking and/or hitting their kids use the positive parenting that way your kids will learn and understand than being smacked/hit or even spanked.