Stay at home moms, whats your typical day like
@princessmom1011 (719)
United States
June 13, 2007 3:32pm CST
see heres the thing im a stay at home mom of 2 my son is in school fulltime well until fri that is and my 2 1/2 yr old is with me all day, sometime irrogant people make the comment that my days must be so easy i get to sit around and do nothing all day but in reality im on the go from the moment i wake up until hrs after the kids go to bed a typical day for me is getting up at 6:45 getting my son ready for school and then off to school for 8 then its feed my daughter clean up after breakfast bathe her and then myself usually run errands for the household/appts etc i do get about 2 hrs to myself when she decides to nap in the afternoon where i cathc up on cleaning than try to sit down relax and watch a show but then before i know it my sons home, shes up and its time for homework afterschool snack and then time to start dinner then baths , some play time with the kids, put them to bed then i have to re clean the house and im off to watch a little tv and relax before i go to bed. so you see yes i stay home but my day is constantly on the go how about you do you ever get commented that staying home is so easy and you get to be a couch potato all day?
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16 responses
@crystalhailie (147)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I have a 10 monh old and 2 year old that is with me all day long and stuff and i mean it is so tiring and i am so sick sometimes and do not get a break i really want to work some days it is easy and some days it is so hard i love my kids and all so much and i mean i dont miss anything at all and i mean i think that it is the best to see all that but people dont reliaze that it is hard it self and all and i mean it is like 3 jobs and i think that people that do it should get alot more credit but thent the dad gets off work and comes home and wants to reast and you know i ahve wandered what about me if i want to have a break at all i ahve to wait for them to go to sleep and all and it seems like it is never and all its is the days i reall want to get some res they stay up till midnight and long er and i go crazy. oh and youare cleaning all day long like 20 times and you do no get a break at all so people that do i would trade for a day and you would want to go back to work like on the weekends i can got to the store and even take one of the kids and the dad is calling by 5 minuite of me being gone and so forth and all.
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@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I totally understand how you feel! I stay at home with my 10 month old son and the days are long and draining. My husband works 10 hour shifts and has about an hour commute each way. So by the time he gets home he just wants to veg. After chasing after my son all day, running errands, and cleaning the house I then have to cook dinner for him all the while my child tugging on my pant legs to hold him. When do we get a break? I think it's much easier to go to work than it is to stay at home! Some days I'd much rather have a job.
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@maehan (1439)
• United States
13 Jun 07
When I became a stay at home moms 7 months ago. I was totally lost initially and promise to give my a trophy as she had been a homemaker for more than 30years.
Stay at home mom is never easy. Bring them to school for the elder son. Teach the youngest son to get ready for the coming kindergarten.
Household chores, cooking, homework to enrich their knowledge. Soccer or game at the park daily. Teach them music, swimming, gymnastic.
We are alway compete against time.
Before I have children and working, I always tell my staff that we have to salute to those homemaker. That's the tough profession and I love to call homemaker HFO which Home Financial Officer as they have to take of everything. That's where my mom title come about.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Considering I have a medicle condition I am limited to what I can do arround the house but as a Stay Home Mom also it is busy. I have 3 kids at home with me 2 are in school full time and I have to get them both up and ready for school the other stays home with me cause preschool is already over. I do what my body will allow as far as house work which is not much and then I sit at my computer and come to mylot to get some work done. Then I have to make lunch, put my 3yr old down for a nap and then get some more house work done before my body gives out.
It is crazy and for thise who think we have it easy should try it one day.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
days are busy when you are a stay at home mom...besides all the house stuff you have to do, you have kids to entertain...i was a stay at home mom for 10 years and also sold avon during that period...been there, done that...and yes, people that are rude have no clue.
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@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
People who make comments like that have never tried to keep up with a toddler all day! I think if you go off to work, your kids are in daycare or school, not at home messing the place up every five minutes, so many people just don´t realize that when you are at home, things need to be picked up, kids need to be fed, etc.
I am a work at home mom with a newborn and an 18 month old. My in laws told my husband that it wasn´t fair that he was having to work while I just sat, playing on the computer all day! I got the last laugh though, because my "playing on the computer" earned enough money to build our house! It is really tough to keep up with two small children and still find the time to get my writing done in time to make my deadlines!
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@bestgirl2008 (183)
• Germany
14 Jun 07
i always clean the house and after awhile it looks like i didn't do anything at all
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@dlufel (423)
• Australia
14 Jun 07
i am not even married yet. but i have always dreamt to be a housewife. just exactly like you. And i always know that it is not an easy job at all. And yes, i have met so many people who thinks that i only want an easy life (staying at home all day and dont have to work). But i always admire my dream (and all of you who are a stay at home mom). But i know there's some people out there who are really just a stay at home mom and do nothing but sleep, and enjoying themselves. And it just happens that people around us see a stay at home mom as those people and look down to every mom. No matter what people say about all stay at home mom, we're doing the best we can because of our love to our family (I'll be one of them after i get married ^-^). Who cares what others think. Ask them to have a day as 'stay at home' mom and let them know what's the real deal.
@Ambur25 (1006)
• United States
14 Jun 07
People tell me all the time that I have it "so easy." The fact of the matter is, being a mother is a full-time job. There's no 'easy' to it.
My boys are a little older than your daughter. So, I'm going to say that my day is a little easier than yours. Because I've been there! I was a stay at home mother when my youngest was 2. Now my boys are 8 and 5 years old. My youngest will start kindergarten this year. Until then, both of them are home with me.
Anyone with boys knows, one boy equals one brain. Two boys equals half a brain! Haha. I get up around 8am (this is the summer) and get breakfast started. Usually pancakes or cereal, I'm not super-mom. Then, I clean up after breakfast. After that it's laundry. We're a family of 4! There's 4 towels, 4 wash cloths, and 4 sets of clothes each and everyday. Between loads of laundry I'm picking up the rest of the house, running errands if there are any, and more and more laundry. Then it's lunch time. I cook, eat, then clean up after lunch. And try to finish the rest of the laundry. The boys usually go outside, so I'm either out with them watching, or I'm back and forth to the window watching making sure they aren't getting into trouble or hurt. I can usually sit and relax a bit in the afternoon when they go out to play. I can say though, it's getting so much easier as they get older. But there are times, especially when they fight or argue that I wished they were small again! Lol. That way, when they get cranky I can say, Okay it's naptime! And put them down to sleep. Haha.
I remember doing laundry one day on a Saturday. My mother said, "You've got all week to do laundry! You shouldn't be doing it on Saturday!" I agree, but sometimes life just doesn't go according to plan! =P
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
14 Jun 07
It is very hard and non stop. You know what you do and you shouldnt have to prove to anyone anything that what you do during the day. Its really no one elses business.
I am constantly doing something, I do not sleep much (about 3 hours of broken sleep each night) so I will even be up during the night finishing off stuff or some sort of housework.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
14 Jun 07
My husband just switched back to night shift again, so we're having an adjustment phase right now. We're still trying to work out how our schedule is going to be, since our 16 month old tends to play loudly in the afternoon, but then Daddy can't sleep, so we will have to really work on this when the baby and I get back from vacation.
When my husband was working days, my day would go something like this: Get up at 6 am with my husband. Fix his breakfast, and his lunch if he wasn't going to be able to come home for lunch that day. Get him out the door by 6:40. Take a shower. Go back to bed until my toddler decides it is time for him to get up. Usually somewhere around 9:30 am. Feed him breakfast and play with him for about an hour. If we are doing a craft project, this is usually when we do it. Then get the baby to pick up his toys. If my husband was coming home for lunch, he would be there at a few minutes after 11, so I would start lunch at a few minutes before. If he wasn't going to be home with us, I would sometimes wait until about 12 to serve lunch for my son and me. Then the baby plays some more, while I do a quick clean up. Then I play with my son until he goes down for a nap at around 2.
While the baby is napping, I get some housework done. If I have time, I get some work done online, too. He sleeps until around 430-5. My husband gets home around 4:15, so I talk to him for a few minutes. He usually gets the baby up and plays with him, and gives him a snack, while I work online for around an hour. Then I go fix supper. And we eat together as a family. We sometimes watch TV together afterwards, but sometimes I head back upstairs to get some more work done, especially if I have a deadline coming up. My husband does usually get the baby put in bed. Then I try to spend about half an hour with just my husband, after the baby goes to bed, around 10 pm. I put away any laundry my husband brings up before he goes to bed. Then I go downstairs and straighten up the house again. I try to get some more work done online. I am usually not in bed before 2 or 3 am. And then my day starts all over again.
Recently my husband made some comment about him doing all the housework (he does laundry and dishes). I didn't do any cleaning at all the next day. I didn't pick up the newspaper after my son scattered it all over the floor. I didn't put away any toys that the baby didn't put away himself. I didn't put my husband's breakfast or lunch dishes that he left out into the sink. I didn't sweep anywhere. I didn't clean the bathroom. I didn't put away the laundry that he left on the bed that morning. My husband came home and asked why the house was so messy. lol I told him...Well, I was waiting for you since YOU do all the housework. I don't think he will say that again.
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@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I'm a stay at home mom, and my day starts out like this I have to take the dogs got in the yard, turn on the pc so I can start my shift as a order processor(I work from home as a customer service representative)I work like 3 to 4 hours in the morning. Once I'm finish my shift my toddle is up and ready for breakfast. I'll make her breakfast and then start to clean the house and do laundry. Well I'm doing that I manage to feed the rest of the animals (we have 2 rabbits, cat, 2 dogs) I then order my older children to go outside the clean the front and back of the house mow the lawn etc. (I'm glad I don't have to do it for like a month are so). Then around 3-4ish I have to sign back in for another 1/2 to 1 hour shift. Then I prepare dinner. And I finish with given the little oneher shower and making sure she brush teeth(The older ones need some guidance to have to make sure they take their meds and brush their teeth and shower)
While I'm sitting here typing all this in, I just realize I haven't said that I did nor have time for myself. Oh well as my little say it have to be done because the Mr. act like he don't know what to do. Thank you I needed this
PS I don't know how to RELAX anymore.
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@fatragu (677)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I used to be more of a couch potato then I am now but that has all changed in the last week. I get up at 5:30 so that I can be ready for my friend's 1 yr old little boy that comes between 6 and 6:45am so his mom can be to work at 6:30am. Then after he is here my 2yr old usually wakes up and I make their breakfast. Then my 1 yr old wakes up and I get her breakfast. Then it is trying to get stuff cleaned while they play. Lunch for everyone and then naps for everyone, me included because for some reason it doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I get during the night I can't stay awake all day. We get up from naps and then it is time for a snack. His mom comes between 3 and 4 to get him and then it is time to figure out what is for dinner at my house and then eat and everyone goes to bed. Throw in diaper changes and drinks during my day and then that is my schedule. And I also try to get on here every night before I go to bed to get some posting done. I never realized how much work staying home was going to be until I had 2 kids and my friend's son and I got my butt in gear lol.
@vannyrao29 (76)
• Singapore
14 Jun 07
Hi i have two kids one is 3 yr old gal. And another 2 months old boy.My gal is in nursery. so i always have to wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for her her class starts at 11am to 1am.
I bring her to school togahther with my baby,
while shes in class i cook lunch and dinner togather.
After in afternoons we will take a short nap like about an hour, then i will teach my gal and play wif my son, dad will be home by 5.30.
He will play with the kids while i take rest and we watch tv togather at night..Thats my everyday routine...
@dheng30 (88)
• Philippines
14 Jun 07
I never contented of staying and doing the same thing again and again everyday....
I used to stay home before taking care of my only child as of now...
After a year i decided that i have to do something else...going out alone sometimes and even working...
Sometimes i ask my husband to take care the baby for a while so i can go for a walk or something...
Or if he's unavailable then i'll bring my child with me...
being a mom is a not easy...
some says its better staying home...maybe they haven't tried it....
You should have to have fun go with your kids sometimes and if possible then go with your hubby...
Mom needs some break also...
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@hemophiliamom (66)
• United States
14 Jun 07
People who make that kind of comment really don't have a clue!! I am a SAHM of 4 kids, age 10,8,6,4. I also work from home doing 4 part time jobs. My day is like this: up at 6:15, babysit an infant until 3:30. Get my four kids up at 7:30, on the bus at 8:15. Feed the baby. Do phone/computer work for my job in the mornings, along with housework, etc. Sometimes I get a shower, sometimes not, depending on if the baby naps. Two of my kids get home at noon. Then it's feed them, clean up, feed the baby, get him down for a nap, and then teach piano lessons from 2:45 until 6:00. Then I make supper, eat, and run my kids to their evening activities. Get home around 8:30, give them a snack, and put them to bed. The last one finally goes to sleep at around 10:00, just in time for me to collapse. No time for me. No time for hubby. Just work. On Saturdays, I run errands and do projects, and clean house. On Sunday afternoons, I MIGHT get an hour for myself, if the kids leave me alone long enough. Nope, SAHM's don't have a free lifestyle at all. Maybe next year when I'm not babysitting anymore! =)