Working outside of the home
By shannon76
@shannon76 (1232)
United States
June 14, 2007 2:25pm CST
On the 25th of this month I will be starting a job outside of the home. I will be working 8am to 12pm monday thru thursday. This may not seem like a lot to some but this will be 16 hours a week that I will be away from my son! My mom and motherinlaw will be taking care of him, each two days a week, so I know he will be well taken care of but it still bothers me. It makes me sad that I won't be the only one taking care of him anymore=(. I have everyone (even my husband) telling me "oh it's just for a few hours a day, no big deal". But it is a big deal! It ismaking me miserable just thinking about it. I don't want to miss anything =(
Anyone else experience this?
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21 responses
@RenaeT (681)
• United States
15 Jun 07
OH Shannon, I know this sounds sooooooooo stupid compared to you leaving your son a few hours a week, but I started a new job a month ago and I grieved over leaving my cat!!! She is so spoiled and follows me around the house and the yard all day. I was SO sad when I said good bye to her, I STILL feel sad if she is standing there looking at me.
I remember when my son was 4 months old, I went to work part time and it killed me. My sister was my babysitter, so I also knew he'd be taken good care of.
I will pray for you . . .I understand how hard it is.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
No it doesn't sound stupid. I still have my 8 year old first baby (my calico cat). And I miss her too =)
Not as much as my son of course lol but I still miss her. And she lets me know when she misses me too.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I know how you feel. I went back to work when my son was only 5 weeks. At the time, my husband was on nights, so we didn't have to take the baby to a babysitter. When he switched back to days, I cut back my hours at work to just 2 5 hour days a week. He went right next door to the babysitter, and I called her every 2 hours (or less). lol When she moved, I cut down working to only Saturday so we wouldn't have to take the baby to a sitter at all, and it was TERRIBLE for me. I was at work for 8 hours a day, and I was always so miserable. I would call my husband and I would hear my baby crying in the background. I hated it.
Now I stay home with my son full time, and just do a little bit of work online to make money for gifts and any extra things we want. Luckily my husband's checks cover all of our bills and groceries and such.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Wow. 5 weeks old? That must have been REALLY hard.
I am glad things took a turn for the better for your family though and that you are able to stay at home. I honestly think that is the best place for kids (whenever possible) to be at home with the mom or dad.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
15 Jun 07
That is something every mom goes through. It was hard on me to go back to work and leave my kids with a sitter. The thing is once you get in the habbit it will be easier and you will be able to provide for your child better than before and that will make you feel better in the long run.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
15 Jun 07
My young granddaughter visited this past weekend. She is 1 year old. Her mother is home all day with her and then mom goes to work and dad is with her at night. She wouldn't let anyone near her! She will only let mom and dad hold her or touch her. That is what happens to children who only stay with parents! Your daughter will be more socially well-rounded by being away from you! She will learn that there are more than one way that things can be done! Seriously, it is for the me!!!
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
ACtually it's my son - no daughters yet =)
But I do see your point. We are very fortunate to not have our son going through seperation anxiety with us yet. He does spend a far amount of time with his grandparents so we have tried to make sure he wouldn't be that way. And he is very accepting of strangers (almost more then we'd like!). He will gladly let anyone pick him up (mostly men too!).
@GuateMom (1411)
• Canada
14 Jun 07
It is definitely a big deal to be away from your child. It is going to take some getting used to, but I bet he will enjoy spending time with his grandmas and after you get used to it, you will probably enjoy having a mini break.
I personally am very lucky to be able to work at home, but there are times I really would like to get away from the kids for a while! So in that regard, you are lucky. Plus, even though it seems like a lot, you probably won´t miss too much of his life in just 16 hours a week.
Why don´t you leave a digital camera with the caregivers so they can take pictures or video of any cute things he does? It might help ease your worries, although it will still be second-hand, but it is nice to have photos of first times.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I know he will enjoy the time with his grandma(s) but I am just sad that he won't be with me all the time! I tried to work from home telecommuting but it just didn't pay enough and it wasn't steady.
That is a really good idea with the pictures or video. I will have to suggest this to my mom and mother in law. Thanks!
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
15 Jun 07
I know how apprehensive you will feel about seeing your son less when you start work. I guess it is because you are so used to being around for him the whole day everyday, that any alternative to that makes you feel uncomfortable. But as your husband reminded you, it is but a few hours a day. I will probably tell you the same if I were your husband. Do look on the bright side of things. Earning some money helps you financially. Besides you can still be with your child a good number of hours a day. This arrangement also lets your mum and MIL have a chance to spend some time with your kid. I'm sure they will love the opportunity to be helpful to you, and you may learn to appreciate them for it. Furthermore, you probably have heard the proverb "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". The bond between your son and you may grow warmer with a little absence. Hope things will work out positively for you.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Very true - absence does make the heart grow fonder.. But I don't know how much more fonder I could get of my son! lol
I do appreciate what my mom and MIL are doing for me - heck, they are not asking a penny from me to do this. I truly have the best support system. I need to just suck it up and quit being a baby about it.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
15 Jun 07
I know the psychology of mums and MILs when it comes to looking after grandsons and granddaughters. They will be dying to be approached for help, even if they have a busy schedule. They feel useful and wanted when asked, and it's never about money. You are indeed blessed because you have a ready support system waiting to be tapped.
@fellowlife (988)
• Nigeria
15 Jun 07
to be frank i think you would get to miss a little cause you wouldn't always be there to have a hang of whats going on. Yeah your kid would be safe but i think you might also be over-reacting here.
Like everyone has been telling you its ok and i believe you should try and spend the weekend well with them so that you get to know what went on with their lives when you were away for a couple of hours
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I know I am overreacting. But hey, I'm a mother, I can do that right? LOL
Thanks for the support and kind words though, I appreciate it.
@compumom (738)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Don't be so hard on yourself. If your working is helping your family, you've got to do what you've got to do. From the sound of it, it doesn't sound like you're working just to get out of the house.
Take time to realize your long term goals. Your son is with family. You're still a great mom. Stop beating yourself up. Maybe you can search for something where you can make money out of the house.
Good Luck!
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
You're right - we do have to do what we have to do to make ends meet. And I am still doing some stuff from home but it just isn't making enough money. I was telecommuting but the scheduling is a pain in the behind!
@bcl_me (582)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
I think there is nothing to worry about leaving your child and be taken care of by his grandparents...becasue for sure...they will take good care him just how they took care of you as a why worry...your leaving your child to your closest relatives and not just a nanny...which I will totally agree with you to worry more than you should if it is just left to nanny.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I'm not worried about his care so much as I am worried about not taking care of him myself, does that make sense? I know his grandparents will take care of him very well. But I am the mom, I know him better then anyone and think I can do a better job then anyone. I am just being selfish I suppose huh! lol
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
15 Jun 07
Yes, I understand how you must have felt. But, hey, look at the bright side... Your son will be well taken care of. You get a chance to earn some extra income and have some social life... I would love to be in your position but it's so difficult to get that kind of work hours here in Singapore.... Anyway, I think it is better than you have to work fulltime......
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Very true. It could be MUCH worse. Two of my good friends had to go back fulltime after only being with their babies for 3 months!!! I know a lot of women that do that... I feel bad for them.
@dnumyar (18)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
uuuh, thats a sad news.. sad since you wouLd be away from your son.. but if you come to think of it, your husband has a point.. it's onLy hours.. good for you your son wouLd be taken cared of by your mom and mother - in - Law and not a nanny or the sort..
back when i was stiLL a chiLd, my parents use to Leave me in the custody of a nanny since theyre both working.. LittLe did my parents know that i had a Lot of issues with my nanny since she used to Leave me aLone whiLe she mingLes with other neighboring nannies..
but to get back with the discussion, i suggest you just do your work in the office and dont worry about your son.. i know your mom and your mother - in - Law wouLd reaLLy take good care of your son for you just as the way they raised and cared for you and your husband.. the onLy thing you couLd do is to make it up with your son when you're home.. spend most of your time with him in pLace of those times that you're in the office..
god bless you and your famiLy.. ;j
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Both my husband and I agree that if it came down to us having to either put our child in daycare or having a nanny then we would not do that. We are VERY blessed to have the help of our mothers. And I know it's just hours, but that is hours that I will miss him =(
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I know that I would be having the same feelings if I were in your shoes. You really do have it so much better than other people who find themselves in your situation.... not that helps your feelings at all. It could end up being a very positive thing for the both of you. Children do need to experience being away from their mom's for extended timeframes before they are forced to be when they go to school (or camp if you plan to homeschool)
I do feel for you. Best of luck to you.
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@gadget_kat (412)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I can totally emphasize with you. I have 2 children, and after having them and being on maternity leave with them, I hated going back to work, especially after my older one was born. With her, I took an extended leave, so that I was off for 4 months. It was really hard financially, but to be with her for her first 4 months was definitely worth it. I cried the first couple of days after I went back to work, I missed her so much!
Now, they are older, and I am unemployed. I've been trying to find a job with exactly the kind of hours that you have, without any luck. Husband works, but things are really tight, especially now that it's summer and the kids are out of school.
Around here, they don't hire unless you're available all day long and can work nights and weekends, too.
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@maehan (1439)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I have experience when my sons are 2 months old and I went back to work 10 hours a day. Everyone was shocked that I look ok. Yeh, look ok, of course, my son is well taken care of by my mom. I feel ok when I am extremely busy when I do not have a second to think of anything. But, when there is a second or half a second, I miss him. No worry, you will get over it.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I am sure with time I will get over it. But I am not wanting to really get over it. I went to be happy to care for him instead of having someone else take care of him, you know what I mean?
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
15 Jun 07
My daughter is also facing the same problem. She has given birth to a boy. And her maternity leave will be over with in a month. She doesn't want to leave the boy even for a minute. She has to keep the baby with us. Still she hesitates and contemplates to resign the job which is a good one. I hope she will adjust to the new circumstances and take best decision.
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@asmurthy (2461)
• India
15 Jun 07
My daughter is also facing the same problem. She has given birth to a boy. And her maternity leave will be over with in a month. She doesn't want to leave the boy even for a minute. She has to keep the baby with us. Still she hesitates and contemplates to resign the job which is a good one. I hope she will adjust to the new circumstances and take best decision.
@serjhonny (350)
• Italy
15 Jun 07
Hi! I'm working outside of the home, every day I take the train at 6.30am. so in the evening i'm very tired! fortunately it isn't an hard job but the trip is stressful!
@a_robinnep (529)
• Nepal
15 Jun 07
Yes, may be its difficult to work outside the home but i think, I have habit to leave with my family. I am working far from my home now.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I think any mother who works outside the home experiences these feelings so you are defninitely not alone. Thankfully, he will be well cared for by his family so there's no need to worry there. Once you get past the feeling of separation anxiety, you will find yourself immersed in your new job. Your son will still thrive and you will connect with other adults on a regular basis. Moms need to re-charge themselves and part-time work is just one way to do that.