do you flirt !

June 14, 2007 2:30pm CST
omg ! i do ! and its bad !!!! but,, what can i say hes AMAZING ! :) but im a bad way i dont feel bad .. and i do have a boyfriend ! :\ but what ever im still young and need to have a little fun right ? BriitneeeH;lynne♥
4 responses
@KaseyLah (142)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
I flirt! Everyone does, who doesnt (-______-) Your not normal if you dont! Lol I never met a girl or guy who hasnt flirted.
@amjada (379)
15 Jun 07
Good point, as you say flirt is bad, but way people do, well its a good point.
• United States
15 Jun 07
Flirting isn't bad. Hell yeah I flirt. Man that's what keeps life interesting sometimes.
• United States
14 Jun 07
Well, I like to flirt, a lot. I have a boyfriend, and sometimes I feel guilty, but I don't see the problem with it because it's harmless. Unless you're being physical with your flirting, I dont see a problem with it.