kids horror stories
By natash121
@natash121 (219)
June 15, 2007 4:56am CST
I had the most horrible experience with my daughter at a shopping centre the other day. She was playing up and i told her if she comtinues i will put her lolly back on the shelves, she continued so i put the lolly back. She started to have a tantrum so i decided to take her back to the car and bravely let my husband to finish off the shopping. As soon as she realised this is what i was going to do , she ran , she ran and ran and ran. Out of the shop and around the shopping centre, screaming hysterically the whole way , I got lots of looks of sympathy but also alot of ' oh my god'. This to date has been the worst tantrum i have had with a kid while out shopping, Has anyone else had an experince like this? I would love to hear it!!
3 responses
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
Thats to funny (well not really) But I totally understand what you are speaking of. About 4 years ago my daughter was at school. I went there to bring her a extra pair of pants that she needed. The reception informed me it was only half day and if I wanted I could take her home. I had asked Cierra did she want to stay or come home with me. She said can I help push the buggy (that I had for my 2 boys) I said well yes she said OK I want to come home. She got all her things from her locker and we walked out of the school. Not even 2 seconds later she asked if she could hold the end near the side of the road which is a huge No No for me I wanted her to take the inside so I know she would be safe and sound. Anyhow she didn't like my answer and said fine I'm staying at school then... I told her she couldn't for I already told the office she was coming home with me. She then ran up and down the school office window screaming leave me alone leave me alone you are going to hurt me????? I was WHAT??? I WAS PXXXED I couldn't believe what she was saying for it is so untrue ......She still to this day appears to have issues and I'm at the point now of looking for some medical advice for to me this is just not normal. I feel like crap though and wounder where I went wrong as a mom .....Hopefully though there will be some help out there I can get for her.
@natash121 (219)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
my daughter had yelled something similar it stunned me so much !! cos i was like what???? You did nt go wrong as a mother, i believe its just a personality thing, some are just really head strong!! Dont blame your self.
@sweetcutiepie42 (180)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
Sounds like everyones had a few bad times... o the things I look forward to when my little boy grows up!
The only problem ive had and it isnt really that bad.I just had my first child,and was carrying him around the shop he wasnt even a month old.I Had a few things in my other hand and needed a few more but as he started crying because he was hungry I forgot the other items and took myself to the check out,a few nice people let me go infront as they could see I needed to get out as quick as possible.
As I put everything on the checkout I fumbled for my purse,as a lady alot older than me tapped me on the shoulder and said "would you like me to hold him?" I thought it was nice she would do this but said "no its ok he's just hungry" she persisted to say things like "are you sure?" and "I can hold him for you" as nice as she was it got extremly annoying.Expecially he was getting destressed and I was trying to pay for the items.As i was leaving she followed not far behind looking at me puzzled,I ended up saying to her "Unless you have a bottle,you wont help" I then sat down on the bench to feed him.
I do get a little annoyed at people when my son whos just learnt to wave is sitting in his stroller and waves at them and they just give a dirty look,or he is crying because I wont let him hold my purse.. I just dont think people understand unless they have been through it.
@natash121 (219)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
It really annoys me too when people snob my daughter when she is just being friendly, there is no need to be rude to a child. How bad is it that I have to explain to my 4 year old why some people wont answer her or smile back at her.
@amaleigh73 (499)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Yes, my daughter did something similar once when she was 3 years old. We were in a craft store and I had several small items I planned to buy. She wanted something (don't even remember what it was) and I told her "no, we don't need that, maybe we can find something else that we do need." She insisted on that one thing and would not leave it alone. I asked her to put it back. All of the sudden she started in this horrible tantrum. I tried to talk to her, but she would not listen. I put all my small items back, picked her up and took her out of the store. She kept hitting me and kicking me, which was not like her at all. We got to the car and I was so mad I didn't say anything the whole way home, partly because she was screaming so loud, she wouldn't have heard me anyway. It was the only time she ever acted like that so I'm not sure if she wasn't feeling well or was over tired.
@natash121 (219)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
It usually happens when they are over tired does nt it. I think alot of us over look that. I always dont tend to think that because she s had her normal sleep , no late night, but somtimes they need that extra little sleep in the arvo even when she was out of having naps long ago. If my daughter gets real grumpy by the arvo I tell her if you cntinue to be grumpy ill make you go have a nap and then you can wake up and be happy again. Sometimes she wises up and starts behaving the other times she says ok ill go have a nap so i can be happy.