Grass Clippings....

United States
June 15, 2007 12:39pm CST
What do you do with the grass clippings after you have cut your lawn? Do you leave the clippings on the you bag it up and put it out for the you throw it over the fence and hope no one looks LOL?
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53 responses
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
We compost them along with all the fruit and veggie scraps from the kitchen and all the garden waste. The meat scraps go to the cats and dogs.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I just leave mine right where it falls. Why should I waste a plastic bag to clean up lawn clippings which is nature anyways. I figure eventually the wind or rain will blow them where they need to be. so I let nature take care of it (and hope no one is looking!)
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Good for your town! I never did understand having to put nature into plastic. But yeah, I'm sure they're expensive. that's another reason I would just leave them right where they are.
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• United States
15 Jun 07
Our town won't let you put them in plastic bags anymore. You have to buy those brown bio-degradeable bags and put your clippings in those. They are expensive!
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• United States
15 Jun 07
We sometimes leave it on the grass, but most of the time we rake it up and bag it up to take to the dump later. I hate grass clippings in the lawn. I wish we had a bagger on our lawn mower, it would make it so much easier and nicer.
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
16 Jun 07
We actually use mulch blades on our lawn mower to cut the clippings several times. The reason why is we have a neighbor who just hates for anyone's yard to look nicer then hers. As soon as we are done mowing and trimming our lawn she will send her son out to mow hers. We have seen her out in her yard lecturing her son that she didn't mow it just the right way. I would never think to throw the clippings over the fence. I would be scared of what might happen.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
15 Jun 07
LOL We bag our up and put them to the curb with trash. Our town has a great mulching system. They collect yard clippings and mulch them up. Anyone can come by with their water bill and take a truck load of mulch and top soil for their own purposes. It works well.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
16 Jun 07
That is a great program! Here we take our Christmas trees to the town pool. Then they grind them into mulch and we can get the mulch for free. I have a artificial tree and have never gotten any of the mulch so I don't know how they confirm residency.
@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
16 Jun 07
well the first time we were able to mow this year it was like bailing hay becasue we were unable to get that last mow in last year before you couldnt mow anymore. So we had to rake it up and we threw it in a pile where we had a garden last year. But normaly we try and not let the grass get really high so if we leave the clippings then they are unoticed.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
15 Jun 07
We compost it. They are a great base for the compost pile which when done right does not smell. Kitchen scraps and leaves and more grass and some shredded newspaper is all good to turn into the gold for the soil in the garden. Such a waste unless you are the kind the uses chemicals and then you should dispose of it in a safe way.
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@patgalca (18341)
• Orangeville, Ontario
15 Jun 07
Believe it or not, we used to throw them over the fence because there is a small field behind that, and then a wood plant. But I complained that it started to smell after awhile so now it gets bagged up and put out with the trash. However, we now have compost bins the town picks up every garbage day. Should the grass being going in the compost?
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jun 07
I guess the grass clippings could go in the compost. Maybe you could call you town and see what they say. We don't have compost bins in my town.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
16 Jun 07
well luckily i dont have grass in my place all back and front were i dont have to worry about the grass thing lol...and be caught of throwing to the other side..
• United States
16 Jun 07
Oh my son would love to have the whole front and back yard cemented. He hates to cut the grass!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
16 Jun 07
Several years ago hubby bought a self-mulching mower. The grass clippings are mulched very fine as we mow and are put right back down onto the lawn. Our lawn looks awesome! Before we bought this mower, we placed the grass clippings in a large,vacant field that is beside our home. The field doesn't belong to us, (or anyone else in our neighborhood) and everyone puts their clippings there! I had read that lawn care trash makes up a great deal of what goes into land fields! I think if we can return it back to the earth it is best! (rather than send to a landfill!)
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@Modestah (11179)
• United States
15 Jun 07
lol...@ throw over the fence. We do two things, some of it we rake up and throw in the chicken runs - they just get such a kick out of scratching for delights within and under the grass clippings. we leave the rest on the lawn. we are in the boonies and not much attention is given to the unsightliness of grass clippings dried up on the lawn...I wonder if it helps keep it from growing too fast ?
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@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I usually just leave the clippings where they fell, however sometime in May it got so high...we had 21 days of rain out 31, so if you blinked you would loose your chance to get it mowed...and I blinked several times. :-)
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Oh I forgot to say that that time I used the extras as mulch throughout my flower beds.
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@teleios (737)
• Philippines
16 Jun 07
hmmm grass clippings, reminds me of so much! i love the fresh sweet smell of grass clippings, so after doing the lawn, we usually let the grass clippings stand a little, so that we can smell just smells so fresh! but after we sweep it out, pack them all in sacks and take to to the backyard or burn them.
• United States
16 Jun 07
Yes I like the smell of fresh cut grass. Smells like summertime!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
Grass clippings are very good for your lawn. Leave them there and they will make a layer of organtic material that will hold the moisture and break down later to fertilize your lawn and make it nice and green. I never rake my lawn, Just mow it, and the grass clippings are returned to the soil!
@patgalca (18341)
• Orangeville, Ontario
15 Jun 07
Our neighbour tends to leave his grass clippings on his lawn and they turn brown so he has what looks like straw spread on his grass. Doesn't really look very nice.
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
17 Jun 07
Usually we just leave them because they are small. When we do not get to mow for awhile and some is high, I try to rake up what is bigger and thick and I put it in the compost or wait a few days and put it on the garden as mulch.
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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I bag the clippings from the yard. My daugher cuts the grass and she gets paid for it. She bags all the clipping and we put them out for pick up. There is a day for picking up trash and a different day to pick up yard scraps. This is supposed to be some type of recycling that the county does. I don't know about how it works but at least it is gone and that is what is important to me.
@lisado (1227)
• United States
16 Jun 07
All we have to mow is the small fenced area that is our backyard. I think it's all of 12x16, ar least the part that has grass. My husband can mow and use the weedeater to get around the inside of the fence (it's like an apartment complex so the rest of the "common areas" are contracted out) in less than 15 minutes. It takes longer to get the mower out and ready to go than it does to actually mow. My husband doesn't rake it up. He much uses the mulch setting on the mower and blows the grass to the center of the yard, so he continues to run over the clippings making them smaller. There isn't much left when he is done, so he just leaves it. The contractors don't rake, either. They blow the grass into the street and then blow it back into the yard (and I have no idea why they do this!). They mow pretty often, though, so we don't have much of a problem with the clippings killing off the grass or anything, which can happen if it's left on the lawn.
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I love to cut the grass, but I never pick up the clippings. They stay wherever they land.
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
18 Jun 07
My partner mows the lawns and doesnt use the catcher he just leaves the clippings on the lawn, he mows the lawns at least once a week during summer and they always look neat and tidy so I dont complain, I do hate it when the grass clippings make their way inside though and I have to sweep them up!
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I leave them where they fall.
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