Childrens Shows and do you approve?

United States
June 16, 2007 8:00am CST
OK, what are some of your childrens favorite shows to watch? My son is in a stage of Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents and Spongebob. It is driving me crazy!!! He is learning things from these shows that a 4 year old shoould not learn. I let him watch them though because, come on, I need to take a shower, and it seems it is the only thing that keeps him from destroying the house when I am in the shower. Am I overreacting??
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20 responses
• Philippines
30 Jun 07
Have you tried letting your 4 year old watch Dora Dora, Backyardigans, Lazytown and Franklin? Those shows have values and my 4 years old enjoys watching them unlike shows like spongebob, fairly oddparents, billy and mandy, etc. Are you overreacting? NO!!! I feel the same way and I fell at the same trap as well. Now, I tell my daughter that if she is going to immitate words that she knows are bad she is not allowed to watch them anymore. The good thing is my daughter knows the attitude that i don't like and words that are not suppose to be repeated. She sometimes asks me questions about certain words that is new to her and asks me if its a bad word or a good word.
• United States
1 Jul 07
My son has started to want to say swear words that he hears, but instead of saying them, he asks me what they mean. It is funny and it takes so much not to laugh when he starts to say it and stops half way into the word and puts his hands over his mouth! My son is so ridiculously addicted to Spongebob that he now has to earn getting to watch it. I figure this way he won't be watching it as much because he is 4 and come on.... he's a boy. Not always the best behaved ya know!!! ha ha ha. So I have written down when it is on and if he has been extra good that day with no talking back... then I will let him watch it. It seems to be working!
• Philippines
1 Jul 07
Good for you girl!! Smart thinking!!
• United States
17 Jun 07
my daughter watches elmo,barney,teletubbies, dora, wiggles, she has learned a lot from these shows. my duaghter does not watch the shows you listed cause i do not have cable so that leaves us with only 1 or 2 channels. which is ket1 and the cw channel
• United States
17 Jun 07
my daughter has learned alot from the shows i listed she is the same age as your son
• United States
17 Jun 07
I miss the days of my son being entertained by the shows like Sesame Street and Elmo. They are so educational and good for young children. But he is so bored with them now! Which is really too bad... He learned so much from them when he watched them too!!!
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Luckily both of our sons prefer the Disney channel. Higglytown Heroes, Johnny and the Sprites, Handy Manny and such. They also like Blues Clues. Some of the cartoons on the other networks I try to avoid. They gross me out, so I don't let them watch them if I can help it. What ever happened to Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry, ya know?
• United States
19 Jun 07
No kidding. We had great shows as kids!!! I mean come on.... Mighty Mouse??? HE ROCKED!!! My son will sometimes watch Blues Clues and I have decided that even if it is not our "TV TIME" I will let him watch all the Blues Clues and Dora that he wants. He only watches TV for so long before he gets bored with it. So I am trying the angle of letting him bend the rules to watch the shows and letting him think that he is doing something very special by getting to watch TV when he is not really supposed to. It seems he isn't sitting in front of the TV now to really watch the other shows now because he wants to be outside, or playing cars. Or doing something more productive! I LOVE THAT!
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
I understand you, because sometimes spongebob shows naughty things that our kids must learn from watching it, my son love to watch blues clues, dora and spongebob too. Blues clues and dora is more on learning but spongebob is sometimes showing craziness, what you're doin to your child for you to take a shower is also am doin for my son, this way of entertaining them keep them stay in just a corner and enjoy watching these shows, until am done to my shower. Its not maybe bad as long as you're always there to guide him.
• United States
17 Jun 07
I tell you I never thought I would be the mother that would park my child in front of the TV. But darnit when I need a shower I need a shower!
• United States
16 Jun 07
have you ever watched bugs bunny or the road runner? i grew up watching these, and others that i can't recall right now, and i never once tried to drop a piano on somebody or feed them metal shavings and try to catch them with a giant magnet. now is the perfect time to teach your children that television is not real. cartoons are storybooks in motion. if they learn that lesson early in life, they may be less likely to believe everything the see on tv in the future.
• United States
16 Jun 07
i do understand what you are saying about your 4 y/o. we have a "grandson" who is 4 and adores spongebob. sometimes he has to be limited as well. but i do agree with their thinking, spongebob is a lot more fun than real life.
• United States
16 Jun 07
I am really trying to instill that in him at his age. He just seems to be at an age where he doesn't care what mom says, because what spongebob does is so much better and more fun. I told him the show would not be allowed in our house anymore if he did not listen to me and that was something out of a horror movie. You would have thought I was trying to kill him for goodness sakes. But at least the copying was less after that. It is just that there are some things in Spongebob that truly could be considered a deadly thing if kids copied them. That is where I am upset. I usually am not this crazed over tv shows or movies influencing people, but a line should be drawn somewhere and I think with toddlers is a good place to start!
• Philippines
16 Jun 07
I think Jimmy Neutron is fine but I have vowed never to let my child watch Spongebob. I managed to watch a show (when I didn't have a baby then) wherein one of the characters put on shoes with spikes and jumped on the eyeballs of the starfish character. I was shocked and appalled. I couldn't believe that they put those things in children's shows.... I watch the Simpsons but it is clearly marketed towards adults. But Spongebob is marketed as a kiddie character and a kiddie show! I don't think you're overreacting. I see my children and it is so true how their minds are like sponges that absorb a lot of things. I would probably take a shower at a later time. If you have PBSKids channel or Noggin, you can lead them to watch those shows instead...or a DVD of his favorite show. I hope this helps.
• United States
16 Jun 07
Yeah good old Spongebob has an episode where they both stick their hands in a fire and let them burn and then say oh that didn't hurt too bad.... OMG. I had to have a long talk with my son about that one. We can a campfire and he almost stuck his hand in the fire to show me it really didn't hurt that bad. Because spongebob and patrick did it. I was so irritated. I think it is a funny show, but there are a few things here and there that should have been cut out!
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
OMG! I would've flipped! Thank goodness your child didn't get harmed. My sisters find Spongebob funny too but I think that if they're going to show such things, they should start positioning Spongebob Squarepants as an adult cartoon pretty much like the Simpsons.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
16 Jun 07
I cannot stand SpongeBob for the simple fact that it has NO educational value what so ever. Ihave decided to only let my kids watch Disney, and another channel Noggin. They offer fun and education all in one and are copletely harmeless. The only time I will let my kids watch Nickelodeon is in the Morning when Nick JR. is on because those shows are educational. I make it a point to monitor the shows my kids watch because I dont want them to pick up any bad habbits.
• Australia
17 Jun 07
I'm 18 and I absolutely love Spongebob and Fairly Odd Parents- Spongebob especially. The things with these shows is that, though they are aimed at a young target audience, I don't think they're really aimed at those under 5 or 6. They are childrens shows, but are not for those under 5. Spongebob is kind of like the Simpsons- it originally started out as a sitcom for children, but gradually broadened its target to adults as well. Spongebob is not meant to be educational- it's just fun.
@amy0214 (1513)
• United States
17 Jun 07
My baby like to watch the mickey mouse clubhouse, little einstiens and doodlebops. I like these shows they are very educational
• Canada
17 Jun 07
My daughters are in love with Dora and I don't mind them watching this at all as I find it is teaching them so much . The entire show is dedicated to teaching our children good things and in such a way that they are learning all the time . They also like shows like little bear and Timothy goes to school . I monitor everything they watch as I don't mind them watching t.v but I don't want them watching anything that is not going to teach something in a good way . There are too many violent cartoons out there nowadays that teach our children that fighting is a good thing and I don't want my children to pick up on this type of behaviour , they will come across stuff like this in life on their own , I don't want to encourage it .
@lisagayle (393)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I let my 12 year old watch these programs, because she can tell the difference between reality and fiction. if she were four years old, i do not know if I would let her watch these programs.
@fatragu (677)
• United States
17 Jun 07
My kids only watch the Noggin channel with the preschool cartoons. They love Franklin the Turtle, Little Bear, and Pinky Dinky Doo. While watching these my 2 yr old daughter has learned what a triangle is and can participate in the little skits that they have in between the shows because I have been teaching her her colors and numbers. Both my 1 and 2 yr old love the Noggin shows and because they teach preschool things then I don't mind them watching them.
• Australia
17 Jun 07
The Wiggles seems good. A lot of kids seems to like it and I don't think they have done anything bad in front of kids before so my vote goes to them.
@dani4082 (15)
• United States
16 Jun 07
oh almost forgot with my two and their ages now I tell them I am going to go take a shower and i give them the option of time on the their computer or playstation while I am out of the room. And occasionally I will give them a choice of one of their dvds or vcr tapes to watch but it has to be something they can both agree on. SO perhaps you can check and see what is on tv at the moment and offer him a choice of 2 shows you pick and it has to be one or the other or no tv at all and he can go sit in his room on the bed till your done with your shower or whatever. Especially if you truly do not want him watching those cartoons I can't stand em.
• United States
18 Jun 07
first half of my post is missing. but i do not like those shows either and i have seen my kids walking away having learned some really stupid things like using fishpaste in place of swear words Iwould perfer them not to use explicatives at all when they are upset but to talk about it. Perhaps if you have the ability to you could simply place a block on them and only allow shows like franklin or little bear or even dragon tales. If its shower time here I used to give them a choice of those and it worked well they eventually got over being mad at me blocking the shows.
• United States
16 Jun 07
I totally understand you.My boys are 3 and 5 and it is Spongebob thins and Spiderman that. Seems like they enjoy the violent ones huh? My boys wrestle and everything. I get upset because I don't want them to fight but you know what I have 2 other babies and for me to dedicate my life to monitoring their tv would be impossible. What they see now they will eventually see later. I watch this channel called tbn and there is another channel but I don't know the name of it. They are religious channels and on sat. they play nothing but spiritual ed. for children and my boys love it. They have puppets and even cartoons. I take my shower in the late evening when they go to bed which is 8 p.m. I believe in montioring, sometimes you have to sacrifice. I let them watch nick, disney, pbs, all of that but you also have to talk and teach. Let him read as well too much tv is not good.
• United States
16 Jun 07
My son has finally gotten into reading more than what he used to be. He will sit with me for hours reading books if he can. my husband laughs because he will come home and the house is a mess and he can't figure out what I was doing all night that I didn't have time for the dishes (I am a SAHM) I told him about how much he read with me that night and he can't believe it! I just signed him up for the summer reading program and he understand that he can win prizes, so I think this will cut down the TV time quite a bit!!! WOO HOO!!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
16 Jun 07
I don't know what to tell you. My son is 8 and was probably around 4 when sponge bob started coming on TV and he has never tried to do anything that the characters have done. My son does a excellent grasp of real and fake though for a kid his age. He is very creative, but is very cautious on the same note. Maybe he just needs to learn the difference between real and fake.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
16 Jun 07
My kids are of different ages,my boys are now almost 27 and 23,my daughter is 10.My boys wanted the watch "The Simpson's" because alot of other kids at school did and I said no,because that boy is a brat thru the whole show.There are things that happen sometimes in "Spongebob","Jimmy Neutron",etc.But if you teach your children what's pretend and what's not then they won't do those things and follow that pattern of not good things to do. My daughterwanted to watch "Ed,Ed and Eddy" and I said no because they are violent thru the whole cartoon.Now my daughter basically know's what to watch and what not.Matter of fact if she is surfing the channel's and start's to watch a show that she think's is not appropiate then she will come tell me about what happened and I won't thinkit is so bad,but she say's she doesn't think she should watch it and changes the channel.But,I did not have that action from either of my boys.I guess maybe girl's are different.I did not see anything wrong with Spongebob or Jimmy Neutron.My favorite was Dragontail's thou.And she would watch Barney,Sesame Street,Dora the Explorer,The Magic School Bus and other's.My boy's watched He Man,She-ra and Thunder Cats mostly.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
16 Jun 07
I don't allow those shows in my home. There are plenty of good shows on. You could adjust your schedule so that you shower when better shows are on, or put in a video instead. In the long run which is more important: a shower or the bad habits your child has learned? Personally I would rather take a shower at another time than allow my child tpo watch those shows, which are for children 7+ not 4 year olds. Try PBS in the mornings, or buy vidoes of better programs that you can put in while you shower.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I don't think that you have anything to worry about. My daughter went threw the Rugrats stage and would call everyone 'dumb baby'. It drove me nuts! She has outgrown that and is now older and into Hannah Montana, Zack and Cody and Corry in the House. She also likes to watch Boy Meets World and I use to watch that years ago. They go threw these phases and then are done with them...don't worry.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
16 Jun 07
You might be but i guess it depends on what he's learning that he shouldn't be. Most of the shows my daughter watches are pretty good ones, Play School, The Wiggles, Sesame Street, Gordom the garden gnome, Fifi & the Flowertots, Bananas in Pyjamas, stuff like that. They're not bad influences so i don't mind her watching! Keep in mind though, she's only just gone 1 so she only watches Tv for about 2 minutes at a time, in between running from toy to toy & driving me nuts!!! Maybe you could try something like an educational DVD if you don't want him learning those things, when those shows come on, put on the DVD & he'll learn good stuff while you're showering!
@fly_shay (333)
• Philippines
16 Jun 07
I really like children shows and among these are Dora the explorer, Land Before Time and Barney...I really like these coz they are educational.I like to show them to the children in school.