online relationship: when ready, speed up or take time?

@shadow9 (238)
June 17, 2007 2:37am CST
ok so when your ready to start a relationship whit someone you talked for a while on the internet and you know the other person likes you and you like him/her do you speed things up or do you take more time to talk normaly before going in to the relation? i am in that position and have been there a few times but i always take some time before makeing it oficial because it's more fun ... the conversation changes and subtile talking get's more intense ... i think it's cute'r that way :P how bout u?
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5 responses
• India
21 Jun 07
Well Personally i dont believe in net relationship with no offence to anyone. Btw Have u guys met in real? If Yes, Then the decision is entirely yours, I have met lots of nice people on the internet and they continue to be frens. Is the Answer to the above question is NO, Dont be in a rush to fall into, Wise men say Only fools rush in. People fake on the net, and they pretend to be someone whom they are not So take your sweet time. Get to know the person, Invite her to ur place.. Go out for a date and try to learn more about her. Dont simply end up making a decision. LOVE HURTS TOO
@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
21 Jun 07
yup "rush twarts the fence and your head might get stuck between the bords!" i know love hurts, felt it lots of times, once because of a online relationship so i know rushing is a really really bad idea ... i have also met lots of friends on the internet, even people from my city witch i didn't know ... but mostly always the girls that i meet on the internet seem to want to get closer ...
• India
21 Jun 07
Only girls huh? So is me.. Most of my frens are girls and i feel more comfortable with them. Btw I have never been in a relationship,So i dont really know what love is. Been through lotsa One night stands and i like that better. I had Some So-called gfs but not serious. I had a bad experience with net relationships... We were so together on the net but when we meet in real life we are two diff people. So Halt and Listen my Fren Dont Rush In
@federickp (607)
• India
17 Jun 07
i think you should give time to know eachother in any relationship,let it be online or offline! he he! i mean online or over personal face to face contacts. Giving time to eachother helps you to realise each others likes and dislikes, by that we can know are we really compatible with eachother? will we be lovers for life? will we be able to take all odds in life together? and thus you eventually unknowingly fall in love with that person. I think even if its online,take time to meet that person in person and then finalise after your heart says yes.
@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
17 Jun 07
verry well sayd, i agree whith everything u sayd! thanks for posting
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• India
19 Jun 07
hey thanks a lot for that!
@auLeeau (253)
• China
17 Jun 07
LOL! depends
@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
17 Jun 07
omg, that was fast! ... yup i guess it depends, but expand ure idea! :P
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
My piece of advice...think twice about having an online relationship. I only had one online relationship and I told myself never again. I spent so much time online and was even in a hurry to get online even if I was already tired from my job...he even spent a lot calling me. Only to receive a call after a month from his wife. Huh.... so much for dreaming! It hurt a lot.... :(
@mike2003 (287)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
I'd take more time to know more about her/him..... I've been in a similar situation before and turned out not so good...:-( My tip would be not to expect too much..
@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
17 Jun 07
yes, takeing time is the best ... i've been through good and bad situations so u can never know what happens ... "nothing is the same although it's identical!" thanks for posting