Was there something during childbirth that you weren't warned/told about?
By amyann16
@amyann16 (414)
United States
June 17, 2007 8:20am CST
When I was pregnant with my son, I attended all the childbirthing classes, bought all the books on what to expect during my pregnancy and during childbirth. And for the most part, they really did prepare me for just about everything. There are two things that really stick out in my mind as things that just really took me by surprise, because I hadn't read about them anywhere and it wasn't brought up in the classes.
The first one is right after birth, I started shaking uncontrollably because I was so cold! The nurse explained that it was completely normal because of the quick blood loss that occurs with childbirth. Now why wasn't that in any of the books or classes!?
The second one was that my feet swelled up like balloons! I was retaining water like crazy and I couldn't fit my feet into my shoes for 2-3 days after giving birth! I didn't read that anywhere either.
So, were there any other parts of your child birthing experience that you were unprepared for?
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12 responses

@loopylou2406 (382)
18 Jun 07
i was the same as u , went in to labour about 5am, go to hosp at 6am started pushing til about 9.30 they said oh your baby head is stuck in ur pelvis, we have to take you to theatre and perform a vontuses i said a what???
i was against the whole epidural thing but had to have one, when they delivered the baby, he had to be sucked out as he was 2 weeks over due!!, they had the vacuum thing on to high and shock him and he stopped brething down the birth canal so he was not breathing for 3.5 mins, but he came around and now gives me hell!!! he is a rebel, but much loved!!
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@snookumsnort (313)
• Philippines
18 Jun 07
Pushing. I attended a child birthing class and paid $150 for a whole day session. Then we were told that we couldn't practice pushing. Even if I had read about it, it isn't something that's easy to learn. Who would've thought? Even on TV, you would see doctors / nurses say "Push" and the action seemed to come so naturally (albeit painfully) for the mother. Guess what, I pushed for an hour then was told by my OB that I wasn't pushing right. I was given another hour to get the baby out but without success. So it was off to having a C-section for me.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
18 Jun 07
I never had the urge topush, which was also a bit surprising. On all the dramas you see women being told they can't push yet and they are upset by it. I had big contractions, and of course did push when they told me it was fine to do so, but I never felt any urge. Weird!
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Not with my first birth, it went exactly as I expected. I knew about the shakes afterwards, though it did worry my boyfriend. And I knew about the water swelling up. My second one I didn't expect it to be as painful as it was, but that wasn't because no one told me it would be. I just didn't expect such a fast and painful birth. I also didn't expect my boyfriend to not support my choices and take me to the hospital, but that's more him than about the birth.
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@luv2cook4u (398)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I wish I had been more prepared for the possibility of a C-section. I skipped over that part in books because I figured I was having an uncomplicated pregnancy, the baby was not breech, and everything seemed to be going fine. Then my water broke and I never went into labor, even after several attempts to get it started, and I needed a C-section. I had no clue what to expect and wished I had been more aware of the importance of learning about them, even if it seems you would not need one.
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@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
17 Jun 07
No one told me how awful forceps are. It took 45 minutes for them to fix me back up and I had a 4th to 5th tear. My nurse said she had never seen one that bad before. Yay!
Then my son was scraped and bruised up so I kept a hat on him. I could not bend over for 2 months because of the pain.
Worse of all my son did not eat for almost 3 days. I went home with my first child who had only eaten 2 times. It had to do with his brain being a little swollen.
Needless to say my 2nd was born c/s. I had dreamed of the perfect birth but it just wasn't for me.
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@amyann16 (414)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Oh! That sounds horrible. Luckily we didn't have to use forceps with my son, but he was in such a hurry, he ended up being born with these huge bumps on the top of his head-- they looked like horns! They took quite a while to settle down and somehow they indirectly caused him to be jaundiced, which meant an additional 2 days in the hospital.
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@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Oh, and I was sooo worried I would poop while pushing. That was my biggest fear. Instead I vomited the entire time. The nurses said that was good because it would help push the baby down.
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@loopylou2406 (382)
18 Jun 07
i was not told about the shaking either, i was told my the midwife who delivered my son, "well you have had a little furnace in your body for 9 months, now your baby is out so is the furnance it will pass shorlty, yeah 45 mins and about 20 blankets i was fine apart from a little blue around the lips LOL
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@Lifez2short (4962)
• United States
18 Jul 07
I was not told about the shaking either. But my other thing I was not told about is kinda embarrassing. Nobody told me I would poop on myself.
@funnysis (2619)
• United States
15 Jul 07
I often wish that someone would have actually told me it wasn't going to hurt I heard all the horror stories I gave birth 5 times and all times I kept waiting on one of the horror stories to come but never with my fifth child I was in labor dialated and never knew it till I went to my doctors appoitment I was going to go help pull a motor but the doctor said I had other plans so I ended up at the hospital giving birth to a beautiful baby girl,so don't always beleive what you hear each person is different.
@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
18 Jun 07
I had a very easy pregnancy, even the child birth moment itself is not exhausting to me, I have a wonderful Ob and a supportive family, the only thing that I am not prepared for is the time my child was out of my womb and she suffered meconium stain and undergo antibiotic injections... It was so painful to see her tiny hands with I.V..
@loopylou2406 (382)
18 Jun 07
i had this with my 2nd baby once he was born as i had group B strep which means once born he had to go on an antibiotic drip, in case he showed signs of the illness, thank god he was all clear
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
18 Jun 07
I didn't realise I was going to be vomitting during transition. It happened every time though, and that was when I knew things were about to get very ugly indeed! I also didn't know that some women's water doesn't break. Had they not broke it for me between 9-10 centimeters, I don't know what would have happened!
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@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I was monitored very closely during both of my pregnancies, because I have been diabetic since I was 7 years old. Everything was laid out for me by the doctors. The complications that could occur, the problems that I might have and so on. Everything was fine, with my first, he was breech and we knew that we were going to have to have a c-section. With my second, I went through twelve hours of labor, but my daughter had to be done by c-section too, because she was going into fetal distress. All in all, the experiences were pretty much the same, and i did not have any complications.
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@lavenderbloom (1057)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jun 07
I too want to share my experience here. I had a normal delivery. I did a lot of searching over the internet for smooth delivery and found many useful tips. But, the only thing i was not aware was that sometimes the water do not break till the delivery starts. I was expecting the water to break till I was taken to labour room. They said it is good if the water does not break till the process begin. I had been induced since my BP suddenly was high and there was protein in my urine. So they asked me to get admitted and so I was admitted 2 days before my due date. They induced me at night 10pm and I started getting pain the next morning at 1 our gap then half an hour gap and then the frequency of pain increased. They took me to the labour room at 4PM. I could not control the pain so they gave me oxygen mask. I kept thinking of my baby and I managed to control the pain till I was ready to push. And at 7PM I delivered a baby boy. That was the happiest moment of my life. I will never forget the moment when I first touched my baby. God bless all mothers and their babies.
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@dani4082 (15)
• United States
18 Jun 07
I didnt go to any classes or read any books and my first pregnancy was fairly uneventful except for the gestational diabetes. One thing my doc never told me was that things might go wrong during delivery. I am the kind of gal who needs to have it all laid out I thrive on honesty. he didn't tell me there would be the possibility of the demoral making me ill, or that I might have some other problems giving birth. he was like youll go into labor youll have the baby and youll go home. uh wrongo.
First labor was induced and I was sick so I would get all hot n sweaty one minute and be freezing the next minute, then the demoral made me sicker than sick, the epidural didnt work cause the pump theyt had me hooked to was busted, and last but not least I couldnt dialate so c-section was needed made for such an interesting day and an 8 lb 4 ounce baby boy. My second kid was so much easier carried his tiny butt for 9 months went into full blown labor at 1 am no prelabor for me lol by 9am i think it was I hade me a bouncing baby boy weighing in at 9lbs 13.2 ounces.