Whos the best rapper Alive??

United States
June 17, 2007 9:51pm CST
There are plenty of rappers in the industry today claiming that they are "The Best Rapper Alive". Who's to be the judge of that statement? Fans or artist? is this statement to be taken literally or figuratively? Should we take a look at the sales chart numbers over the past few years and see who exactly has the numbers the back up such a bold statement?... I personally feel asthough the greatness of an artist can be measured be the versitility in his/her creativity, the passion the artist has for his/her craft, the dedication, the difference their message can make on society if they are intelegent enough to deliver a message at all! Or what about the individuality of an artist - how many artist these days has that BALLS to actually be themselves - the industry has most of the artist out today "scared" to be themselves because "They" mite not be accepted in in the business unless there is an certain presence to be felt...Mabey artist should take a look at what is being put out into the mainstream media and um...do the opposite - what happend to the days were being yourself was considered cool?
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