Cure for cancer!!

Wearing my pink ribbon proudly - I support the cure
@mssnow (9484)
United States
June 18, 2007 5:51pm CST
I wish they would hurry up and find a cure for all cancers. It affects so many people and so many lives. it not only affects the lives of the people who are plagued by it. But it also affects friends and family as well. I bet everyone one of knows at least one person with cancer. I have a friend who has it bad and my cousin also had it. I will wear my pink ribbon proudly to stamp out this awful disease. Wont you join me/? Tell us if you know someone who is stricken with this terrible disease and how they deal wi9th it. My friend is doing a great job of dealing with i and i think in the end she will win over it. My cousin already won her battle but it was an uphill battle all the way.
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3 responses
• United States
18 Jun 07
the best way to cure cancer is to prevent it and the necessary steps that will prevent it. cos once affected it becomes a big mess. Necessary minerals shd be taken so as to prevent cancer . u can know the entire information from : inform ur frnds also so that they stay unharmed by this dangerous thing.
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
18 Jun 07
That is great. I will keep this for my own info. I would always want to prevent cancer first . Rather than getting it. Thanks :)
@lols189 (4742)
21 Aug 07
i dont know anyone who has cancer snow but i wish there was a cure for this illness as it does affect a lot of people and it results in many lives being lost
@ladyljs (1303)
• United States
26 Jun 07
My Grandmother passed away with colon cancer, and my late husband (whom I lost almost 2 years ago) had small cell and squamous cell cancers that just took over his whole body.My little girl, who is 9, has had 2 moles removed that were cancerous too. I pray that we can eradicate the word from our language and spare so much devastation to patients and their families. I wear a bracelet that has a bead signifying each of the cancers that are in our family.