why r girls so narrow minded?
By hollowheart
@hollowheart (1572)
June 19, 2007 4:02am CST
I have always noticed that most girls are very narrow minded. Guys like us are either meant to serve them or else not worth being looked at. If we tryto talk to a girl, we are looked at as if we r either doing a crime or else e have some wrong intensions in mind. Why is this so?
** I know that most of the girls will not accept and revolt back, but this is my exprience and hence the question. Though it is a question to girls men may answer to it too.
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25 responses
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
19 Jun 07
hi hollowheart,
you are completely correct - most women are narrow minded.
but that's a human trait.
most men are narrow minded too.
another thing to consider is that men and women have fundamentally different outloks, which stems largely from their biological programming.
women without children generally seek attention from men.
men generally seek approval from women.
these are generalizations, of course.
humans are herding animals.
if you personally seek to conform to the expectations of the herd, then you have to accept also the herd demands and the pecking order that it imposes.
the solution, my friend, is to think for yourself.
why are you concerned about what women think of you?
surely you have more important matters to worry about.
you are just as capable of rising above the herd mentality as anyone else. decide for yourself what you want out of life. life doesn't consist in playing out some predetermined "role" that we're brainwashed to expect from childhood. your worth is not determined by how any particular female you encounter regards you. success is determined by you deciding what exactly it is that you want to achieve, and then achieving it.
on the Day of Judgement, the number of girlfriends or boyfriends that any person has "scored" in life will have little bearing on the estimation of that person's value in the larger reality.
yes, people are narrow minded. expect it.
and get on with your REAL life - the one you were meant to pursue.
@intinzic (99)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
Not all girls are narrow minded. Maybe some are, but not all. I, for one, am not narrow minded. I don't misinterpret guys who talk to girls. Well, maybe because that I have more guy friends than girls; and I understand guys better.
Some girls become narrow minded when they feel insecure or left out. So, it's partly a man's responsibility not to make girls feel that way.

@hollowheart (1572)
• India
22 Jun 07
well friend there is no formalities in friendship. So when u r not a narrow minded girl how about being friends?
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
22 Jun 07
I feel nice when i come across nice people like you. You all seem to understand me.

@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
22 Jun 07
Being narrow minded in your situation could mean that a girl feels that you are not listening (I'm sure you are but girls are stupid sometimes) you may not be giving her the response that she is asking for......there for she may be the narrow minded one.
metro girls are like that but if you go in backward areas u will get girls with innocent characters and beauty too which meant not much for them.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
22 Jun 07
you are a nice and understanding girl. I do not know where you hail from. I am from the metros and have most seen the metro girls. but u r broadminded. I like the way u potray urself and talk to me. U are somewhat the ideal girl. Well ofcourse i would love to know u more. U can contact me on sourav140979@yahoo.com
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
19 Jun 07
they have already given their hearts to all boys, so what ever they have now is empty heart. Stones are coming keep away.

@hollowheart (1572)
• India
27 Mar 10
hahahaha.... i know u r joking my friend.
Dont b sorry. u seem to be a nice girl.....
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
20 Jun 07
well i would not appreciate this. Girls are girls and still above men. Even if they are without hearts they are still better than a lot of us.

@bruxedo (773)
• France
19 Jun 07
There's narrow minded girls as there's narrow minded men. A lot of times it's society that makes people narrowed when only accept as "normal" the majority options and believes. It's always a lot easier for men to make options in this world and girls are almost obliged not to be different of the majority rules or they will not be accepted as "normal". For girls educated in major belives it's normal to be distrustful about men. It's what they are educated to think.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
19 Jun 07
well mellisaruth, i do have a feeling that you hav senced it right. However in such cases what is the best remedy you would sugest? Well no idea if the right girl would ever fall on my lap.
I really wish i could knoe who she is and could approach her.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
19 Jun 07
well mellisaruth, i do have a feeling that you hav senced it right. However in such cases what is the best remedy you would sugest? Well no idea if the right girl would ever fall on my lap.
I really wish i could knoe who she is and could approach her.

@maiax2k6 (535)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
most of the girls you have come to know you think are narrow-minded and you don't know quite a lot, so that can only be limited to your own personal opinion. besides your experience with the girls is also very minimal, so you're actually not in the position to make judgments. i can fairly say that women like me are broad-minded in their attitudes and outlook. they make a lot of allowances for the people that they love and care about, they are kind, considerate, tolerant and understanding. their patience can stretch for a lifetime the whole wide world apart until such time they are full to their limitless limits and blow their top that you have to say, there goes the girl who is narrow-minded.- you won't be alive to say that because it really takes a long time.
as for the example that you gave, it is just that women are wary and careful and on their guard always, because quite a number of men can be mean and vicious to women too. we just don't want to be victims of such vileness and since there's a few men who will be there to protect us when this happens, then we take it upon ourselves to be careful of who we want to befriend or go out with. it's just a matter of making the wise choice for us.
as for you, you just have to be more patient in your search for the girl, and make sure that you have displayed clearly your honest intentions towards the girl.

@maiax2k6 (535)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
I think i already have answered your question. women are just careful, it is just human nature to protect the self, we choose who we want to choose to befriend with and we go to those we perceive to have good potentials for friendship. you just have to be patient with it. don't get mad or make hasty judgments. try to vary on different approaches to get the girls attention. maybe yours is not right. if you're not effective in one technique, then maybe change to another until such time you'll attain which is the most effective way to a girl's heart or friendship for that matter.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
19 Jun 07
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Jun 07
On one hand I could say you're not being a big enough dikhead to suit the princesses...on the other hand, I would say, stop trying to talk to the princesses, they don't appreciate nice guys. They eat nice guys for breakfast, use them for whatever they can get out of them, then leave them in a horrible mental mess afterward.
Lot's of nice, attractive girls out there that aren't princesses & will appreciate a sweet and kind guy.
Sorry to be so harsh, but I've lived a lot of life, and I used to be a princess, so just giving it to you straight before your kindness gets ruined by those snotty little princesses.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
20 Jun 07
Dont worry you are stil a princess. I understand what you mean. Yes thats a bit ofrealiy, yet girls are good too and much better than us men.
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@bestfriends (876)
• Australia
19 Jun 07
I can't believe that you generalize girls like that. Being narrow minded doesn't lie on your gender. I think it's how you were brought up by your parents, society and the like. Men can be narrow minded as well. Old or young, rich or poor, ugly or pretty, black or white...people can be anything depends on his upbringing.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
20 Jun 07
I m sorry if i hurt your self esteem. I meant aout most girls, that i have come across. Inded may be you r not one of those. Uees its true that men are narrow minded too, but then while looking for a girl the expriences i faced made me think like this. I am just looking for help from you all. So that i know the reality and can decide as what is the best way to reach my goal.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Even though you try to cover it up it is clear you have a self esteem problem. By not thinking well of yourself you project that and most girls today do not want to have to deal with it. If you don’t think well of yourself how can they?
Attraction is not a choice. It is not a conscious thing. There are certain qualities in a person that each of us must recognize to become interested. So how do women know it they like you or not. They test. You will never know how unless you begin to look for it. Those tests....simple questions....will tell them right from the beginning if you are someone they want to see again.
Most women have certain thing that impress them in almost any man. Confidence...above all you must be confident. Instead of asking yourself wither you are good enough for her ask yourself is she good enough for you.
A sure killer is a sense of desperation. Women can smell that a mile away and you loose every time.
You need to study body language. I am talking about yours not theirs even though that is a good thing to know also. The words we say never speak as loud as what our body is telling them. Try these and practice.
Start with your posture.
Lift your chest.
Lean back, not forward.
Leaning forward is usually a "needy" signal.
Leaning back is usually a signal of strength.
Slow down your movements.
Fast movements convey nervousness and skittishness.
Slow movements convey self control and strength.
Now......go to the following web site. This guy is the best on learning how
to double your dating...and that is what we are talking about here.
The first link talks about everything you want to know but never had someone tell you. The second link will allow you to sign up for his newsletter. Once a week great advice all for free.
When I was young I felt just as you do. Never had a date through all of school.
I am at the other end of life now and have learned from this guy what I do so wish I had known when young.
You will come to learn that girls are not only NOT narrow minded but what is happening to you with girls is almost 100% your fault. Not because there is something wrong with you but because you do not know how to show them who you really are.
Best of luck to you my friend.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
20 Jun 07
dear friend you have boosted up my confidence and also made me happy. I will go through the websites. Hope it shall work.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
20 Jun 07
you are absolutely right dude.girls can be really narrow minded.it is not that all of the girls are.it is just that a few of them try to be that way against their nature too.it is a kind of fashion for them to torture the people around them with their narrow mindedness.no matter the explanation one gives to explain the situation they act so freaking daft and refuse to accept it.what they say is right and what others do is wrong.this is not against all the good girls only those who act they are narrow minded like my girl.thanks.sorry for venting out but thats the way i feel right now.
@frogboots (93)
• United States
19 Jun 07
You are not really being clear as to why you think that we are so narrow minded. Who are guys like you what is it that you are tring to ask? Girls are narrow minded have you ever tried talking to a well rounded mind women. There is a big difference in the way you will be responded to.
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
20 Jun 07
Dear frogboots, i agree to what you say. Indeed there are round minded girls too. But probably none in my locality. I have a very good friend away in UK. we talk daily over the net, and i like her a lot. I speak to her the same way, yet she speaks. I am sure she is the ideal round minded girl. Thanks
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
21 Jun 07
Hey, Just back up there for a sec, listen to this, Not all girls, not even most girls or females are narrow minded. Do not paint us all with the same brush, there are some real neat females/girls out there, who are waiting for someone like you... Maybe you attracked these types, change your way of thinking and things just might go your way... and dont you dear get offended...
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
22 Jun 07
Hi Nardz. Well i am not painting you all with the same brush. Ys i did generalise it a lot but then offcourse somehow i have always felt it in most girls. I do not get what i nee from girls. They neither like me nor understand me. But then my question is why cant they tell what is wrong or bad in me so that i can change. Thats what i dont appreciate. girls have always misunderstood me.
@maehan (1439)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Probably you are just unlucky that you have met up with girls that are very narrow minded. Please bear in mind that not all girls are narrow minded.
And, let me re-phrase it. Human, regardless man or woman, guys or gals, boys or girls, they are all kind of people in the world. Nobody is perfect, so try not to be stereo-type. Approach the girl appropriately and sincerely if you really want to be their friend. Good luck.
@truelife (77)
• Thailand
20 Jun 07
Hi. I am a girl and I do think some girls are narrow minded. But many girls are really open minded as well. I thinks girls are more sensitive and vulnerable. If something happens, they get pragnant and stuck with a baby while a guy can just not take responsibility for it. Therefore, girls are more alert and try their best to prevent themselves from such trap. Some research says that it is almost impossible for a man and a woman to be friends, unless they're really not attracted to each other like that.
While you ask, "Why are girls so narrow minded?" I can ask you, why are men so rude in the way that they approach girls? Is it that they don't know what to say so they don't sound desperate? Some guys start touching at unappropriate places, talking in bad manners and asking for phone numbers. Most of these things are provoked by physical attractions. Why do guys have to go after pretty girls and fail to notice girls with ordinary looks? I mean your question is just too broad. Maybe you can narrow it down for me and others to understand you situation exactly. Is it the way we rejects guys, the way we talk with guys friend, the way we try to find better looking guys, the way we think of guys, etc.?
Girls do get scared easily especially when we get approached by a stranger. Have you read the news lately? I mean, it makes sense of us to be scared right?
Personally, I would talk to anyone who wants to chat. lol My friends think that I often put myself in a dangerous position by doing so. But I think people get lonely sometimes, you know. A talk wouldn't harm anyone. If you need a friend, we can grab a coffee to go, sit in a park and talk for a while. I hope I can help.
A friend
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
21 Jun 07
Hi Truelife. I appreciate your friendship and help. Its realy nice to have a friend like you.
@Bujoyseth (1684)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
oops! i disagree! not all girls are narrow minded.. maybe some but not all! please be careful of what you're trying to say about girls... anyway, have a good day! take care! hehehe
@krishnaks (61)
• India
20 Jun 07
Hi who told you girls are narrow minded they are broad minded compare to guys or else how they can love you or marry you
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
19 Jun 07
I dont think so... I mean some but not all... But if youre saying that you have never had a friend for 27 years then maybe there is something wrong... You are the only person I know that 100% find girls narrow minded... Why dont you check your approach towards them... I believe that there is no exact person and girls can never be the same...
You have said that when you talk to a girl it seems that its a crime... well maybe it depends on how you approach them... why not ask some of your male friends about it...
And if you really want a friend... you can count me in!
@hollowheart (1572)
• India
19 Jun 07
Dear lUCKY WITCH. Thanks for the lovely rsponse. INDEED it could be that my way of aproach is wrong. Acually i keep changing it every time trying to find the best way and still could not.
I am really lucky that even after finding me a bit odd you are willing to hold my hand and be my friend.
I bow in front of you and honour your help.
well friend i am looking for true friendship and expect a lot. I would expect sincerity and honesty, a lot of guidence and understanding nature. I would also be willing to give all these similar requirements to her. So if you agree to be my true friend Then I have counted you in already. :) I know it seems too demanding but its reality.
@ms_anti_valentine (85)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
definitly not!!!change your way on how you of talk to them,be aware of the words you use,and be responsible enough to the questions you ask.We are not narrow minded,we just want to be respected.And we are meant to be respected!
@sweetdevil_142 (109)
• India
23 Mar 10
I know some of my friends who are like that and i really don't know why. But mostly they just don't believe in love or don't need anymore people in their life than there already are, like friends or family. Its just a guess though. I really have no idea.