Ron Paul for President of the USA?
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
June 19, 2007 6:30am CST
Like most people, I had only heard a little about Ron Paul until recently. Today, I searched the internet a little to find out more concerning his positions concerning his run for the presidency.
I found out about his position concerning illegal immigrants. I was shocked, I mean truely shocked that anyone who would dare call themselves a politician could have such views as he does.
Click this url to see what Ron Paul thinks concerning illegal immigration.
See what I mean? How dare this man offer a true alternative to all the other candidates of both parties? Who does this guy think he is?
I'm voting Ron Paul for President. What about you? Do you think Ron Paul would make a good President?
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11 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Jun 07
He's a little to protectionist for me. Also he swears 9/11 was an inside job. He wants us to surrender in Iraq and Afghanistan and close bases around the world.
Apparently his visoin of security means to lock the doors of your home and hope the bad guys just go away.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 07
But he's nearly the only one against all the crappy stuff the government's doing AND openly talking about it. All the others support it or are hiding behind smokescreen on the subjects.
Even if he's a little iffy, he's a better option than someone who's going, "Yes, I support something that'll end up stripping people of their rights!"
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Jun 07
Ah, so the fact he's a conspiracy theory loon is ok because he is OUR conspiracy theory loon. I got it now. ;~D
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Lol, it's better to deal with a small ticking time bomb later than to deal with the huge nuclear bomb now, heh.
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@lisaneuc (56)
• United States
20 Jun 07
*sigh* We should be encouraging immigrants to come to this country, not erecting artificial barriers to keep them out.
In general, these people are more productive and appreciate the freedom this country offers more than many current citizens.
Open immigration should be part of a free market system; in fact, it is essential. It benefits everyone involved.
From a very good article on the topic:
"What should we do about the 12 million illegal immigrants already here? Apologizing for their poor welcome is a start."
Article is here:
As you might guess, I think this stance alone is a reason not to vote for Ron Paul.
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Yes I know that people who support immigration reform will probably not vote for him.
The thing is. We need our borders secure. I say give reform and amnesty to those who ARE here NOW.
But know this President Bush said he will use Biometric id's and microchips in the people from other countries who want to work here legally after they get their citizenship.
So it's like this He is basicly bribing them to take microchips where they can be tracked and traced everywhere they go. The government will see everything they do.
This is the same technology they use in DOGS. Now I have respect for people from other countries. And I also think They have HUMAN RIGHTS!
I would be all for reform and amnesty if they would not want to put biomentric IDs and microchips in their skin.
Look up info on VeriChip. That is what they want to use in them.
Now I and Ron Paul oppose open borders because it leads to the danger of A Norther American Union.
Oh you don't think that sounds so bad do you?
Well know this they would start with immigratns give them citizenship.. then implant them with microchips.
Their ultimate plan is to unite the US, Canada, and Mexico.
They would draft a NEW consitituion taking away all our rights. The new constituion would be like the Soviet Unions constituion.
Our rights would be able to be taken away by the world government every time.
There would be cameras watching your every move, a microchip that track eveeywhere you go.. and see what you do.
This is what is called SLAVERY.
So this is why I have to agree with Ron Paul on the immigration issuse.
You can look up all I am saying online. There is documentation on this by the CFR, David Rockefeller.
OH and open borders do no Benifit the American People. It only benefits the Big Banks, Corps, and Big Government. It does not offer anything to the average American person. They only thing it offers is slavery to the state.. and no freedom or rights.
Ron Paul leads in the polls in my state of California! He must win is this country is to remain free, and not taken over by a bunch of greedy globalist.. who was pure evil.
@lisaneuc (56)
• United States
22 Jun 07
RYBD, I totally agree with your point that the problem is welfare, not immigration. In fact, the welfare restrictions for immigrants are much more severe than for U.S. citizens. There is a 5-year waiting period before immigrants are even eligible for welfare as a result of the welfare reforms instituted under the Clinton administration.
Of course, we should screen for felons and terrorists. But this is an argument for routine inspection, not quotas or restrictions on numbers of people entitled to come here.
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@VKXY62 (1605)
• Australia
20 Jun 07
Hi RedYellow, I know, I've been off galavanting elsewhere.
A suggestion, propose to congress that the U.S. hire a foreign consultant standin for 1 term to see how the country likes being run by someone that truly has no ties with either major party, so that no bias can possibly be seen to be at play.
I might suggest a particular individual, his name is Kevin, I might be able to pass a message on for you.
Love, Kevin.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
20 Jun 07
That is an excellent idea. Unfortunately, the constitution only allows natural born citizens to be President. There was a short lived movement to change that so the current governor of California could run for President, but it went no where.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Ron Paul hasn't said 9/11 was an inside job. that's just how his opposition has tried to spin what he *has* said about 9/11: Over the years, our country has made some people mad enough that they really want to hurt us.
There have been some threads posted here on myLot that say the same thing, but that poster is laying all the blame for 9/11 at Bill Clinton's feet.
If I had to choose a Republican to be President, I'd choose Ron Paul, and he'd be a giant improvement over George W. Bush, but I'd prefer someone further over to the left.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
20 Jun 07
One thing for sure. If I lived in Kosovo, I would hate the USA with a passion. The collateral damage there in terms of lives killed was in the thousands. How can anyone not think some people have reason to hate the USA?
In any case, Ron Paul is looking to be the most acceptable choice to people fed up with the major parties.
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@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I like Ron Paul have mostly libertarian beliefs, but am a registered Republican. Most people if they really learned what the libertarian party stood for would be believers in their ideal.
Ron Paul wants to make America what it used to be. Make us responsible for ourselves. Make us powerful again. Take the power from an elite few who make us pay for it with an illegal income tax.
What Ron Paul wants is not to stop immigration, but to stop ILLEGAL immigration. There are rules and laws that are on the books that an immigrant is to follow to be allowed to enter, and to be allowed to live in the US. Let's just enforce them rather then change to allow those who have exploited those laws.
As for the military action in Iraq, as I don't know if it is officially a war since only Congress can declare a war, I do think that going after AlQuaida in Afghanistan was a good idea, but us invading a nation just because the President's Father was made to look like a fool because of it, is tantamount to treason. Misuse of powers and involving and creating a civil war. We need to get out and let them decide their own future, would we like it if another country came to the US and killed the President and stayed until we settled on a government of their choosing, NO WAY. That is what Bush has done. We will stay until Iraq is a Mini America with a democracy just like ours.
It's time for a change, get rid of the democrats and republicans and go libertarian or other party that will work for us instead of special interest and big business.
Vote for Ron Paul and start getting things done.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I think Ron Paul is going to do better than most think simply because people are so fed up with both democrats and republicans.
I know I'm tired of'em!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Jun 07
Congress DID declare war in Iraq. Just because they were too spineless to use the word "war", they voted and the ayes called for it.
Anyone who voted for that bill, but now says they didn't declare war is either a liar or admits they and the Constitution have never met.
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@pallidyne (858)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Honestly, no, I don't.
He has some great ideas on issues such as his response to Eminent Domain and
Balancing the Budget, but would lead to a complete isolationist policy that would lead to more economic ruin as it claims to lead us to 'independence'. Trade agreements are present to uplift the economy as a whole. Free trade leads to benefits for the majority.
Where you have issues with free trade and not overprotectionist policies is when industries become less relevant and folks have to learn to roll with the changes in said indstries and economies. Unless we want to become the socialists that we despised in the Cold War, individuals will need to learn to change jobs and industries as neccessary.
The collapse of the steel industry in the rust belt should have taught us that, especially when we have great prosperity in other sectors. Until that is accepted, we will blame the global economy for our own backwardness.
In the overall economy of the world we are a rich nation, but we have to be willing to do things that deserve some of that richness, meaning being better and more prepared to work in many other sectors. We're going to need to have more inventors, more researchers (into real cures to diseases not more erectile cures), more creative artists, and enteprenuers. NOT some politician standing up saying that we have to protect ourselves from FREER global trade.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I truely did not know Ron Paul was an isolationist. I'll check into it and try to find out his reasoning.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
19 Jun 07
"So called free trade deals and world governmental organizations like the International Criminal Court (ICC), NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA are a threat to our independence as a nation. They transfer power from our government to unelected foreign elites."
The above is taken from the Ron Paul for president web site. I take this to mean Ron Paul is against our trade agreements, not free trade. This is important as our trade agreements really are not about free trade at all. I do not see that Ron Paul is against free trade. He is against favoritism enshrined in so called free trade agreements. Unless, I'm reading all this wrong.
To find out more put "ron paul" in the myLot search engine at the top of the page. This helps out myLot and us to use it.
What I'm finding about Ron Paul is starting to pull me back to him as a candidate. Though, I have not found his opinion about 9/11 being an inside job.
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@ivyoon (673)
• United States
10 Jul 07
I too have been unable to validate the claim that Ron Paul believes 9/11 was an inside job, but regardless... his overall goal is to protect our freedom. People who want the government to do everything for them lose freedom because of their laziness. It is just a fact of life.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
24 Jun 07
All this talk about inside job, and conspiracy theories are just to distract us from the truth. Dr. Ron Paul and yes I mean a real Doctor, is the only Republican with a voting record like what a Republican is supposed to have. Dr. Ron Paul has a 100% voting record on tax cuts, against deficit spending, and protecting personal freedoms. He did tell some college childs that he would look in to the inside job conspiracy theory. Somehow that makes him a loony.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I for one do not think anyone is a looney for thinking 9/11 was an inside job. I don't think it was, but it is the government's fault that people think so. Why?
Here's what I think really happened. This is my conspiracy theory.
Osama Bin Laden was pretending to work for the CIA. That is, he convinced them he was spying on the Taliban for the USA. This is why the CIA in the field actually got orders to not kill Osama Bin Laden. This is documented fact about agents being called off opportunities to kill Osama before 9/11. I can not imagine they would protect Osama unless they thought he was an asset. The thing of it is though, it looks like Osama was playing the CIA for a sucker. I think he pretended to help the CIA to get their protection while he pulled off his plot to commit 9/11. Pretty damn clever of him.
The CIA would be mighty embarassed if this were the truth. I suspect they told a series of lies to cover up. When you lie, it sometimes is obvious you are lying, even when the truth can not be determined. Some people jumped to the conclusion the CIA was in on 9/11. I don't think so, but since the CIA has lied so much, I can see why people might suspect so.
Anyway, so even if Ron Paul does suspect something funny happened with 9/11, I'm back in his camp.
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Ok Let me make something CLEAR.
Ron Paul has NEVER stated 9/11 was an inside job nor is he a conspiracy theorist.
Now I KNOW 9/11 was an inside job. And if knowing the truth makes people call me a conspiracy theory, then so be it.
Ron Paul is the only hope for America.
Look up info on the REAL ID Act. This is an act that would enslave the population but first making ALL people carry a National ID card with an RFID chip in it.
With that chip they can track and trace everywhere you are. They can see you and spy on your locations. Not only that but they can see any trasactions you do with the card.
Ron Paul also opposes the North American Union. Which would put power in the hands of the few Elite.
Then our rights would be taken away.. and Then their ultimate plan is to put micochips in the population. And have a cashless society.
Just look up info on REAL ID ACT.
North American Union.
All these laws are real. And are coming to take away all freedom and liberty and happiness from the masses.
Ron Paul has my vote simply because he is for FREEDOM and for the CONSTITUION.
Bush said the Constituion was a "God Damm Piece of Paper"
Ron Paul Respects the Constituion.
So he is not an isolationist, and he has NEVER stared 9/11 was an inside job. He has also stated he is for FREE trade with other nations.
So to the people trying to defame him... just stop!
I can state many facts about any of your fav candidates and dig up dirt on them if you would like.
At this point 9/11 being an inside job is irrelevent.
The fact is since 9/11 our freedoms have been taken away.. and the constituion has not be respected.
Ron Paul cares about Freedom.. and opposes big govenment and big brother watching us all the time.
Ron Paul for President in 08!
Don't listen to the people who talk about Ron Paul. They are probably just some elites trying make him look bad.
Hillary Clinton wants a One World Government controled by a handfulof elties. I can also dig up the video, if anyone wants proof.
Also I can expose all candidates Except RON PAUl, as being in the CFR who is also for One World Government.
Ron Paul will be the next president.
Vote for Ron Paul in 08!
All the people who say things about him CAN"T back up what they talk. That is why when you looked for info about what they said.. you could not find one.
Ron Paul is the ONLY choice for True Americans who want Freedom and Liberty.. and the Rule of Law the Constituion to Rule!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Okay, okay, you got me back into the Ron Paul camp! I already know that Ron Paul is the only candidate of either party who understands and behaves as if the rule of law and the constitution are important.
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Yes that alone has my Vote! This country was founded on a constituion that keeps the government in check, and does not let it get to big. It also keep the people free, and gives us our rights.
The founders knew that power could make governments fall into tyranny.
This is why we need a President who will actually uphold and defend the constitution. Not a president like our current one who has burned the constitution.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who tells it like it is, and does not sugar coat things. He knows we are in financial trouble from all the spending on the war. He also knows we need to go back to the gold standard, because the dollar is in danger of falling as a currency.
@lisaneuc (56)
• United States
20 Jun 07
There is nothing in the Constitution about limiting immigration. Up until the 1920s immigration was UN-regulated. All immigration legislation since that time is an artificial government construct that has nothing to do with the Constitution.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Hmm..I wouldn't think he'd be that tough on illegal immigrants..though in a way I guess he's doin' peeps a favor.
I'm not much of a fan of N.A.U. either. It's too bad I'm two years too young to vote.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I've already decided to vote for Ron Paul (which is funny, because a few months ago I swore on my life I'd never vote for a republican).
He's a libertarian on many issues, and I agree with most of his stances. One in particular is his desire the welfare state America's in, while at the same time calling for less unnecessary government spending, and less taxes (of course).
He's very steadfast in his libertarian ideals. He voted 'no' against a ban on gay marriage, though sadly he voted against gay adoptions (I see where he's coming from on that, though).
He's understandably against abortion, but has no intention of legislating his opinion. Instead, he's handing the responsibility to the states.
For a full list of his voting record, here's a link: (hopefully that works).
Anyway, I believe Ron Paul would make an excellent president. He's got original opinions, and he's not some partisan sheep who follows the trend in order to get himself elected. The fact that a lot of republicans don't even like him (Sean Hannity, being one of them) gives him brownie points with me. The man has guts, but he also has (reasonable) standards. I like that in a politician.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jun 07
The more one learns about Ron Paul the more one asks how could such an intellectually honest person be a politician?
That Sean Hannity does not like Ron Paul reflects badly on Sean Hannity. I can see someone disagreeing with Ron Paul, but not likeing a hard working honest politician is ridiculous.
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@shestalou (293)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
What 9 11 an inside job, lol, its funny I love Ron Paul but he never said that and he is a conspiracy theorist because he tells it like it is, I think honestly Ron Paul is Americas last hope to actually saving the constitution from total destruction.