It does pay to contact the company!

United States
June 19, 2007 2:43pm CST
Not too long ago I bought a box of fish fillets. There were supposed to be 10 in the box, but there were only 9 when I opened it. I saw on the side panel where you could contact the company with any questions or comments and to enclose that side panel. So I did! I typed up a letter explaining there were only 9 in the box and asked what the company policy was on something like that? Today I got a nice letter back apologizing and a free coupon for any one of their products. My suggestion is, if you're ever not happy with a product, take the time to write them a letter about it. Most people don't, so I think they do listen to the people that do. Have you ever done something like this? What was it and how did the company respond?
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16 responses
@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Oh yes, I have done this before. In college my friend and I used to always get Arizona (the same company who makes the iced tea) Lite Chocolate soda before this super boring class we had together. After a while the soda we were getting started tasting really weird. First we got new ones for the store…still tasted icky…so we decided to write the company. We must have written a pretty funny letter because the head of the company called us directly. They loved our letter and passed it around the company. Apparently they had troubles with sealing the bottles in one of their shipments. This made the soda go bad, so to speak. A few days after the call we found a HUGE box waiting for us at the post office. They had sent us more soda, t-shirts, and other fun freebies to apologize for our bad experience. It was really fun and it was so nice to know that we had been heard. What great customer service!
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Yes that IS great customer service! It reminds me of a time I went to a gas station and for whatever reason my debit card wouldn't work...yes, I had just transferred money into the account. :-) Anyway the manager I think it was, put the money in for me I guess because their registers had to balance all the time. Anyway I checked with my bank to see what the problem was and came back to repay the manager later in the day. For a long time that was the only station I went to until I moved away.
• United States
19 Jun 07
Sounds like you did a great job on your letter? That's a great story! I'm glad you shared. :)
• United States
19 Jun 07
You certainly got great service too Lorna? Don't think I would've done business anyplace else either!
@ibuemma (2953)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I done this twice actually. first is that ice tea ( i bought it in a little store and it tasted blah...and i saw the date expired already )...i call the customer service number, they sent me coupons for 3 bottles free. the other one is mac and cheese...expired also...i call the company and they sent 3 boxes free.
2 people like this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Good for you!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I bought starkist tuna 3 cans and there was something wrong with all three cans had black stuff throughout all three cans. My mom told me to write them and complain because we refused to eat it not knowing what it was and we sent them samples of it also and they rresponded back within a week and sent 3 coupons for 3 free cans of starkist tuna. My mom also filed a complaint with a company becuase she found bugs in the cornmeal she bought and several other items by the same company and they sent her a box free of every item they made and apologized for bugs and said they possibly got in the bags from the store where she bought them. We have to keep them on their toes to let them know when their is problems with their products and other stuff so they can fix it.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Jun 07
Yes I agree with keeping the companies on their toes! Glad you and your mom took the time to write and complain!
• United States
20 Jun 07
wow vokey we need to take a page form your book! i did this once...i got a can of pringles...when i opened the can it was not full...i mean if i put my hand in the can the empitness went up to my knuckles. They said maybe it was from the crumbs settling. i said there was NO crumbs to have settled so they sent me a coupon for a free can...however i not longer eat pringles...they got weird tasting and i like Stax better
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Good to hear you called the company and they responded. Not too sure what to think about the crumbs settling comments on the customer service persons part, but at least they did something for you.
• United States
23 Jun 07
I think you have the right attitude Vokey?
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Yeah, I stopped eating pringles too. They used to be really good but now they are not very pleasing. I like the Stax better too. When I worked in customer service, I saw all the things my company would do to make a customer happy or retain a customer. So I started letting companies know who I was and what I thought about their products or services. Also, as I have gotten older, I refuse to support a company who I feel is wasting my money. We have to pay high prices for things and when I buy something, I want the product that I purchased. If the quality is bad or the product is not what it appears to be, I complain.
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@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Good for you! I did that once years ago. I opened a can of tuna fish and as I scooped it into a bowl, I noticed there were many little bones in the tuna. Fish bones, they were small and thin but hard. I wrote the company (it was before I was into computers, otherwise I would have emailed them). They sent me 2 coupons for free tuna and a letter saying they were sorry and that a machine packs the tuna and sometimes all the tiny bones don't get out and end up in the can by mistake.
2 people like this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Thanks! Good for you too?!
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I do that anytime I'm not satisfied. Most times they're very nice and send a coupon to replace the product. I've had one or two that wrote back basically saying, "Yeah? And what do you expect us to do about it?"
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Glad that you do! That was pretty rude of those companies to say that? Did you let it go, or try again by contacting the president or someone higher up?
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Oh yeah. I contacted the next person up on the chain and sent them a copy of the letter I received.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Jun 07
I did this for Hot Pockets that we bought and just didn't taste right. I got 2 coupons for free Hot Pockets. My boss had his luggage damaged and decided to submit a claim thinking that it would be rejected. Not only did he get the money for his replacement bag (no questions asked) he got 2 vouchers for up to $250 off of airfare.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Good for you and your boss! Paid off for both of you!
• United States
20 Jun 07
Oh that's great that they sent you a coupon for that. What a great company, what company was it? I can't say that I have done something like that, I always mean to but just never seem to get around to it. lol
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Girl, get on the ball and just do it next time something happens to you the company should know about! :) I truly believe it will be worth your time. It was Mrs. Pauls. I'd bought their box of 10 fish fillets and discovered only 9 in there. I counted 2 or 3 times because I couldn't believe one was missing! I usually divide things like that up into 2 or 3 meals for us, that's why I noticed the missing one.
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I wrote an email once to subway restaurants because I was not at all satisfied with the service I was given one day. They say that their breads are made fresh daily but the bread they used for my sandwich was so hard and stale it was just gross.. when I told the manager about it they were rude with me and she was saying that she knew it was not stale because she made it that morning.. it was only early afternoon.. so I wrote a letter letting them know that I was not satisfied and that I had tried to explain to the lady about it being stale but she was rude. so the company emailed back and apologized and ended up sending me a card in the mail that was good for 2 free 6 inch subs.. when we went it was my kids and my fiance and I so we had quite a bit more than two 6 inch subs but I was surprised that they even replaced anything at all. the only bad part was we had to go to the same crappy subway to use the gift card thing... but atleast they were sorry and made things better.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Glad to hear you were persistant and contacted Subway. Too bad you had to go back to the same one, BUT at least they realized being rude was not acceptable. Glad it worked out for you!
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I always write letters to companies when I have a complaint and I have written to corporate offices when I have had a really good experience in a store or shop. I wrote to Yankee Candle once about an unhappy visit to one of their stores and they actually called me, sent me an apology and $25 gift card to the store. I have gotten all kinds of coupons, gift cards and even free products as a result of my letters. I think companies need to know what they are doing right and wrong. If their customers don't tell them, how can they improve the wrongs and keep doing the rights? I even write to complain on behalf of the employees sometimes. I went to Dollar General a few weeks ago the A/C was broken. It was 97 outside and the temp in the store was registering 108. There were no windows that could be opened. They had the front doors open and 4 box fans going. It was horrid in that store. I wrote to the corporate office to ask why this problem hadn't been fixed. The clerk had told me that it had been broken for over 4 months. The manager had asked corporate to fix the issue several times. So I wrote a letter. I told them that they should be ashamed of themselves and that I was sending a copy of my letter to OSHA. They sent me a letter thanking me for bringing this matter to their attention. I went to the store Saturday and the A/C was fixed. I also never just send my letters to customer service. I go online, find out who the top people are and send my letters to them. I always send copies to the President, the VP, CEO if different from the President and Customer Service. I always get responses.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Great action on your part to get that a/c fixed. No one should have to work in those kinds of conditions! That's a good idea to contact the President, etc of the company too.
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I once bought a case of Squirt (soda) and it was flat. I called up the company and they were very nice about it asked a few questions and sent me a few coupons for free cases of Squirt. Another time I bought a frozen Connie pizza, it just didn't taste right, like it might of been spoiled. I called them up also. They sent me several coupons for free pizza's and $2.00 off a couple more. I also happened with a couple of other things.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Glad to hear you called both the companies and they responded positively!
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
20 Jun 07
I complained recently about a nappy that the sticky tags werent sticky and sent one back to the company and they sent me a whole big bag of them back to me for free!!! I was really impressed by this! I remember a few years back I complained about a packet of corn chips as there were big lumps of the flavouring in the packet and they sent me about 10 packets of chips for free, that was pretty cool. I think people should tell the company when there are things wrong with their products other wise they dont know anything is wrong and cant fix the problem
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
Wow! That's great! Good for you to say to something? I agree people should tell the company, too.
@gunny685 (50)
• Mexico
20 Jun 07
Yes, I bought a case of can coke once, and 2 of them, still unopened were empty! I wrote them a letter, and they sent me a case of coke, and an apology!
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Jun 07
That's weird - empty and unopened? Glad you wrote them and got another case with the apology!
• United States
19 Jun 07
this is awesome. im going to start writing companies when i feel there is something wrong with their products.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Good for you! I'm glad to hear that! I see you're new to Mylot with 3 posts? Hope you enjoy it here as much as I do! Happy posting!
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
19 Jun 07
nice to read that... well in sevral occassions i also contacted company on missing item or regarding any problema nd i also got favour from them...either they sent complimentary item or similar item without any extra charge.... so its really worth contacting them.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Glad you contacted them too? Yes, I do think it is worth it to contact them.
@ElicBxn (63664)
• United States
19 Jun 07
My client got some baked Lays and there was this big, knot of chips in the bag. She called to ask about the situation and they proceeded to send her coupons for free bags of chips. She got 6 free bags in all.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Jun 07
Definitely worth her time to call? Glad to hear she did!