Hugs are punishable!

@Riptide (2758)
United States
June 19, 2007 8:44pm CST
Well not here but in school they are, in a certain school in VA. Hugging was Hal Beaulieu's crime when he sat next to his girlfriend at lunch a few months ago and put his arm around her shoulder. He was given a warning, but told that repeat missteps could lead to detention. I think that is going too far. Shouldn't we encourage children to be nice to each other instead of punishing them? I can see that making out is s no no but hugging? What kind of message are they sending these children? Do you think they have gone too far with this rule? Please discuss.
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14 responses
• United States
29 Jun 07
I heard about this! Kids reported that it was really difficult to get around the halls after the rule was put into place because they couldnt bump into each other or anything, they had to make sure nobody ever came into contact. Jk... Kids couldnt high five each other either. It had to do something with "secret handshakes" or something like that. I think that it is stupid. Whats wrong with high-fiving somebody? It would make more sense if it was just kissing. There was this one couple who would stand around the same corner every day to make out. It took me a few days to realize that they were there all the time. I ran into them once, and I cant say that it was completely an accident and didnt have anything to do with a dare...
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
28 Jun 07
I do agree with you. they have really gone overboard over HUGGING. I am one of those who loves to hug and consider it as one a healing touch. People becomes less stressed & feel more loved when we hug them and touch them because it is a form of affirmation. They should not dehumanize their laws.
• United States
24 Jun 07
Back in junior high i got in trouble for holding and hugging my girls hand but i didn't really care much only got told not too but of course i didn't listen :$ and yes i think we should encourage contact with each other cause without contact with other people u would not know how to act with people in the real world after the school life
@Jasmijn (145)
• Belgium
24 Jun 07
Tsk. How mean. At our high school there was a "no physical expressions of affection" rule, but that was mostly because it was suddenly turned into a mixed school, and they hadn't really thought about the effects that would have on the interstudent relations. ^^ It used to be an all girls school, so the girls were still in the majority, and we all were hugging each other, walking arm in arm and sitting on each others laps all the time, but they never complained about that. The rule was mostly meant for the making out anyway I think, they just worded it rather poorly imo.
• India
20 Jun 07
ya, i think they really over acted on such a minor thing. the world is shrinking and people are becoming more civilized. there is no place for archaic its definitely a mindless thought in punishing hugs.
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
At my school we get scolded if we act lovey dovey towards our boyfriends. Making out is a complete no no but we always get yelled at if we hug, torsos are to close, or say if were sitting on the floor beside eachother and put our legs over theirs. Some teachers are more stricter then others. I can understand not making out, but honestly, I dont think they have enough power to stop everyone from being affectionate, theres just to many people in the school.
@sunshinecup (7871)
20 Jun 07
Honestly there is a time and place for everything. The rules say no touching and he was given a warning. It's their rules. I understand their point with the no touching ban to preven fights and harrasment and they really can't enforce this with exceptions. Kids don't like rules, heck any more adults don't either, but that's life.
@nnsb75 (632)
• United States
20 Jun 07
ive seen this earlier at cnn, i think its ridiculous to ban that stuff, i think the one who did the rule does not know how to show any affection to others or just trying to make a name to herself in a bad way.
• United States
20 Jun 07
I think that is totally crazy..What is next....That just shows how the government is beginning to have more say so then the parents...Total nonsense
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Yes that is a bit to far. My boys went through school hugging every girl that came their way or the girls were hugging my boys. I could see if kids were sitting around kissing and stuff like that in school but hugginf come on.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I just watched a segment about this on Glenn Beck. Personally I think it is a ridiculous ban, it's like Glenn said, what are we doing to our kids? If they are not subjected to things they may find offensive how will they deal with it once they hit the "real world"? Also, as with most things anymore, I believe this is a parenting issue, to teach what's appropriate and what's not. I'm not saying let these kids make out in the hallways, but cripes! It's just a high five or a hug!
• United States
20 Jun 07
That is so stupid! I think it is really sweet when a guy puts his arm around you or hugs you! I think it is dumb that the school found that inappropriate! A friend of mine got in trouble for hugging her boyfriend. They were standing around at lunch with their arms around eachother and a faculty member came up and told them to stop...there were kids right next to them making out and they didn't get in trouble at all!
@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
20 Jun 07
That is the stupidest rule I have ever heard of. Really who makes these rules up? They must be people who have had very little personal contact themselfs. That is ridculious because after a while the kids in that school are going to get detentions and whatever all the time because human interaction especially at that age with the hormones and all is impossible to control.
@pagal123 (29)
• Pakistan
20 Jun 07
well ofcourse the problem is not with the hugging suppossing u can predict and can possibly ascertain to wat extent these hugs can go.if u read freud u will come to know wat lies beneath these gestures.