I am so sick and tired of this websense blocking websites. I can't even go to a

United States
June 19, 2007 11:40pm CST
public library and go on myspace. I think this filtering stuff has gone to far they're taking away people's basic rights. If people don't want their kids to go on myspace that shouldn't take it out on grownups who actually want to go to sites like this and other sites that websense blocks. I can't even go on humorous sites because they are labeled distasteful by websense. This madness needs to stop.
1 response
• United States
9 Jul 07
Or you could... Get your own internet connection and go to whatever you'd like in the privacy of your own home. The library is a public place that has to make decisions about appropriate public use. Since when did you get a basic right to use someone else's resource in any way you see fit. I would call that a privilege not a right.