
United States
June 19, 2007 11:49pm CST
I have three cats, whom I love dearly with all my heart. Some people laught at me and think I'm a nut for the way I treat my cats but in reality they are the ones who keep me sane. I feel like certain animals have some type of sixth sense, that we as people do not have. For example, whenever I am upset or crying it seems like my cats always know because they will be extra cuddly with me and will not leave my side. I know plenty of other people who feel the same way about their pets, especially with cats and dogs. I love my cats so much, and I know they love me. One of my cats is partcoon and is really big and every night he sits on the stairs out front of my house and will not come in until every person comes home. Does anyone else love their pets as much as I do or just love animals in general like me? Do your pets know when somethings not right?
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2 responses
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
20 Jun 07
We have four good size dogs. My fiancee has what some of our friends say is a strange relationship with one dog in particular. This dog can read her moods like you wouldn't believe. He knows when she is sick an will lay next to her so that she can cuddle him. He is protective of anyone he doesn't know coming near her. They howl together. Its really cute to be honest with you. There isn't anything that we won't do for our dogs. We treat them as members of our family.
• United States
22 Jun 07
Thats exactly how my cats act too, they always know if I'm not feeling well or if something is upsetting me. Its so strange how animals know these things.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
I know exactly how you feel. I love animals and my pets. They are all spoilt rotten and are treated as part of the family.