Time to visit your hair stylist or barber?

June 20, 2007 12:13am CST
Do you suddenly realise that it's time to trim your hair again only when a look into the mirror tells you your hair is out of shape? Or do you have a fixed schedule of trimming it regularly (e.g. every first weekend of the month or something)? For men, I guess they tend to go for haircuts regularly since it can become quite obvious that the ends are sticking out irregularly. For women, those with shorter hairstyles probably go for trims regularly (once every 6 or 8 weeks?) to keep the style in shape. For those with long straight hair, they might not need any trimming and still look okay. For those with dry hair, they might trim once in 8 weeks to keep the split ends at bay. Or are you not bothered, and only go to the hairdressers' as and when you feel like getting a trim or a new style (e.g. could be once every 2 years)? What are your hair habits? (:
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13 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I'm not bothered - when I notice it's time to do something I just do it. Haven't been to a hairdresser in over 20 years. Last time I went they messed my hair up - I can do that myself and it costs me nothing. Now I'm just used to doing it myself.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Actually my hair is a bit longer than in my picture here but yep I do it myself and have gotten pretty good at it - I'm horrible with bangs but don't look good on me anyway. My kids have all taken to pretty much doing their own also as when they were home I did their hair also. My daughter still calls on Mom to do hers and the next oldest goes to barber now as on base it's really cheap but for his wedding he let it go a bit and had Mom do it for him just to be save. Oldest son does his hair and his son's hair.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
22 Jun 07
wah... over 20 years no go hair dresser? Your hair must be pretty long! Is your icon your pic in real life as well? You keep shoulder length hair? Is it easy to manage your own hair when trimming? I tried it before, end up spending 4 hours to cut a lopsided head of hair. My wife was laughing so much, I had to go to the barber to correct my mistakes. So instead of saving money, I wasted 4 hours and came out with shorter hair on my head and $8 poorer. Lesson learnt... go to your barber. Give the guy a chance to earn a living and save yourself the agony and time from DIY. ;p
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
haha! that's funny. you're right that does save a lot.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
20 Jun 07
i know this is going to sound really weird. and most people will think i am trying to be funny. :p i only go for a haircut when i start to get headaches from tying up my hair. this means that my hair is getting too heavy and time to do some trimming. yes i'm blessed with a head FULL of hair :p so usually i'll go for a hair cut to 'thin' my hair. can you imagine when i go for hair cut, they need two hairdryers and 30min to dry my hair :o
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
that's a first! interesting. Is your hair full and straight? that's good and not so hard to manage. Mine is thick and sometimes frizzy and dry. sigh.
• Singapore
21 Jun 07
mine is thick with some waves. i dun spend much time on my hair. except to comb it when i'm going out. dun want to give anyone a heart attack. :p used to think of loads of things to do with my hair. e.g. tie them into two plaits or do a scorpion. now lazy liao, just comb and pull them back into a pony tail. though for my case i'd call it a horse's tail.
• Canada
21 Jun 07
I tend to be one of them people that only goes once every two years . I hate going to get my hair done and if feels more like a chore then anything else , also I don't have a lot of patience and when I make an appointment because I feel it needs to be done , I want to get in right away and usually have to wait weeks . Because of this I tend to cut my own hair and although I don't find I do a good job myself the hairdresser is always amazed at how well I cut it . I ususally get it cut really short and let the style grow out completly cutting it when I don't like how it looks into my own style .
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
well for me sometimes it's very relaxing and therapeutic. Especially when the hair shampoo is followed by a good head massage. It's great that you've got good self-cutting skills! I know I definitely would not be able to give others a decent hair cut, not to mention myself!
• Philippines
21 Jun 07
once a month i make sure my hair is pampered throuh hot-oil or hair wax. once a year a get a trim or a ney hair style. hair is the crowning glory for every woman.So,we are really bothered when we feel unconfident of our hairdo.
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
you're right! it's amazing the difference a good hair style or cut can make to a lady's looks. It's good that you take care of your hair through regular treatment. For me, sometimes I'm not sure whether the treatment makes a difference cos after a few days my hair is back to being dry.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
20 Jun 07
Usually, I will cut my hair when I feel that it is too hot for comfort. Otherwise, it will be when my wife grumbles about my messy locks. Used to cut every three weeks when I was still in college, then every month when I was in NS. When I was in Uni after NS, it is once every two months or so. Now that I am working, heh heh... just cannot be bothered liow.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
22 Jun 07
nah... not long like the koreans do. Just long enough to not be call short. But not long enough to tie any pony tail or anything like that. How should I put it to you? You can bury your fingers in my hair kinda long.
• Singapore
21 Jun 07
so you have long hair?? are you going to keep that style (very popular in korea) for the wedding?
@bluishrose (2289)
• Philippines
21 Jun 07
Before when i used to have short hair i regularly visit my hairdresser once a month to keep the style in shape. Right now having long hair i rarely visit anymore like maybe 6 months for hot oil treatments =D
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
yup, i did think that short styles required at least once a month maintenance...
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
im feeling the same thing as you said. i feel so in-need of a hair stylist right now. my last visit to my hair stylist was last year i guess. and last month, i went to a saloon to grab some treatment or some hair relax but the woman from the salon told me that she cannot do a relax to my hair cause it has color. the chemical from the relaxation will break the strands of my hair. all she could do is to give a hotoil treatment which i dont prefer. so right now all i could do is wait until the color of my hair will changed to normal. i don't want to cut it either cause it bothers me when it's that short.
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
well, if you have colour, you'll need to update the roots otherwise it'll be quite obvious that it's growing out in a different colour? If the colour is quite close to your hair colour, then perhaps it doesn't look so obvious. I have friends who dyed their hair brown, and after getting sick of having to regularly re-dye the roots, they dyed the whole head black again. just so they don't have to keep the cycle going every month.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Oh thanks. Now I need to get to the salon for my yearly haircut. HAHAHA. I am not the typical male. I go to get my haircut only when it gets WAY too long. Especially the summer months with the heat and humidity. I keep it tucked under a bandana so I never see if it needs a trimming etc. I think I may shave it to the scalp once again soon as its hell with the heat. It's almost shoulder length right now. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• Singapore
21 Jun 07
that's good for you, grandpa. less fuss. also i know men who shave once they detect some hair loss, so they look cool. and feel cool. haha.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I go whenever I can afford to go. My hair is thick and frizzy and i usually iron it straight at home. Once a year I get it relaxed and trimmed at the same time. My husband goes every couple of weeks because his hair grows very fast. Can become more expensive than my hair LOL
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
you have one of those salon hair irons? I bought one once but it was not very expensive, hence not very good. wow - every couple of weeks! he must be the favourite client.
@angela2006 (1845)
• China
21 Jun 07
I trimmed my hair ooce a month before,but now I just let it go,because I want to wear long hair,it can save money and time for me,haha.
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
haha that's true. but if you highlight your hair... now that's another problem!
• United States
21 Jun 07
I am really bad about getting my hair cut, I usually on go when I can't get it to do anything. I want to let it grow again, I used to have hair halfway down my back and decided I wanted a short style, so now it does not even go to my shoulders. I have heard that if you get a trim regularly it will grow faster, but, I am lucky to go every 3 months or so to get a haircut.
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
that's very brave to go from such long hair to a short style! hope you liked the effects!
• Canada
21 Jun 07
I don't have a fixed schedule for a hair cut. It just so happens that every now and then i will look in the mirror and decide "it's time" to soon be followed to a trip to the barbar shop. I'm not too fussy when it comes to hair cuts, usually i get my hair cut really short because i'm too lazt to fix it
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
really short like a US marine? :)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
i go to the hair dressers once every couple years
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• Singapore
21 Jun 07
wow I'm guessing your hair must be very very long and easy to manage.