Do you think english should be the official language of the U.S.?

@winky73 (1404)
United States
June 20, 2007 9:46am CST
I never even knew that English was not the official language of the United States....until here recently. It struck me as odd that so many people learned this language in schools and at home for so many years....just to now have it questioned if it should be the official language. I mean what the heck is wrong with people that would not support this bill to pass. Does anybody even realize how much of our tax money is spent every single year on translating official documents in to mainly Spanish? Yes I said Spanish.....because I'm German and I have yet to find a Goverment form that has been translated in to my native language and I'm sure that a lot of people from other countrys have noticed this as well. Any place you go to....most likely even at your own work place....their are posters in English and of course in Spanish. I mean God forbid we might discriminate a so called "minority". So what about me and all the other people that came here and learned English....even if it wasn't our native language.....are they not discriminating against us? When I was going through the process of getting my Green Card.....I needed some documents translated and let me tell would have been easier to find a translater had I been from Mexico.It took some major searching to find someone that was able to translate a very simple birth certificate for me. All the paper work I filled out for my immigration was written in English and I filled it out myself in English......and by God I'm proud of it. As you can tell....I feel very strongly about this and yesterday while watching the news....I had a little victory.A town called Oak Point here in Texas has adopted English as their official language and no matter how much bashing they recieved for it.....they have my full support. So how would you like to hear this when you call somewhere and you want to hear the recording in english " Para la prensa dos del inglés "....well I guess you'd better learn Spanish first so you can even hear it in English. So what do you think....should English be the official language or not? Don't worry....I won't bite nobodys head of for thinking it should not be.....but I would like to know how others see this and what their thoughts are on it.
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15 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I have always heard the English is the universal language and that is what our country was founded on. We don't speak alot of languages in our country as a norm so of course we prefer our own english language. We don't try to get other countries to change their languages when we go, we attempt to fit in. Not sure why that wouldn't apply with America. I don't mind learning another language just don't force me.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I do speak the language of my country that I am living in. Not sure where you got that I did not. Just to cater to a single group is not wise in an established country. Speaking English should be part of the citizenship test when becoming a legal resident.
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Quote...but don't expect me to learn yours....just because you are to lazy to learn the language of the country you are living in. I'm sorry.....that wasn't directed at you.Let me write it the way I meant it. ....but they should not expect me to learn theirs....just because they are to lazy to learn the language of the country they are living in. I hope that makes more sense and again I'm sorry for my mistake.
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I love learning other languages and I had some Mexican friends that taught me Spanish in exchange for me helping them with learning English.....but they never expected me to only speak Spanish with them.They'd rather have me speak only English because it helped them to practice what they had learned already. On the other hand I have worked with Mexicans that absolutely refused to even try to learn English and that's where I refuse to speak their language. It's not like I went to their country and expected them to speak my language.....but the other way around. So I don't mind learning either.....but don't expect me to learn yours....just because you are to lazy to learn the language of the country you are living in.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Hey winky I fully agree that the english language is and should be the official language of the united states. The truth is that the english language is our common language but at the founding of our great country, our founding fathers never thought it would be necessary to create an official language. All of our founding fathers spoke English, all of our documents were written in English, and all of our laws were written in English. Even when the great immigration flood from the northern and eastern part of Europe that came in the late 1800's, it was just assumed that immigrants would speak English. My family originated from Germany, I can't find one of my family members that speaks the language. For whatever reason, we have as a country have decided that a certain ethnic group (Mexicans) didn't have to learn our language. NO instead we would learn theirs. It has gotten to a point where kids can't graduate high school without 2 years of this language. Of course if you ask the school officials why this is necessary, they say that children need to learn spanish so they can learn to communicate in a 21st century America. How I see it there are more Americans that are from German descent then there is from Spanish descent. So why don't we give special consideration to all those who clearly their family came from Germany and since we don't have an official language lets force everyone to learn German. Lets not stop there why not make everyone learn everyone's language. Now that sounds silly and I know it does, but so does making English speaking Americans learn Spanish because a bunch of Mexicans refuse to learn the language.
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Thank you gewcew....that is excactly my point.I don't understand either why they should get a special treatment....compared to everyone els. To me the easiest solution for the problem would be for English to be the official language....that way everybody has to learn it and nobody is going to feel left out.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
22 Jun 07
English is the offical language of the United States. Bush declared it some time ago. Which in all respects shoul dbe because that is the main language spoken in the United for learning a new language. I think all kids that reach highschool should be made to learn another language. I know in the schools my kids go to it is something that is required. Or they don't graduate.
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I beg your pardon.....but you are missinformed on that one.There has been a debate if it should be made the official language....but that bill was never passed. As for other languages being offered in schools....yes I'm all for that as well and like I said Germany you are required to learn English in school.So that leaves the question of which language should be made a mandatory second language here in the U.S......maybe Oxford English? What do you think?
• India
21 Jun 07
oh really, i was not aware of this fact. till today i was thinking that english is the official language in us. thats quite a revelation for me. thanks for the same.
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I think a lot of people are not aware of that.English is the prefered language of the U.S. and only very few places have adopted it as their official languge.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Yes, I do think that English should be the official language of the US. I am so tired of not being able to carry on a conversation with others in my own country. I think that if other people are going to come into the country then they should be willing to speak the language. If I were to go to another country, I would not expect them to know my native tongue and I would do my best to learn their language as that is the way things should work.
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Thank you...I could not agree with you more.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I wasn't aware that it wasn't the official language, but it is indeed the primary language spoken here. As a teacher I can tell you that there are many people who do not attempt to teach their own children the English language. They are sent to school not speaking or understanding a word of English and as a result it falls upon school districts to teach English as a second language (because English in our country is the primary language if not the official language). I have no problem with people speaking their native language in their own homes and with their friends and family, but I find it very frustrating that some (not all) believe that I should learn to speak their language so they can communicate with me. Perhaps English should be offered more in other countries so that immigrants can come here with some ability to communicate. Afterall, we've been teaching our own children Spanish and other languages for years.
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
20 Jun 07
In Germany English is taught as a second language and you have no choice but to take that's not optional. I started learning English in 5th grade and I think now they are starting kids even earlier. I've been to France and Spain and even when you can't speak either of those can still communicate with most people there in English. In most cases it's not the fact that they could not learn English.....but that they refuse to do so. I'm able to have a conversation in Spanish.....but I refuse to use it....if someone won't learn English the way I had to when I came here. I may have had the a headstart by learning English in school....but I still had to do a lot of learning when I got here and I never expecetd anybody to learn my language....just to make it easier on me.
• United States
21 Jun 07
This is one of my pet peeves, The answer YES, YES and Yes. I get really teed off when I am calling a business and they ask after their "thanks for calling blah blah blah the recording asks you to press 1 if you want English. Where the hell am I of course I want bloody English that should be automatic!!! Then they can ask about spanish although I dont see why they should get a choice!
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
21 Jun 07
See the thing that gets me about offering a choice between English and Spanish is....why not offer other languages as well.There are plenty of people from other countrys here and I'm sure they would like to be able to use their native language as well....but they are not given a choice. Giving a choice enables them to not have to learn English and I think that's wrong.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
30 Jun 07
I always thought that English was the official language of the United States, but if not, it should be. Actually, as was mentioned before, American English would be a more accurate description of what is actually spoken here and what should be adopted as the official language of our country.
@rebelann (113414)
• El Paso, Texas
8 May 22
I couldn't agree more
@eiencafe (155)
• Italy
6 Jul 07
I'm not from USA and I didn't know English or better American English wasn't the official language. I really hate when people refuse to speak the native language if they're going to live there; of course if something like that happens here they will be emarginated (I know it's not good to say but it happens). We have lots of immigrants some of them illegal but it's better not go there ;P) and they're from different countries with different languages so if they don't learn Italian (I'm from Italy, forgot to say) they won't be able to communicate with us because Italian is our official language and we can't learn 10 different languages only for a bunch of immigrants. I respect the fact they still speak their language in their home or with they're friends who are the same nationality (and I really think it's useful to know more than one language and I like the fact that when the parents are two nationality they teach their kids both languages, especially if one speak English) but not with "us". There are some places here in Italy where people are Italian but speak another language for example in Trentino they speak German (even if the real name is Ladin if it's the right translation in English) and really everyone knows it (I went skiing there once and even street signs are in German with Italian translation of course) but if I speak with them they know how to respond! Ok maybe their pronunciacion isn't 100% Italian but we can communicate! I know their exams (in schools) once were in German (Ladin) and some places like in Friuli they had them in Slovenian (don't know if it's the right spelling) or in Franch but still they lived there all their life and they aren't immigrants who bring their language with them because I think that language was there way before Italian was anounced our national language. Maybe I wrote too much... so summing up I agree with you ;)Everyone who want to live in a different place than his/her homeland should learn the language and sorry bballpro I really don't agree with you! Why English? Way not Chinese for example?? Because English is your language?? Well sorry if I have to disagree and don't get me wrong I love English and I think it's the easier language to learn but WWW? Please! I can say it would be useful if the world had only one language but who should choose it?
• Philippines
7 Jul 07
well, that's surprising!In the Philippines, English is the medium of instruction in school..Well, this has an advantage as we can be adapted anywhere in the world...But the downside of this is that, it's an irony having the medium of instruction not your own language...
@naseemv (31)
• India
21 Jun 07
it is nice and good
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Thanks for posting.....would have been nice if you'd given a bit more detail!!
@2wicelot (2945)
21 Jun 07
Well I am not sure why English should not be the official language. It is spoken by majority of the people in the country so I believe it should the official language. However, in some states where there are other dominant languages, there is no harm in having a second language or a totally different official language. I think there is something like that in Canada. This is just my opinion though.
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• Philippines
20 Jun 07
Ofcourse because english language serves as universal language.
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
20 Jun 07
Thank you.....that is just one of the many reasons.
• United States
16 Feb 08
I was told that America "does not have an official language". That's news to me. If American doesn't have an "official" language, then why are people being fired and businesses being sued for not knowing Spanish? People are being labeled "racists" for not speaking Spanish. I don't get it. Freedom of choice. We once had that freedom.
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@rebelann (113414)
• El Paso, Texas
8 May 22
I have to agree with you. Spanish is not a language I like anymore.
@bballpro (79)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Not everyone in the United States speak english, some people are illiegal immagrants and don't speak english. I think it should be the only english spoken in the United States. All the visitors that go to visit the United States should talk in english. Say if I come from like Spain and I only speak spanish, I wouldn't be able to communicate with everyone. English is also the most popular language in the world, I think their should be only one language spoken in the whole entire world so that everyone could communicate together.