Working from home websites
By sahm35
@sahm35 (890)
United States
June 21, 2007 12:07am CST
I am so tired of these work from home websites! I really really want a job working from home so that I can stay home with my new arrival at least for a couple of years.
Is that so much to ask? So why are there so many scams? I feel that they are trying to capitalize on my desperation. I have started to look these so called businesses on the BBB website and find that most of them have so many complaints and you know that most people dont complain. I didnt when I was taken advantage of. I just hid with my tail between my legs.
I can not invest in another job unless I know for sure that it works.
I refuse to do another MLM, mainly because my friends and family cringe when they see my now.
I can not invest $2000 or more because... If I had that much money just laying around would I really need a job. I get depressed thinking about it especially when I see the bills coming in but when I look at my little one's eyes.
After my daughter was born I was a stay at home for about a year and a half, then I worked for two and half years, now I am back at home and have been a SAHM for about another year and a half, and I have been looking for a position from home the entire time.
Why do mothers have to make the choice?
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9 responses
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
hi sahm35,
pretty much most of the "work at home" stuff on the Internet are scams...
BUT if you have some energy and a bit of knowledge, then you CAN make some decent money off this site -
[ ]
Firstly, just let me say that I'm not "referring" you to this site to make a commission off of you. It doesn't work like that. It's not a referral site.
Just Answer is an ANSWER site, where people who need answers to their questions come and PAY the site's "Experts" to answer their questions for them.
There are about 20 categories of "Expert".
You can register for as many as you like, but to get registered in each category, you have to answer three questions out of ten that they will throw at you.
You can take as long as you like to answer the three registration questions - weeks if you like.
Then they have their own panel of "experts" assess your answers and if they think you're good enough, you're in!
Now, here's my advice - go and join Just Answer as a member. Once you're a member, you can poke around the site to get familiar with it. The site makes no distinction between members as far as asking questions or answering questions. It's the same site used by both Clients and Experts.
So that can be a little confusing. It takes a little time to figure out what's what here - the site is not (IMO) set up very intuitively.
Another thing to be prepared for is that they have different "grades" of Expert.
To start out with, they make it difficult to get any questions to answer. You can only answer questions after they've been posted for an hour, which means that you only get the dregs by that time (if anything is left).
The key here (IMO) is to try different times of the day when most people are asleep and NOT answering questions.
BUT after you've managed to answer 5 questions successfully, then they start to lift restrictions on you.
By the time you've answered 20 questions, you're pretty much sailing.
So it can seem a bit frustrating to get things moving. It might even take a month or so to get past that initial hump, and get 20 questions answered. I honestly don't know WHY they do that, but that's how they've set it up.
Now, here's the thing - you make 50% of whatever the Client is paying for an answer - Just Answer pockets the rest. But in a month, you can easily make a few hundred dollars from Just Answer. Probably more if you have medical or vet training, or if you're good with relationship questions or cat and dog questions.
The more categories you get registered as an "Expert" in, the more potential you have to make money.
SOME IMPORTANT ADVICE - you create a "profile" for each "Expert" category that you get registered in - but choose your member name carefully too, try to choose a name that conveys the image that you'd like to project.
It IS very much a serious business - people will be paying YOU for your help. You can set up each Expert profile with a different name and avatar (picture), but your member name will still show up here and there, so it's good if you can choose a professional-sounding, catchy member name right from the start.
I do sincerely hope this is of some help.
I know your situation, because I'm seeing the same thing.
Just Answer is one site that does actually pay you for your time and effort. It depends on YOU, not on anyone else.

@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
hi sahm35,
the Clients offer to pay whatever they are willing to pay, and you get half of that. (Before 20 questions, you get less - about 30%, as I recall).
If the Client offers less than any Expert is willing to answer a question, then it simply won't get answered.
Most questions have between $10 and $30 offered - and some are less than that (and still get answered) and some are more than that.
It doesn't matter if only $5.00 is offered for a question if it is easy to answer.
Likewise, if a question is going to take some effort to properly answer, then you'd expect to be paid more for your trouble.
Another aspect of the deal is that if you give good answers, then the Clients can actually ask for you specifically to answer their questions for them, so you can build up your own clientelle.
There is also a Personal Messaging system on the site, where you can send private messages to other members of Just Answer (all Clients and all Experts are members - in fact, Experts are just Clients who have registered as Experts in their chosen categories)... This is very helpful when you and your Clients need to discuss things, but you'd prefer not to have the whole community in on it.
I would expect that you'd do very well with your training and professional experience - there's a LOT of questions on relationships, domestic problems, that sort of thing - and people also ask social-work related questions in the Homework section too.
It takes a bit of effort - and can be a bit frustrating at times - but it DOES pay, and can pay quite well. Quite the opposite of most of the other "opportunities" on the web.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
Just thought I should mention again - take your time to poke around and get used to how the site is set up, because (IMO) it can be a bit confusing until you get used to it.
There is only one site - not a separate one for Clients and Experts. Clients and Experts have access to the same question list, and the same category lists.
By default, any member can place QUESTIONS into the question list as a Client.
When you register as an Expert in any category, then it allows you to also ANSWER the questions in the question list.
The easiest way to register as an Expert in any category is to try to ANSWER a question, and it will say that you aren't registered as an Expert yet, and will ask if you want to register as an Expert in that category.
I hope that helps a little.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
Whoops! One other thing that I personally found confusing -
save this URL -
[ ]
That gives you the Member Sign-In page.
if you just go to [ ] it will give you a form to submit a question, which isn't very helpful if you want to answer questions rather than submit questions of your own.
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@LRB1111 (356)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Hi sahm35.
I understand how you feel. It must be hard for you trying to balance family and trying to find work that are passionate about and that actually brings in some decent money.
I have been working at home doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I make a decent amount with GPT sites (it DOES add up). A lot of people think that those sites are a scam BUT if you read up and get the right tips on how to profit it can be a BIG help each month.
I am currently working on starting an ebay business selling things i acquire from garage sales and from ebay itself. It's very easy to get started.
What kind of things do you like to do? Find something that you are passionate about and it will pay off in the end.
There are hundreds of stories of SAHM's who are making good money doing what they love. I would suggest start a business of some sorts. If they can do it you can do it. There is no reason why you can't. You don't need hundreds of dollars to start. You just need the knowledge, the passion the commitment, and most importantly the IDEA!
@sahm35 (890)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I am social worker. That is all that I know to do. I can write reports.
What does GPT stand for?
@LRB1111 (356)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Well i do envy you in a way. My day to day activities tend to keep me isolated from the outside world.
Do enjoy being a social worker?
A GPT site is a site that pays you to register at a certain website, do a survey or try a product for 7-30 days before charging your credit card with the purchase.

@miamilady (4910)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I feel for ya. I've about giving up on the idea of working from home. I'll begin looking for an outside job as soon as both my children are back in school for the year. That will be Monday.
Good luck with your search.
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@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I hear you, there are so many scams out there. I wanted to be a stay at home mom after being the main bread winner in our family for the entire time we have been married, but I can't find anything that really pays over the internet enough to help out at home. I am a designer for Home and Garden party, and you are right my friends and family try to avoid me if I want them to host a party. But, I have been really working on getting new people in doing parties and now it is starting to happen for me. I wish you luck and hope that you can find something to do to stay home with your little one!
@sherriet (50)
• United States
15 Aug 07
It does seem like mothers have to choose between the career and motherhood when fathers are just expected to keep working. It's unfair and difficult.
I worked until two days before my daughter was born and went back to work when she was 9 weeks old. It wasn't by choice, really - I needed the money. When I returned to college I did not have much time with her. I would take her to daycare at 7:30 am, attend classes from 8-1pm, study for 1-2 hours, work from 3-11:40 pm, pick her up from the sitter's at midnight, then nap until the alarm sounded at 6 am. I cried every day.
I made a promise that I would not work like that anymore and accepted the full amount of financial aid I could at school so I could pay bills while attending classes.
Fast forward to 2000. Illness forced me to take time off from school and I needed something to help bring in extra cash. I started fooling around online with affiliate programs, Ebay yard sales, and an online gift shop. Those helped, but I needed more.,, and helped me see that there are legitimate telecommuting positions available, not just businesses. I worked as a virtual assistant starting in March 2000, and have been working online as a tutor and community moderator since 2005.
I've been on the telecommuting job search and will share anything good that I find. I'll also share info on scam artists who smell our desperation and attack in creative ways.
Hang in there are keep looking. You will find something that works for you - without investing in a starter kit.
Take care.
@sherriet (50)
• United States
16 Aug 07
I will let you know when I find something good. What are you interested in?
Have you considered tutoring? Check into and Both companies are prepping for the upcoming school year and pay right on time. With you have the option of a paycheck or Paypal (I chose the paycheck option), can set your own hours (between 2pm-1am every day), and there is advancement opportunity. I started as a probationary tutor (as all do), and have been promoted to tutor mentor. Brainfuse has similar hours of operation, but also has programs that require work during school hours. I was hired with Brainfuse when I still had a dial-up connection.
Feel free to message me anytime.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Well sahm if you find anything I would would love to know. I have a 5 year old and I would rather stay at home for him rather than have to get something when he goes to school.
@nandarocksindia (289)
• India
16 Aug 07
hey it is the good opportunity for mom's.i will tell this thing to my mom.if she want to try it.k by my friend
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@goinliveinfive (561)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I sympathize with you. All I can tell you is that there are free programs out there that pay. I recommend looking at my sites and signing up for everything. Every last program I list is free. The best three are cashcrate, treasuretrooper and I also strongly recommend joining Yuwie because over time that site is going to turn into an EXCELLENT source of passive income. I don't spend a penny out of pocket and I make money every single month from multiple sources. Take a look and try the lot of them.