Why is christianity is losing popularity in Europe and USA ?
By simple2007
@simple2007 (133)
June 21, 2007 8:00am CST
Christianity is most popular relgion in the World,and some
of the so -called missionaries or evagalists claim that
it is the fastest growing religion in the world.
With due respect to Lord Jesus and his teaching,why is
Christianity losing popularity in the Europe,I recently
read somewhere that in U.K.many churches are being closed
down due lack of quorum.
Even in USA alternative religions like Islam and Hinduism
are gaining popularity,Christianity may be the No:1 religion
in the World,but there are millions of people in Western
European Countries are Christians for name-sake only,but
donot practice Christianity in any manner.
Then how come these so called Evalgalists who claim to
have solution for every problem of non-believers,in Christianity are silent about the shrinking base of Christianity in Western Europe and USA.
They should go and preach in these countries not in India or
some poor country.
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6 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Janga said = "But, why are Christians so bent out of shape when people do not belong to their religion or believe in God? If you are a christian, why not be satisfied that you believe in what you think is right and let others believe in what they want?"
and its a very key point IMO..I honestly feel that is the key reason WHY its losing popularity...Christians (some NOT all) are SO demanding, negative, narrowminded and pushy they are ACTUALLY pushing those NOT in that religion FARTHER AWAY from it....I'm all for talking about religion, comparing notes, discussing etc etc but when it becomes a battle to convert me/condemn me/be disrespectful to me/harrass me etc etc ...the other person is done and all they've succeeded in doin is pushing me even farther away...
Lets face it...NOBODY likes being told they are "being decieved by Satan" or a "follower of Satan" Nobody likes being told they are "selfish and prefer being a sinner because its *easier*"...Nobody likes when they are harrassed over and over EVEN THOUGH they have politely stated on numerous occassions that they have no interest in converting for whatever reason..and the list goes on...
I truly feel its the fundie Christians that are to blame in all honesty...

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Spring, you can't lump everyone into one category.
Say a christian comes up to me and says, "Read this book now or you're going to hell!" How would I react? I'd shrug and walk away.
I can get annoyed after awhile, but only when Person X won't leave me alone after a few weeks.
I don't 'not like it' when I;m told what someone else considers to be 'the truth'. I just frankly don;t care because I've heard it all a million times before.
So you see..not all 'unbelievers' are the same. You can believe they're wrong, but what Raven says is not a cop out. Some christians really are pushing people even farther away from their religion, which certainly isn't their goal but that's what they end up doing.
Christians aren't perfect because they're human. Even enlightened humans make mistakes.
So to say that christians can't push other folks away from their religion via their methods is just a little naive.
Sorry, dear. But this is how things are.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
22 Jun 07
That is just a cop out. Of course unbelievers do not like to be told that they are being deceived by satan, but it is the Truth. Unbelievers hate the Truth and the Word of God. That is sad and very tragic.
I will always tell of Christ and His love! I love the Lord and I want to do that which is pleasing to Him.
@Janga666 (22)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
Actually it is not the "Truth" that us non believers are being duped or tricked by the devil. At least it is not the truth to me. If I don't believe in God, then why would I believe in the devil? If we were being tricked by the devil, wouldn't we be devil worshippers, or immoral in some way? I live a very moral life, and do more to help my community and the world at large than most Christians do. Why should I put up with being accused of being "tricked" by some mythical monster like the boogy man which I don't believe in.

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
i think its because of all the atheists "coming out of their closets"
also there is a huge rise in education levels around the world.

@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I'm not sure Fighting means that exactly, they've always presented a pretty fair viewpoint from my little experience of them.
Education has little to do with religion, sadly..though a better followerer of different religions WILL research and learn more in order to continuously prove to themselves that what they're beliving is true. They probably always believe it, but learning is healthy anyways.
Education on the flip side can be used, depending on how one views the word to 'debunk' religions in someone's mind. And most of the peoples of the world have gotten tired of the fundies and neurotic cult-like religious followers that the world of science and reason is more comfortable, and makes alot more sense most of the time than religion.
There's no reason why science and religion can't be combined, as I said..but most people prefer being either one or the other.
Or so's my opinion, feel free to disagree guys ^_^
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
7 Jul 07
statistically, agnostics and atheists in america have a higher percentage IQ then those of religious people.
there is also a smaller population of non-believers.
@simple2007 (133)
• India
22 Jun 07
You mean to say,if people become more educated they will
cease to be Christians.

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
The reason is the success of the secular and evolution movement and to combat that, we should send missionaries to Europe. The Reformed Churches have sent missionaries to the former Soviet Union where things are just as bad there, people living in hovels, children abandoned, but no one cares because these children have red and blonde hair and green or blue eyes and pale faces, not dark haired and eyes. Secularism has taken such a hold in Europe that the population base is shrinking. It is time for a wakeup call. Already persecution threatens what Christians there are in Great Britain and favoritism is given to Moslems, and other non-Christian beliefs. We have to fight secularism, by writing about the danger, letters to the editor, on our websites and blogs.
@simple2007 (133)
• India
22 Jun 07
yeah,good in such case it will be better if some of these
Evangalists are sent back to Europe,it will be good-riddance for the non-christians of India
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
21 Jun 07
It might be declining because despite a fairly decent percentage of christians being good and wonderful folks there's an overwhelming amount of them who're bigots and plain old jerks.
There's a load of reasons they're that way too, and it does not in any way reflect on the religion itself..it just reflects on them as people.
And everytime they explode on someone who's just asking questions they spook some religion seekers away.
Why no one's talking about it? Pride, I reckon..either that or their heads are so up in the clouds they just haven't noticed yet..either way *shrugs*
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Jun 07
"It might be declining because despite a fairly decent percentage of christians being good and wonderful folks there's an overwhelming amount of them who're bigots and plain old jerks"
thats it exactly IMO..I agree wholeheartedly with that paranoiax and your so right when you say it doesnt reflect the religion but rather the person but sadly Christianity will take a hit every time BECAUSE of those ppl....
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
22 Jun 07
And that's one of the things that suck about it. Just think of all the decent folks who coulda known that, truthfully christianity isn't a half bad religion. But the overall opinion is slowly turning into: "Christianity sucks" because of the bad apples in the most recent batch.
@Janga666 (22)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
I think that these days there are so many people who are not religious or not affiliated with a particular religion. That, coupled with the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world is probably the reason for the decline of Christianity. But, why are Christians so bent out of shape when people do not belong to their religion or believe in God? If you are a christian, why not be satisfied that you believe in what you think is right and let others believe in what they want? I'm not directing that at you personally, just christians in general.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
21 Jun 07
In order for christians to be satisfied in what they believe, they must try to spread the word. The bible tells us, tell them once, tell them twice and then let them go on their sinful way. Therefore after we tell them twice, then we let them believe what they want. But as christians we have the obligation to try to bring others to Christ. That is why we preach the word everywhere we can/
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@simple2007 (133)
• India
22 Jun 07
Buddy I am not a Christian at all,But I don't anything
against Christians or Bible as such,but the way in which
some of the so-called ''true-christians''propagating
Christianity in a way as if it is a shampoo or Soap.
These people even stoop to the level of influencing non-christians with money as it is happening in India.Shame on
@trentinfellows (1)
• San Francisco, California
20 Jul 13
I have a PhD in religious studies and have traveled much of the world, furthering my studies by actually experiencing various religions, churches, temples etc.
Christianity is rapidly decreasing in 'popularity' for a number of reasons.
Mostly, Christianity is losing followers because of the amount of control, judgment and hatred that comes from many outspoken Christian leaders. The general public is getting smarter, more educated and overall kinder. So they step away from Christianity. Christianity was not always so fiercely controlling and hurtful to people who did not claim to be Christian.
A major study recently revealed that non-christians (and ex-christians) stayed away from Christians due to the dogmatic, "our way is the only way" messages. Plus, the hypocrisy (anti gay because "the bible says so", but not following things like the bible's support of slavery, womanizing, incest etc.) Then people who defend Christianity, but do not have sincere educated rebuttals, those who have not read the entire bible and compared the various versions etc., they discredit Christianity as well.
The bible itself has been reinterpreted SO - MANY - TIMES that we are now reading verses and lessons that have nothing to do with the original scripture. --And people have NO IDEA about what they are fiercely/aggressively defending! You cannot take one verse exactly literally, if the original verse had a totally different meaning in the first place, and then decide to ignore other verses.. and THEN decide to judge others, with a fiery venom for not being Christian.
...So, why is Christianity losing popularity? Because too many Christians are mean and judgmental, controlling and uneducated. --To be blunt, those are the factual reasons. Christians are not inviting to outsiders. They are not nice or compassionate toward people outside of their own dogmatic circles. ...Sad.