How Is Your Mail Delivered?

June 21, 2007 10:05am CST
Do you have a mailbox outside your home? A mail slot in your door? Is yours among a group of mailboxes, at the end of your street? Is your mailbox in your apartment building lobby? Do you pick your mail up at the post office? In today's changing world, with e-mail, fax etc., how important is the postal system to you? What type of mail do you enjoy/hate receiving? Is mail delivery becoming obsolete? My mail is delivered to a mailbox, on the outside of my house. I still enjoy receiving cards and letters this way, and of course, I hate the dreaded bills. My paternal grandfather used to be a mailman, 'back in the day,' and made his deliveries with a horse and buggy. Everyone knew him, and he'd often stop to chat along the way. Please feel free to answer any or all of the above questions, as I'm interested in everyone's experience with this, and how it varies by country, area lived in, etc.
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17 responses
@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
21 Jun 07
My mailbox is right outside my front door attached to my house on the front porch. The postal system is still very important. It may be losing ground to emails but I don't think it will completely disappear for a long time to come. The mail that I most hate to receive is junk mail. It's a waste of time, money, energy and wood. From the mailbox to the trashcan, to the dump. That is a waste. My favorite mail to receive are my monthly magazine subscriptions and any orders that I might place online to shipped to me directly. Minnie Mouse is HOT! filmbuff
• Canada
21 Jun 07
My mailbox is attached to the front of my house too, filmbuff, so the only difference is, I don't have a front porch. I think the postal service is here to stay for many years, as well. I hate junk mail with a passion, and do my best to recycle the majority of it. The exception to this, is when I receive things such as pizza coupons, or others that I can use to save money, when we 'do' order in. I enjoy getting packages too. Thanks 'again' for your response.:)
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• Canada
22 Jun 07
Sorry for being naive about this, filmbuff, but why would recycling paper be 'a bad thing?' Your comment has made me curious about this.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
21 Jun 07
See I would recycle the junk mail, but I think recycling paper is probably worse for the environment then putting it in a landfill and letting it break-down over time.
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• Canada
21 Jun 07
I have a mail person who bings mail to my house. I like getting cards from friends. Like a new baby, wedding, or christmas type cards. I must admit I do not like my mail person on or about the 5th of every month. This his when the bills tend to arrive. I feel bad for the mail people in the winter. I live in Canada and winters can get cold and very slippery.
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• Canada
22 Jun 07
I like to get all of those types of cards too, gizmoshere2. It often seems that most of my mail consists of bills ... yuck. I too live in Canada (Ontario), so agree with you about the long, hard winters, and the difficulty they present for our mail carriers. Thanks for your response.
@shelagh77 (3643)
22 Jun 07
Currently I have a letter box through which my mail is delivered, unless the mailman has an off day and leaves some on the step because it is too large to go through the box and he can't wait for me to answer the door. Some people in my street have mail boxes on the wall of their homes, as we had a spate of arson in this area and this led to a lot of people sealing their letter boxes. I think that the whole service of the mailman has deteriorated and that both the customers and staff lose out. The mailman, along with the milkman, used to be the first person to notice is someone were ill, or to miss somebody who should be out and about, thus raising the alarm and rescuing a sick person. They got far more job satisfaction too. Now there are people who just want to earn more and more money and they are not interested in the human element and I suppose that from the point of view that the delivery of the post is actually what is paid for in the service they must feel they are right, but the other, intangible benefit has sadly been lost.
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@shelagh77 (3643)
25 Jun 07
Yup, it was a very scary time. This actually is a very nice area, we just get pockets of trouble, but the minor involved just has a fascination with fire and it is very sad as it does not seem to be curable. So sad for him and everyone else. Wish I had sealed up my box this morning though, BILLS, eeeeeew!
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
Very sad, as I've heard of people like this, with a fascination for fire. I think it's an actual illness. I 'hear you' about the bills ... yuck!
• Canada
25 Jun 07
That's very sad about the arson, and the fact that some people felt forced to seal up their mailboxes. I agree with you, that in 'many' cases the personal touch has gone out of these types of services. Back when my granddad was the postman, he knew 'everyone' on his route, and was very well liked. I never really thought about what you've mentioned, about 'these people' watching out for those they served. It is too bad, that many of these 'human touches' are lost today, for the most part. Thanks for sharing.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I live in a suburb of Minneapolis Minnesota. The city has a population of around 25,000. So it is a city and not a country town. But I get my mail delivered like a rural route town. My mail box is at the end of my driveway. I think the USPO will be around forever. We still love to werite and not every home has a computer for emails. HAHA! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Jun 07
My drive is maybe 75 too 100 feet long. Short enough that dad ever so often walks to set his bills into the mailbox.
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• Canada
22 Jun 07
Thanks, that's good exercise for your dad.
• Canada
21 Jun 07
That's nice and close for your mail delivery, Grandpa Bob. Do you have a long driveway? I tend to agree with you, about the US Postal Service, and Canada Post as well. You're right, some people will never get a computer. Thanks for sharing.:)
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@mfpsassy (2827)
• United States
26 Jun 07
My mailbox is at the top of my driveway, just off the road. I still recieve and pay all my bills by snail mail. I don't see the point of letting the banks or companies getting anymore of my money than they all ready do. As for junk mail, I remove all idetification and mail it back in those handy prepaid envelopes. We usually only get cards and letters around Christmas time
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• Canada
26 Jun 07
I get the most cards and letters at Christmas time too. It's good that the option to pay bills etc. is still there, through regular mail delivery. I think it'll be with us for a long time to come. Thanks for your response.
@mummymo (23706)
21 Jun 07
How neat it is to hear about your Grandfathers experience of being a mailman sweets! We have a letterbox in our front door (mail slot) someonesmom so we have our mail delivered into the house! I love to receive cards and letters from friends but those bills are just always there! lol I don't think that the mail is becoming obsolete and hopefully never will! xxx
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• Canada
21 Jun 07
Hi mummymo, Those were such interesting times back then, and my mom used to love to share stories, about this sort of thing. My dad would sometimes go along on the route, to help out. I think those door slots are great. If it's cold, rainy etc., you don't even have to open the door.:) If only there was a way to do away with the bills. I agree, as I think there's still a place for mail delivery, even with all of the technology that's available. Thanks for sharing.
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@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
22 Jun 07
our mailboxes are at the end of our street in a group of mailboxes
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
I know several people who receive their mail this way, usmcsgtwife. My sister's is like this, and she often waits a whole week to collect her mail. She always forgets about it, as she's driving by. How often do you pick your mail up? Thanks for your response.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
22 Jun 07
its rare i get real mail these days but when it comes it is through the slot in my door. Most commerce these days is done over the internet in this household. So much so is this the case that my youngest daughter was asking what the letter slot in the door was for. She seemed to be of the impression that it was for her friends to knock on the door with blessed be
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
Wow ESKARENA1, you're the first person to mention that you 'seldom' even get mail anymore. That's very interesting, that your daughter actually questioned what the slot was for. Thanks for your response.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
22 Jun 07
We have a letterbox at the end of out driveway near the street. The mail gets delivered daily, but we have to go to the Post Office to collect larger parcels. I usually only get bills anyway....So Im not usually excited to go out and collect
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
I know what you mean, Calais. It seems that most of our mail is bills, and junk. We collect larger parcels at the post office too. Thanks for your response.
@avs189 (1030)
• India
22 Jun 07
I live in apartment so we dont have a mailbox as u have,the postman just rings the bell and delivers it to us ,or if none of us are present at home he just drops inside our door so that we can collect when we return or incase of some legal documnet he delivers to the neighbours.
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
That's a very different way of getting the mail, that you have avs189. Do you mean the postman 'actually' comes and hands you the mail at your door? Thanks for sharing.
• Canada
22 Jun 07
We have a mailbox in our apartment building lobby. We do get a lot of junk mail, but there are Garbage cans for this reason in the lobby and so most tenants throw their junk into the garbage cans there. I absolutely HATE Bills arriving, though we only have three that arrive via snail mail, the others are sent via email. I love receiving letters from friends, and cards for my birthday and stuff. I have a lot of family that live overseas and so they send me stuff through the post for birthdays and Christmas. It's always nice to open the mailbox, especially when I know I'm expecting something :o)
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
It's a good idea for apartment buildings to offer this service to tenants for their junk mail. It must be exciting to wait for all of those special cards and packages to arrive from overseas. Thanks for your response.
@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
22 Jun 07
We have a mailbox at the curb in front of our house. The mailman usually comes around the same time everyday. Like you, I hate getting the dreaded bills. Sometimes it seems like they all come at once! We normally have some type of mail everyday. If it's not bills, then it's usually some kind of junk mail.
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• Canada
25 Jun 07
Our mailman comes around the same time each day too, daycarepal. I don't know of anyone who 'enjoys' receiving bills. There always seems to be a surplus of junk mail. Thanks for sharing.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
22 Jun 07
We have a postie & he delivers the mail in to the mail box at the front of the yard :) If i have more than 1 parcel though, i usually have to pick them up from the post office, if it's only 1 parcel, then it gets put in the mail box at the front - depending on it's size! I love mail, except for bills, but it's important to me because i love to pen pal so i love getting letters & cards etc through the mail & stuff like that. I hope my pen pals will stick around too coz i although e-mail is easy to use, it's just nowhere near as personal as snail mail is!
• Canada
25 Jun 07
The person who responded before you, feels the same way about loving to receive letters, cards, etc. this way, Gemmygirl1. It's great that you have pen pals, who write to you using this method. This proves that there are still benefits to 'snail mail.' Thanks for sharing.
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
Mailbox - Young man looking in letterbox
we have our letterbox placed at the main gate of the house. it has been there for 26 years now and it is still useful, 'twas just repainted last year. most of the household bills, insurance notices, and other mails are delivered by a postman ridin in a motorcyle. he usually delivers the mails thrice a week (M-W-F). whether there are mails coming up or not, our mailbox will be kept intact at the gate.
• Canada
25 Jun 07
That's an interesting mode of transportation for a postman, ryanphil01. Thanks too for sharing how often your mail is delivered, as it's great to hear of differences, depending on the part of the world we're from. Thanks too, for your response.
@AmbiePam (96703)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I'm quite annoyed with the frequent hikes on the price of stamps, but I still send out cards and letters. It is more personal and it really shows that you cared enough. No one wants to pay the postage, but if they can, it's nice to send a real birthday card instead of an online one. But for people who truly can't afford it, that is understandable. I live in an apartment complex, and my mail box is right beside the main office, completely covered by the building if it should rain. It's on the top row, which I'm thankful for since I have back problems. I usually enjoy getting my mail, seeing any cards, any free samples, any checks, and the like. But I haven' checked it the last two days. I don't want to see the bills that are going to be incredibly hard to pay! : )
• Canada
25 Jun 07
I can relate to everything you've mentioned, AmbiePam, and am glad that you don't have to bend to get your mail. It can be a problem for those with back trouble. I too, enjoy the free samples, that come from time to time. I know what you mean about the bills too, as I'd rather not see them, 'most of the time,' as things are tight here too. Thanks for sharing.
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• United States
21 Jun 07
I get my mail both at a box on the outside of where I live and I also have a post office box at the post office. I get the majority of the mail at the box at the post office but there is a few things that come in my box on my house. I love getting cards from my family through the post office and I hate getting what I call junk mail. I do get catalogs that I order but I am talking about the flyers they put in the boxes.
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• Canada
21 Jun 07
It's very interesting that you have 2 sources by which you receive your mail, sunshinelady. Do you rent the one at the post office? I enjoy cards and letters too, and detest the junk mail. Thanks for your response.
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Our mail is delivered to out mailbox that sits across the street from our home. When we moved here we had the option of having the mail delivered to the box or receiving our mail at the post office. Since the post office closes early we decide on home delivery. We actually get several pieces of mail a day. More junk mail then anything else. I enjoy that packages that we get from EBay the best but of course who wouldn't.
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• Canada
21 Jun 07
It's nice that they've given you options, and I'm sure the one you've chosen is more handy for you. We have a number of days a month, when we receive no mail ... not even 'the dreaded' junk mail. Cards, letters, and packages are for sure the best part of the mail. Thanks for sharing.