Has a person ever asked you for money?
By laydlexius
@laydlexius (133)
United States
June 21, 2007 3:06pm CST
I see people on the street every day and some people just have no boundary. They say, "Do you have a dollar I can have? Or a quarter to spare?" I mean its doesn't matter the amount but they always ask someone for something. I had this one guy ask for a dollar and ask another lady coming behind me for another dollar. I wonder how much money they actually round up. I wouldn't consider them a bum, but I would imagine if they could ask for money if they cleaned themselves up real good they could probably ask for a job. I know we shouldn't judge people, but how hard is it to help someone in need? If everyone in the world would help 1 person it would make a big difference. We know how hard it is. We say "let the wealthy help or why won't they give some money away?" Everyone needs money to survive, but, how much? I have a deep passion for caring for everyone. That's just how I am. I don't have a problem with giving if I have it. We are in times of trouble and struggle. I have a question for you. If someone asked you for money how do you react? Do you feel uncomfortable, do you walk a little quicker, do you act like you didn't hear the person, or are you one of few who actually lends a helping hand?????
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19 responses
@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I will usually help someone out if I have the ability to. I hear the stories they tell, and I am skeptical at times, but it's in my nature to be helpful and I often find myself giving someone some extra change in my pocket or something. If they ask for money for food and I'm coming from a restaurant, maybe I'll give them my leftovers or even buy them a meal... it's something that I was taught to do when I was younger. It's hard, especially when your personal budget isn't large to begin with, but I always try to find a way to help... I let them deal with their intentions and the truth. I always think that I am doing a good deed and my intention is pure...
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
i have never given money to someone on the street asking for it but i have given apparently homeless people food or vouchers for food if I had any and I saw someone sitting on the street looking hungry. I have never had enough money to be able to give any away. But once one of my best friends came into some money and was feeling generous when a guy on the sitting street asked for money, she gave him $10, later that day we walked past him again and he asked again, she told him she had already given him $10 and was not going to give him anymore, he grabbed hold of her leg, I guess to try to scare her into giving him more, but she doesn't put up with crap like that so she kicked him, and I think he deserved it. That for me was a big deterent for ever giving anyone money, that and I have worked rally early shifts before and seen the same people that say they are homeless and beg on the street soming out of apartment buildings and getting on the bus with blankets so they could go pretend that they had slept on the street (when they really had a better apartment than me) to make people feel bad and give them money.
@mexshyl (878)
• China
23 Jun 07
Hi, Nykkee.
I seldom give money to those people asking for money but do give food to homeless people like you.
I think your friend is generous. What she did is enough and there's no need to give him more. In addition, I agree with you(that guy deserves it).
Nowadays, there do exists those who pretend to be a begger to ask for money from the kind people.
That's really disgusting.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice day!:)
@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
I encountered a lot of people like that.I have a big heart and i am willing to give them even a little amount so i can help to fed or having some food for them to eat.But Sometimes,its not good also to give always because they are trying to be a lazy individual.Especially kids who are beggars.When they went to the office and ask some money from me, i let them do some little work like wiping the window after i give them some money.hehehe...They need to learn how to work for money...
@soccerdude (272)
• United States
22 Jun 07
One a homeless person asks me for money, I usually just keep on walking. Sometimes when Ive got alot of change in my pocket, or if Im feeling really generous, Ill give them some money. Usually it depends on what they look like aswell. If they have nice stuff, and look good, then I am less likely to give them money.
I also find myself giving more money to women than to men. I dont know why but seeing a homeless woman makes me feel bad, and I feel the need to help her out.
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@truelife (77)
• Thailand
22 Jun 07
I'll admit that there are professional beggars out there. I've seen some myself. There was this one lady sitting in a subway station asking people for money. I was about to give her money but something stopped me because I was observing her. All of a sudden she takes a cellphone out of her hidden purse! What the hell. lol Anyway, I would still give money to whoever asks for it if I have any spare change. That will probably never change. I once gave like $200, some clothes and other stuff to a homeless pregnant lady. I don't care if people call me stupid for believing anyone who claims they need help. I mean come to think about it, it takes a lot to stand around all day asking other people for money. They know how we as a society would view them as, but they'd do it anyway to survive. I wouldn't even beg for money in front of strangers no matter how badly I need the money. But if it's for family survival, I guess...I would.
One more thing, I am disappointed that they are professional beggars out there. And I'm sorry if they've left you bad impressions. But don't generalize that about every beggar you see. Some of them really need the money and some of them really need help. You don't have to give them money. Real people wouldn't accept only money. A little food and care would be enough for them...and a smile. =D Oh gosh, I just realized I'm a pathetic person. lol
@knightking_world (40)
• India
22 Jun 07
yes i have given money and other possible help to a person who asked me.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Yes,when I go to the city there are people on the street that ask me for money.I live in a suburb and we just moved into this house and had been here a week and a neighbor knocked on the door one night and my landlady was over and he spoke no English and asked her to ask me if I had $5.After he left,she asked me,do you know him and I said no.Which I didn't.lol
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@xphile777 (427)
• United States
21 Jun 07
When people ask me for money, if I have it I usually give them some, because I know what it's like not to have money -- ANY money. I'm not going to judge them or worry about what they're going to use the money for.
But a lot of times I don't give them money because I*can't.* That's embarrassing, because I'm either going someplace special (that I've saved up for) and have only enough for that. Or, I really don't have ANY money, at all. I can go from broke to flush (for a while) within a day or a month. So, at any given time, I don't have $5 to my name.
Many times I have to tell people that I'm sorry, but I don't have any money to give them. I know they're probably thinking, "Sure, you don't." But the truth is, there've been many times I've probably been more broke than the people asking me for money.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
I have never had this happen as we don't see people like this on our streets anywhere but I would like to think that I would give a bit , every little bit has to help someone who has nothing .
I have had friends ask if they could borrow money and give this if I can afford it . Most of the time we don't have a problem with this but there are some that we know will never give the money back or wouldn't help us out if we needed help so for these people I don't like to give anything to .
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@8ctavarium (552)
• Australia
22 Jun 07
Yes, my day. Only because he doesn't have much change although I usually tell him to keep it not worry about it (since its not much anyways and since because I get my weekly allowance from both my mom and day anyways). But for people on the streets I usually don't since I bumped into so many people like that in the streets in the city and if I do give something, I will get bankrupt soon.
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@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
Well being from a small town and a close family its installed in me to help others when they need it and if I can help. Well a few years back I kissed the country life good bye and moved into the big city. Well the first few times walking down town i seen these beggers and couldnt help but give them something. As i walked by again they asked me again for more money. After that I was pretty insulted that I tryed to give what I could and it didnt seem like enough. Well I have been here for 3 years and usually see the same bums down on the corner everyday. I know some actually need help but these people here really turned me off helping anyone. Now I just try to avoid these people.
@arrgophil (96)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Sure, I've had people ask me for money. both strangers and friends. I never "loan" money ot strangers. I may give a stranger a quarter or a dollar if it appears that they really need it for some reason. Like, we're standing in line or something. Panhandlers never get a penny from me. Panhandlers make a lot of money tax free. Most of us have heard of persons who panhandle for a living, and make a pretty good living at it. I will loan ony to friends if I have it, and if they promise to pay it back. Nothing burns me more than someone who borrows money from you and gets an attitude when you expect to be paid back. I knew a guy like that. His name is Prentice. He actually got made at me when I acked for the money back. It was ony $10.00 so he thought I was out-of-line asking for the money. The audacity!
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@Hksmr2rbo (37)
• United States
21 Jun 07
i never got asked by anyone other than a bum ask me for change. but i usually give like a burger or something to the ones that look sketchy.
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@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
i encountered people like that, asking money or borrowing money.
if i have spare money ,why not. i can lend them but i tell them honestly if i have no money,and they really understand.
and if across the street i see street children begging i give them bread instead of money.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I got robbed by a panhandler . I was trying to be generous and reached into my person and when I did. he grabbed my purse pushed me to the ground and ran. So unless i have change in my pocket i don't give to anyone. I'm sorry life has become so bad like that. I do try to give to charities when i can and if i do change in my pocket I'll give. But i will neever reach into my purse or take it off my shoulder to give to anyone again.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
22 Jun 07
It depends on the situation. If someone asks for spare change and I have any, I will give it to them. If someone is asking for money for food, I will offer to buy them some food. If they are really in need, they will take the food. I have bought food and blankets for some older men I saw sleeping under a bridge one night a few winters ago. I also bought a bag of dog food for the dog they had with them.
In the summer time I try to keep a cooler full of ice and water in the car and when I see someone begging in the heat, I will offer them some cold water. Most always take the water and the offer of food. The few who don't, are scamming for money in my opinion. I try to help where I can. I take food to the food pantry in my community pretty regularly. I love those Buy 1 Get 1 Free sales. I take the free items to the food pantry.
I believe that it is our responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. And no matter what your situation, if you have a roof over head-food in your belly and clothes on your back, there is always going to be someone with less than you. Those that have, take care of those that have not. That is what I was taught growing up and that is what I want to teach my son.
I am poor. I am on section 8 and my son gets mediaid, and I still manage to squeeze out of our already tight budget money directed just to buying food for the church food pantry every month. It's just what you are supposed to do. Help your fellow man.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I try to help anyone who asks,but now I am a person in need. I need $374 by Monday or me and my little 4 year old will be homeless.
I know there are so many people in need nowadays and I trully wish I could help everyone. Just yesterday I was taking my daughter to the hosiptal for a MRI(she has epilepsy,cerebral palsy and other problems) and I saw a man standing on the side of the road with a sign that read "Please help homeless,temporarly unemployed" I wanted to cry because I didn't even have a penny to give him.
I know how it feels to need and have even had family members refuse my phone calls,I try to help like I said but I know not everyone can. Good discussion
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Well strangers people that i dont know never ask me for money I never had someone that I dont know ask me for money only my friends and a few of them ask me to lend them a few dollars once in awhile and I usually give it to them because im a nice guy and there my friends.
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