2 Years Without TV! (Cable or Antenna).
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
June 22, 2007 8:00am CST
2 years ago, my family and I had to make a financial choice. Keep the DSL or the Cable TV. We chose to keep DSL.
I was the one who balked the most. I have been a devotee of TV trivia research since the early 70s. Yes, I was the kind of person who planned my week around the shows I want to watch.
When we first cancelled cable, we were planning on getting an antenna and just going with broadcast networks. However, because of where we live, we would have had to get a tower to put the antenna on. Unwilling to shell out the $80.. we decided to just go without.
We do have a TV set. We enjoy DVDs and play games on it. It's basically just a monitor. There are shows we like to watch, so we buy the DVD sets if we really want them.
Every now and then we miss something (The Olympics, World Cup Soccer), but usually we're just as glad to be rid of it.
I thought we wouldn't stay up on current events, but as it turned out, my youngest son won 3rd place in a current events competition at school.
Dump the TV folks! You won't regret it!
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27 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Jun 07
My wife and I have managed to cut our tv viewing way back, except for movie rentals. So, I know you are right about being better off without the tv.
As to current events, I can hardly stand to watch a network news show. Their "news" is old, slow, and dumb. I am much better informed with a more balanced opinion and receive more timely analysis from the internet than any tv news show could or would ever provide.
Don't forget that old saying," The TV is really just a large one eyed brain sucker!".
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jun 07
Yeah, TV is awful for current events. Television news is nothing but propaganda and flash.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Jun 07
"Television news is nothing but propaganda and flash."
This can not be said often enough. I have relatives who only get their news from CNN. They have a completely liberal view point of politics and the world as a result. Reasoning with them is impossible. They will not read a book so as to be able to process more substantial information. Reading a book that presented an alternative view point could challenge their outlook or opinion. They won't risk it. People who are content with tv news as their only source of information are seriously limiting their understanding of what happens and why.
This is why the ratings of tv news shows continues to drop.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jun 07
Let's hope the ratings drop into oblivion
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@mightycrumbgirl (380)
22 Jun 07
How wonderful that sounds! I would love to live without a TV, I can't stand the thing! My boyfriend is pretty in love with that box, and just sits there all evening staring at it, even if there's nothing particularly good to watch! I don't see what's so entertaining about it - sure there are a few programs that I enjoy, but I could quite happily give them up and never think about them again! Or do as you do - buy the DVDs and watch them when I want to - not when they're scheduled! I've never been a big fan of TV, and was always to be found with my head in a book as a child, and now I'd much rather spend my time sitting and talking about things, or using the TV interactively - playing games, as you mentioned! We pay way too much for all the TV channels we have and I see it as just a waste of money... just wish I could convince my boyfriend otherwise! I congratulate you on your decision!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 Jun 07
The only time we were faced with such a financial hardship we were able to pull out of it before shutting the cable off. Even so, I would have kept the cable just possibly reduced the plan we have. We have a deal with our cable company - phone, internet and TV for a reduced rate. Their cheapest plan for the TV is $10. By cutting the cable off, but keeping the rest of the services we probably would not save money because of all of the discounts on our overall plan.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 Jun 07
To tell you the truth we don't watch that much TV, but when we do the vast majority of TV shows we do watch are on cable.
I started thinking about the cost of the cable company bill. I realized that over the last few years - even thought we have modified our services - the bill has been pretty close to the same amount.
Originally we had basic cable and internet, it was roughly $100 (we couldn't get the cable phone). Then we had basic cable, internet, and phone the bill was maybe $10 more (still MUCH cheaper than paying a phone bill thorugh the local company (minimum of $40 with taxes) + cable and internet). When we moved to the place we are now we were offered a deal - digital cable (20 more channels + access to free features) + phone + internet for $5 more a month (including the cable box and taxes).
I figured at regular rates we would probably still be paying about $100 (including taxes) a month if we just kept the phone and internet. We may save $20 LOL
Makes you wonder how much the services really cost.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jun 07
Yeah, if finances was the only reason, we probably would have done the same thing. There were other reasons, but I really didn't want the discussion to become an argument over the reasons.
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Wow, not sure I could do it! I love watching tv! So do my kids, but I must admit most of what I watch is on the regular network channels like NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS. SO in theroy we could dump the digital and just get like the very basic package and be happy. But we havent taken that step yet. I am impressed how well you guys do without it! I want to be more like that.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jun 07
Oh, I know what you mean. I used to spend hours in front of the tube. I also was a whiz at TV trivia. In paramedic school, me and a girl started talking about The Brady Bunch. Other students started watching it to get trivia to try to stump us. Once in awhile they came up with challenges, but one of us could almost always answer. ;~D
That's watching TOO MUCH! ;~D
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@trk918 (254)
• United States
22 Jun 07
That's not a bad idea. We don't watch much of tv either. Most programs are not fit for children, even the cartoons. I by movies I thing are ok for my kids to watch & let them watch movies before I let them watch tv. Besides for a few $ you can get a tv card for your computer if you want to watch local programs.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jun 07
Well, if it's a choice between watching television shows on my tv set or computer, I'd rather watch them on TV. You're right though, even the "children's" programming isn't very child friendly anymore. Nickelodean is just plain awful!
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@bingja18 (30)
• United States
22 Jun 07
You may be fine without the tv but did you ever think to consider your sports loving, college age son who misses sportscenter almost every night during the summer. Good thing this should be my last summer at home! Love you Dad!
PS- Yes, I am at work and yes I have a mylot too now. What better way to waste time at work and still be the most productive employee here?
@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Welcome, bingja, enjoy your myLot membership! Just remember, don't let your boss catch you posting to myLot! ;)
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
22 Jun 07
wow that is big. i don't think i would want to do that. i personally love tv and most of the shows that i watch. i don't think i am ready to just say good-bye just yet. i do know that it is very costly for the cable and my dsl, but i want them both
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Jun 07
Well, I'd never expect you to do something you don't want to do. ;~D
I enjoy a lot of tv shows too.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Congrats on dumping the boob tube. You have taken the first steps toward saving your mind from permanent damage...lol. I think that is really cool to give up TV. No loss there. I seldom watch regular TV, but would rather watch my own movie collection. I don't ever watch the news and the only channel I really loved was the weather channel...lol. Although I like some of the movies on AMC and TCM. There is so much more to do other than stare at the mindless box of insantity. If I had the choice, I would take DSL also.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I was just thinking the other night that what we pay each month for Dish is just not worth it. Hubby and I watch so little TV that it seems a lot of money down the drain. We seldom sit down before 11 PM and then just watch some silly show that we find surfing randomly while we await Jay Leno or DAvid Leterman. How sad is that. Seriously our TV isn't on more than an hour or two a day, and some days not at all! Now, my two teens would have strokes if they lost tv in their rooms. Both are honor students who manage jobs, school and countless extracurricular activities, but when they are home, those TVs are on...even if not being watched!!! I would love to do an experiment and try a month with no tv!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
22 Jun 07
We got rid of ours several months ago, and don't miss it much.
There were only a few shows that we watched, and most of those wre old reruns.
I used to watch a lot of movies, and the history and cooking channel, but even some of thiose has old copyrights when the credits would run.
We now buy what we want on DVD, and the rest of the time is spent on the computer.
I spend a lot of time gaming these days, and very little on myLot other than answering the email notifications, or maybe a quick look around.
When I get the money for my next pc build, I have a link where I can watch some of the old favorites right on the computer, and even buy those I want for a lot less than what cable was costing us.
At that time we had cable internet as well, but it is nowhere near as reliable as DSL, especially on cloudy or stormy days.
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Congratulations to you and your family, Ted! You made a tremendous move toward better family time, I'll bet. If I were raising kids, I would definitely minimize the presence of the TV, maybe even get rid of it altogether. I can't believe how they have the kids dress on the shows on Nick, the boys look like thugs and the girls are dressed like little hos! It's disgusting!
I've been thinking about how to cut my TV costs. Unfortunately, I use the heck out of digital cable for all kinds of stuff. They're going to have the phone/cable/Internet package for $99 a month in my area soon, so that's probably the way to go.
I'm also a Jeopardy! freak, I am miserable when it's in reruns. I'm trying to get an audition for Who Wants to be a Millionaire, so I watch that faithfully, too. I also need the backround noise from the TV to sleep. Grew up in the country, used to quiet nights, but nowadays gotta have the noise - it jams the static in my head so I can rest.
I didn't own a TV for about five years in my early 20's, didn't miss it, except for the NFL. Football is why I bought one again, back then. Gotta watch my G-men!
Great discussion! Be well!
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Just last month we also ditched cable for financial reasons. We have to keep internet because we run a computer repair business from our home. But the cool thing about keeping the internet is that you can catch some of your shows over the internet. And I've actually come across a couple of websites that are loaded with movies and tons of tv shows you can watch for free. So I'm in agreement with you. Ditch the cable! It's worth it!
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@dalhousiesteve (568)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
with the crap they are putting on tv now ,and kids see it ,it is better no tv,i have three tvs and i rarely watch them,but my wife is a tv buff
@kelleylwx (12)
• China
23 Jun 07
I not often to watch TV, I cost most time to surfer the Internet, and read the book. If I really want to watch some shows, I will dowload from the Internet. It's very convenient, I can watch it anytime.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I don't think I would have a problem going without the TV for that long, although my family might. We have only had the satellite for the past couple of years, and before that our antenna only picked up one or two channels when the weather was right. Even then they weren't very clear. I never really have been one for watching much television, and even though I might miss the couple of shows I do watch, I'm sure that it wouldn't bother me for long. The kids might not handle it quite so well though. I don't have DSL now, although I would love to. Unfortunately it isn't available here yet. I keep hoping, but no such luck.
@student7 (1002)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I went without TV for a long time. It was nice. We had DVDs and other things to keep us occupied. I think now that TV is getting way out of control. I don't let my children watch 75% of what is on because it is inappropiate. Now my husband's uncle can't live without it. When I say can't live without it, I had some music on the television playing, he came in and turned it off so he could watch what he wanted. It ticked me off so bad. He could not live one day without it. When he isn't out, he is sitting on his fat butt watching it and hogging the remote. I just end up tuning it out and paying attention to my kids. I would rather listen to music or something else than watch the idiot box. I say kudos to you for giving it up. It must have been hard at first, but think about it, you always have the internet to go and watch the programs that you missed.
@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
23 Jun 07
I have actually been considering getting rid of cable. I spend about $70 a month for it. My kids and I spend too much time watching it and it is a waste of time. I really think after the initial phase we will not really miss it. Thanks for sharing your experience as it motivates me even more.
@jeanne94668 (478)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
since i was a kid i'm a couch potato. i can't live without a tv set. but when computer and internet came into my life. i've forgotten about tv. i've spent most of my time in fron of the monitor. and for the news you can get the most updated in the net. so why die for a tv.
forget the tv. with the shows that are being shown in our country, i'd say i'll go with the computer.
@jeanne94668 (478)
• Philippines
23 Jun 07
since i was a kid i'm a couch potato. i can't live without a tv set. but when computer and internet came into my life. i've forgotten about tv. i've spent most of my time in fron of the monitor. and for the news you can get the most updated in the net. so why die for a tv.
forget the tv. with the shows that are being shown in our country, i'd say i'll go with the computer.
@sweetmimzim3 (261)
• United States
26 Jun 07
OMG!! If I canceled cable my kids would kill me in my sleep. The internet and cable are a must in my house..we are huge users of both. I don't want to live to see tommorrow so I keep paying those bills..tee hee hee!!