My Letter to God - What would you write if you had a chance?
By Wingedman
@Wingedman (238)
United States
June 22, 2007 9:34am CST
I'm not a religious person. I am instead a Spiritual person. I believe there is something out there that makes our existence have rhyme and reason to it, however the current concepts of God proposed by religions leave me wanting. That said, I am still a believer, but just not dogmatically so. Last night as I was about to sleep I decided to think about what, if anything, I would ask of God.
This is roughly what I came up with:
Dear God,
I know you don't hear from me frequently and you know that it's not because I don't believe in you, but more that I'd rather not trouble you with trivial things like getting a good raise at work or finding a parking space for a night on the town. You have bigger things on your infinite mind than that.
I also know that asking why you allow suffering in the world when you are all powerful and all knowing is also fruitless. For the same reason that parents let their children skin their knees so that they learn from the experience. So I will leave the small things out and also the big things. This leaves me with only three requests.
1.) Health for myself and those I care about. Technically this could be the whole world as I am at least partially concerned about starving people here in the US and elsewhere, people with diseases that we have not cured, etc. But since that becomes a "big thing" again let's just keep it focused on my friends and family. Help us to make healthy decisions and follow through on them. Give us the strength to overcome current illnesses and prevent becoming ill in the future so we may truly enjoy the life you've gifted us with.
2.) Happiness. This is just for me. But in order for this to be fulfilled those I care about deeply, (Friends and family as indicated above) would need to have a fair and balanced emotional life as well. I don't expect to be happy all the time. Sorrow, grief, pain, anger, etc. all have their value. The happiness would not be worth anything without the other emotions for a frame of reference. So I ask not for perpetually happiness but for a balance of emotions with just a touch more joy than pain.
3.)Success. Again this is just for me, but in the process it will impact others. Success in all the important things in life is what I ask. Success in my marriage, my family and my greatest aspirations and dreams. Failure is a part of life, I accept that. It teaches us great lessons including humility and therefore has great value. But I will make this offer; I will invest myself fully into those things that I find of great importance in my life and expect that effort to result in success more often than failure and allow me to learn my lessons from smaller, less devasting failures.
These things I ask humbly. They are not great world sweeping things, neither are they petty things like winning the lottery or catching a foul ball at a Red Sox game. I will go on with my life whether you agree to these requests or not. But it would certainly be a great reward to my faith to show me you are the beneficent deity that people have claimed.
P.S. I probably should have said this at the beginning, but I always feel that starting a letter with a Thank You seems insincere. But yes, Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all that I do have; My family, friends, career, faith, home and health. It means so much to me to be surrounded by those that care for me and allow me to share their lives and I am truly grateful.
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3 responses
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
22 Jun 07 treat god as if he was a person... btw, there could be a purpose to life without a god as well

@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
22 Jul 07
yea, thats the fundamental debate on free will.. if laws are governed by a being or physics or chemistry.. do we really have free will?
it comes down to quantum physics vs modern physics... would you rather believe that you are a random particle making your own future with no destiny or a gear with a pre-designed purpose but with no free will?
you choose gear, i choose particle.. and i guess we will find out when we die..
good luck! lol
@marshall_blake2000 (304)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Dear God
Hello you have gave me every thing I want, and I asked for, and dreamed of. Some times I am in need of things and you always make a way for me to get them. When the Bible say God we suppply all your needs. That what it really means. You have loved me even when I have made mistakes. I also want to thank you God for my six childre, and my wonderful wife. I donot need anything today God because you have already. Anyway God just wante to take the time to writ, and tell you thanks for everything.
Ps God I love you
@Wingedman (238)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Excellent. Honest. I can tell you mean it. I just think it is good sometimes to sit back and think about this sort of thing. It helps put life into perspective.
@Mshell (62)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I think your letter about covers what everyone would ask about and it seemed very heartfelt and honest. If I wrote a letter to God, I think I would read too much into it and it would end up being a thank you letter. He already knows everything I have been through and all that I face each day. He already knows my needs and has them better organized than I could ever do myself. He knows the demons I fight each day and he helps me, so I think a simple Thank You letter would be sufficient from me.