Control your kids
By Transformed
@Transformed (1259)
United States
June 22, 2007 12:58pm CST
Okay, so I was in the library, and I noticed that a number of children, school-age looking children, were just running all over the place being so rambunctious and displaying absolutely no class, whatsoever. Why is it that kids seem to be less structured and parents not able to parent? I hope I don't sound like an old fogey (I'm only 21) but I've noticed more and more kids out of control in places like the library where I thought everyone knew the importance of being quiet and respectful for other patrons. Interestingly, I'm writing this rant in a library surrounded by bad children who should probably get kicked out because they're playing music.
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7 responses
@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I also agree, these days you see so many children out of control in public places. I can understand though sometimes, because I have 3 of my own, I have a couple of incidences when my children have embarrassed me. So I might have looked like what you are explaining, hope not, lol. Once I went to wal-mart, didn't even make it into the store, I was barely trying to get my youngest into the cart, he's 4. He started to throw a fit because he did not want to get into that cart! So me knowing how he likes to sometimes grab stuff like the little tags you see on the floor from the clothes and stuff. I didn't want to have to worry about him not being close to me through the store and telling him every five minutes to get by the cart. I was tired and just wanted to get in and out of the store quick. So he kept hollering and screaming, I was in shock because he has never acted that bad before. So I whispered in is ear to sit down now or you're gonna get a whoopin! Everyone was staring at me like I had just beat him or something the way he was hollering. So I gently took him out of the cart, got the 3 kids back in the car, they kept asking what are we doing? I drove home just mad as heck but tried to stay calm, walked in the house, my husband looking at me wondering why I was home so fast, told the girls to go get to bed, than took him in my room and whooped his little behind just like I said I would! He never did that in the store again! So I guess my point is, yes these days, there are alot of children that are out of control. Sometimes I'm sure there are parents like myself who are having a stressfull day and there will be times when a good parent is having a child act out more than they normally do. Now if the kids are just running around like crazy especially in a library and the parents are not doing a thing about it, than there's a serious problem with the parents and no wonder the kids are going crazy like that. Because they know they can. I've seen so many times in the wal-mart store where children are just hollering and screaming because they want something and the parents are telling them no, but the kid won't stop. I've even seen a kid smack his mom and pull her because he wanted something. I know most of the time, the kids are just brats, and I do believe it is the parent's fault. Because I know with my kids, if they ever act like that again in public, boy do they know what's gonna happen when we get out of that store! Not to say I beat my kids either, don't want to sound like a scary mom here, lol, they have other consequences as well. They never get a whoopin unless they've done something really bad. Sometimes, just my opinion, I think some of those out of control kids, need a whoopin once in a while.
@Transformed (1259)
• United States
11 Jul 07
The children do seem to have the upper hand against the parents nowadays because of the bureaucracy and red tape. I'm not an advocate of spanking, but kids should be talked to more effectively. Parents should stay involved in teenagers' lives.
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@sweetmom3 (43)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Well today parents are afraid to be to harsh on their kids in public especially because you get turned in for everything. I know someone who got turned in because someone said that her baby was to skinny. But the funny thing is, is that her baby eats like shes suppose to. Im not sure on how all states are but Michigan you really have to be careful.
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@Transformed (1259)
• United States
11 Jul 07
If it helps, the incident I experienced was in North Carolina, but it is true that kids all over the country can be bad. Sometimes they're not, and sometimes the parent gets turned in for administering discipline. That's sad about the baby being rumored to be too skinny, but was actually eating correctly.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
30 Jun 07
they are just kids and running teasing and shoutng is their life,once grown up they will change a lot like you.
bcoz once when u were a child too,u should have done all this.
library is the place for silence u know that coz u are grown up but these kids are small let them be the same.
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@Transformed (1259)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Actually, I was very quite in the library growing up. My parents taught me the values of decorum, and I'm only 21.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Umm as far as I am aware, a library is suppose to be a quiet place for reading and such. I have taught my son to behave quietly when we are in the library. There is a kiddies area which is on the opposite side of where all the adult books are, but still, I wouldn't tolerate kids running around and making such noise. If it were my son I would be talking to him right away. You know you can have a word with the librarians too!
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@Transformed (1259)
• United States
11 Jul 07
The thing is that the librarians usually come over and talk to the kids (sometimes the kids are teenagers and grown-ups...21-22 years old based on looks) about how they behave, but it doesn't get them to be quiet.
I thought everyone knew about being quite in the library because that's a place for reading and learning. I think people should be taught to respect other patrons there, but it seems like the kids in that library don't know a thing about behavioral skills.
@wildnspeady (34)
• Canada
11 Jul 07
I have to agree with you about kids getting away with way too much these days, but I have to sometimes wonder if its the way the society is going. I hated when kids would run arround in a coffee shop I used to go too, I got burned more than once cause of a child running into me as I was carrying my coffee to the tables. So ofcourse when I had my children I swore they would never do this, and they didnt. infact they got taught at avery young age there was a way you act when you are out. when my daughter was a little over a yr old we would take her to the shop and get her a chocolate milk and a small donut. and she would see these other kids running around and would want to do the same. I would tell her she had to sit and be a good girl or we would go home. Ofcourse she would start the crying bit, and I would turn red cause of all the dirty but instead of giving in, I would just calmly say to her, you have to be good and eat your donut or if you keep this up we will have to leave and you wont have it. If she didnt stop I would take her home. And she hated that cause she didnt finish her treats. I only had to do that twice, after that if she tried I would just again tell her be good or we go home, and she would settle. But I lived in an apartment and when my daughter started to go threw the terrible two's I had a real bad experience. She was pulling a temperfit cause she couldnt have cookies for dinner instead of eating her meal. And I thought I was doing right bye not giving in. Ofcourse she did eat her dinner adventually then got her cookies, but about an hr after this temperfit, I had the police and famaily childrens services at my door, they had to come in and see my kids and told me that they got a call that I was beating my child and that she was screaming, yelling and crying for 3 hrs before they called them. like I told them it was less than 10 mins, and I thank-god that my neighbour was home cause I even told the police to go ask them, which they did and confirmed this. turned out the lady that called on me, didnt even live on the same floor as me, but she went bye my door and heard it and called, cause she hated kids and wanted all families with kids out of the building, and she was calling on all parents there. But the point I am trying to make is this day of age people are too quick to judge whats going on without seeing everything and running to the phones to report abuse when there isnt any. As a parent with a young child its has to be scary when they have to wonder if they stop there child from doing something if some1 isnt going report them cause there child isnt happy. My daughter is now 13 and my son is 11 and there both still a but they do know how to act in a I dont agree with parents letting kids walk all over them and not having rules,but I do feel for the parents trying to deal with both trying to teach there child the right way and wrong ways, and keeping the others around them happy.
@Transformed (1259)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I'm sorry to hear that you experienced someone calling the police on you because that person doesn't like kids. I agree with you about not giving a child everything he wants, but doing things for him/her if the child behaves well. I guess I shouldn't judge parents too much...I don't have any kids. Good luck in raising yours.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I understand what you mean. Well, I see that a lot not even in library. but you know the kids are always out of the control. As I seem most of the parents just can't stop them from running around or yelling or whatever they do. They know the rules but they still do it. Parents try not to put too much presure on them otherwise they will cry, and then it will become worst. So they let their children do it but not too much. Sometimes you have to ignore them because they are a kid. Kid is like that
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@Transformed (1259)
• United States
11 Jul 07
These kids aren't really kids, but teenagers sometimes.
@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
Yes I agree with you it seems like children arent even learning the simple values we all grew up knowing like for example being quiet in a library. Also have you noticed the mouth on these kids now a days. Im no old fogey either but I never talked like I hear the kids talk now a days. I mean kids as young as 8-10 saying words like motherfu*ker and c*nt whats that about? Who's teaching these kids this? I cant believe parents out there let the children play games and watch shows with this kind of language. If I would have said either of those words when I was young I would have in a split second got a slap in the mouth at the least and I would have known I deserved it. Its incredible people keep having kids but let them run wild whats next!