Are the Yankees going to come back in the second half of the season?
By jumpinjack00
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
United States
13 responses
@dalip32 (100)
• United States
23 Jun 07
The Yankees don't have the pitching to make a comeback this year. The AL Central has several competitive teams and I don't think they will all fall apart during the remainder of the season. Clemens hasn't looked as good as he did last year (might have something to do with the fact that the NL stinks out loud or that he's 106 years old). Pavano is a head case and Moose and Petite aren't what they once were. Yankee fans may have to face the fact that this year might not be their year.

@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I'll tell ya what, I saw one of their pitchers yesterday on the AA league, Chamberlain, and he wasn't half bad. A full year down in AA and perhaps a little extra TLC and he has potential as a pitcher. He got flustered easily but seemed to come back around once he got a talking to from the coach or catcher. I'll say one thing, as always the Yankees had a strong batting team. I guess there are some things that will never change. They had a full bench plus some, a team that was obviously well trained in the hitting/batting area and are 9 games on top in their league division. They played Erie's AA team pretty well and unfortunately we did lose to them 9-6, but Erie had some major errors too that helped Trenton.
But be on the lookout for Chamberlain. I think he has some potential if he pitches like he pitched in his "good times" here. I'm not sure if he's consistent enough to be a huge factor though as I don't get to see him all the time. To be honest they went through pitchers like water at the first game here so you can probably figure they don't have any top notch prospects at this point, or at least nobody that sticks out as of yet.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Unfortunately I agree 100%. It's just
wishful thinking on my part. I'm not
sure what Joe Torre has been thinking
the past few years.
You can have all the sluggers you want
but if you don't refresh your pitching
squad you're not going to the World Series.
Clemens is 106 I thought for sure he was a
young 105. The old horse needs to go out to
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@dalip32 (100)
• United States
23 Jun 07
It's been that way since the late 90s. That team was built from the ground up - they had Bernie, Jeter, Posada, Rivera, Petite, and lots of other guys that were brought up through the Yankee farm system and were producing for the big club. When George decided that they had to get all these big name guys (Clemens, Randy Johnson, A Rod) they traded away their best prospects to get these guys. Outside of ARod, I don't think any of the other guys have really helped all that much. Cashman seems determined to put a stop to this practice and rely on the minor leaguers to come around. This, however, takes time and George seems less than patient now that he is getting on in years and isn't in the best of health. If this Chamberlain is all that and Phil Hughes is as good as he's supposed to be, they will be fine in a season or two.

@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
29 Jun 07
of course they are. they always do. i have faith in them. red sox can only be on top for so long. and its usually only until the all star break and then all the glory goes to there heads and they begin to fumble. Yankees will def come out of this slump they are in.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I sure hope you and I are right. I used
my third wish with the genie in the bottle
on the Yanks pulling this year out. Come
to think of it, I haven't received my first
two wishes yet. Oh hell.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
5 Oct 07
Who would have believed it. Only us die hards.
You are absolutely right. The past season means
nothing now, just the post season which is 0-0.
Now it's your wishes that have to carry us through
to the end. Let's hope we have the same genie. I'm
with you. A walk off grand slam by A. Rod or anyone,
against the Red Sux would blow my mind.
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@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
30 Sep 07
well we didnt clinch the Al East , but we did make it with the wild card. They playing october ball.. thats all that matters. as of next week it doesnt matter who was first or runner up because they all start at 0-0.. This is were all the wishing and praying matters... BUT they made it this far, they can make it to the end... ALL the way to the end they have so many times and things have just seemed to get better for them... Good for you using your third and final wish... i have 2 left... i will wish for a vicotry and maybe a walk off grand slam in the last game of the world series

@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Ya know Jack.. I used to like you... but a Yankee fan?*sigh* I've lost all hopes! LOL
I think they'll stage a bit of comeback as they always do but I don't think this is their year to take it all the way.
Did I mention GO BOSTON?!!!!!!! Ooops! hehehehehe
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Ugh Bean town! Those Boston boys are riding
this gravy train for all it's worth. I'm
actually glad for them. I was born in Boston.
General Hospital and lived in Lowell until I
was about 11.
We then moved to Jersey and I've been a Yankee
fan ever since. Go Brooklyn Sluggers Go!
We can still be friends boo hoo...
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Jun 07
LOL... I actually only began to love Boston in 1983 when I got married to a Yankees fan. I'm a true Pirates fan, simply because I grew up just outside Pittsburgh and have lived here my entire life. But once the now EX husband and I hooked up and I saw how much he loved the one team I hated I HAD to be a Boston fan. Hmmm... and the marriage didn't work? LOL
I have a friend from Lowell. My cousin and family lived in Gloucester for quite some time so I've spent plenty of time in the whole Boston area and I have to admit I love it there. I enjoy anything right on the water though.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Yeah I was wondering about your loyalty.
I know you love the Steelers by your
profile page and where you live but I
was going to let it go.
What do chicks know about sports anyway.
Just kidding. That sounds like my father.
@wilsonsir12 (494)
• United States
6 Jul 07
i dont think they will to catch up with the red sox beckett is their best pitcher and he has been hurt and schilling has been to they come back and the red sox play the d rays 17 times in the second part of the year they suck those are guarented wins for them the yankees might win wildcard but not pennant
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
7 Jul 07
Yeah at this point it's really starting
to slip away from the Yanks. The wild card
race is going to be tough as well.
@thebrainchild (44)
• United States
11 Jul 07
I say yes too (and not because I'm a diehard yankee fan ;-) Seriously, though, they still have the top offensive team in the league. Abreu, Cano, and Damon are finally coming around. A- Rod will get even more chances, and it seems like he will continue delivering. Phil Hughes is going to come around soon, and will finally provide the Yankees with some reliable pitching at the 4 or 5 spot. Wang is beginning to show his Cy- Young candidate form. Moose will come around sooner or later. Petite will finally get the run support he needs. Clemens seems to be getting better and better. He will definetley get his 14 wins. Right now, for about the next month, they're facing sub- 500 clubs, so this is the best time to get started. Let's go yanks!
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
11 Jul 07
Hey yo, a fellow Jersian! Well I used to be
before moved to Flavoland (Florida). I'm with
you. Their offense is absolutely awesome. And
yes if pitching tightens up you never know what
will happen.
I see them gelling together just as you do and
just at the right time. It's an uphill battle
but nobody has a heart like a Yankee. Go Yanks!
@ajd120601 (40)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I ama huge Yankees fan, but I have to say, I don't think they have it this year. Don't get me wrong, I wish they would take it all the way and win the pennent, but they seem to be a little on the slacker side this year, and to be honest, if the Yankees don't win it, someone else better take it away from Boston!!!!
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Yeah it's wishful thinking on my part. I like
the way you put it. "They seem to be a little
on the slacker side this year."
Goodness yes. Anybody but the Bo Sux. Ugh.
Unfortunately for me I have family there
and have to hear about it. That's ok.
@ajd120601 (40)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Yeah, I don't know where you live, but I live in Southern NH, so EVERYONE around here is a huge Boston fan, and I cant even walk down the street in my Yankees cap without getting yelled at. But, don't you worry, I hold my own against those damn Boston fans! It's usually three against one when we watch the games too (my sister, and two best friends, who I live with , are Boston fans) So I have lots of experience being the only one cheering when something goes right. I guess if you are from where I am from, you have to be. I also have the disadvantage that everyone thinks I only like New York because I am a girl and I don't know any better! Let me tell you what though, I can talk sports witht he best of them. I usually leave my male friends speechless when I come out with some impressive stats. So yeah, GO YANKEES!!
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
29 Jun 07
I know what you're saying. With all their
resources the Yanks should win every game.
The only problem is they left pitching off
the shopping list. What dummies. Rocket isn't
going to save us. He's two shakes of a cane
away from a rocking chair.
Dodgers, hmmmmm?
@elpresidente123 (60)
• United States
29 Jun 07
You better believ it! The Yanks will make the playoffs. No doubt about it!
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
29 Jun 07
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Positive
attitude baby! We'll just have to rub the
bronze of the Babe a lot more times.
@shilinjie668 (57)
• China
23 Jun 07
I also believe them will come back,they are very good they are the strongest.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I sure hope you and I are right. Other than their
questionable pitching they are the strongest team.
When they're in the World Series race it's always
better for marketing as well.
Everyone either hates or loves the Yankees there
is no middle ground.
Go Yanks!
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
25 Jun 07
You said it kitty1234. I don't know
where you live but you sound like me
a devoted Yankee fanatic.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I sure hope we're right. Let's say
a prayer to the baseball god. Hehe!
Welcome to myLot.
@jazzygdc7 (285)
• United States
25 Jun 07
well, you never they continue to play terrible, than no...however they need to shape up and get back on track. I don't think they will catch boston to get first place. They may just get the wild card berth if they are lucky
@jencie (13)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I've been a Yankee fan for as long as I can remember. My parents used to take us to games when me and my sis were little. My opinion: No, they will not come back from this. And it's going to take a few years before they're any good again. It's not enough to have good batters on the team. They also need to have good pitching. And yes, even tho they have the esteemed Rocket, he's old. As is most of the pitching staff. George needs to stop all the crazy trading for older players and let the farm teams build up some good players. Think about it, Jeter, Rivera, and Posada have all been with the team for 12 years. Cano and Melky are the youngest players on the team. They need to get rid of the grandpas and bring in some younger players. Also, Torre needs to start believing in his old pitching staff. The bullpen is WAY overworked, because if the pitcher gets in trouble, Joe's pulling them out in the 4th or 5th innings. With 80 something pitches!!! I understand that since they are old, they need to be "protected" a little, but come on!! Protect them if they get tired, but don't pull them because they get 2 guys on base and have thrown 76 pitches. Let them work out of it. Maybe if they did that, they wouldn't be in such a mess now.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
26 Jun 07
I'm with you all the way. Rocket should be in
a rocking chair by now and the rest of the team
isn't far behind him. The pitching is pretty much
non-existent thanks to George micro-managing Joe.
It's great to have the sluggers but as I've said
and you've reaffirmed, pitching is everything.The
problem is as you stated, they need to bring up
players from the farm league and stop paying top
dollar for old used ones.
It's not that Joe doesn't believe in his bullpen.
It's that he's got to keep George's investments
safe. You know how George can be.
I'm afraid to say this is Joe's last year with the
team. Not because George will fire him but I think
Joe's had enough crap from George to last a career.
Stranger things have happened though. Keep your
fingers crossed. lol